The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

I'd like to start a new forum where people can talk about what's working for you right now in marketing your book.

I think this will help other authors to prioritize their activities if they can find out what's working for other people. This would be especially valuable to new authors.

I've share the hottest tool that I'm using right now. And that's Twitter. As you will note on the main page of this Book Marketing Network website, both my website and this network have been rising in Alexa ranks (and visits) because of my use of Twitter.

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Hi, Steve,

  I have tried my local animal shelter but that wasn't the greatest. Actually, we sold a lot through my husband's contacts and through a book signing at Plainfield Public Library where I used to work. What brought people out to the library was an incredible article on me in the local paper. Again, it's promotion and local networking that sells.

Have a good weekend!!



I would love some help and opinions from all of you.  I have a blog with a lot of hits and followers but my books aren't selling at the rate I had hoped.  The blog contains information on alcohol abuse (because of my two memoirs on losing a husband and daughter from the disease) and so many have commented how it's helped them.  I even post excerpts from my books.


My website is for writers, authors and publishers.  I also post information to help in this field.  My books are advertised on them. 


The followers are great but should I post mostly about my books instead of what I'm doing, even though everyone says they come back because of my articles.





Can you give us the url of your blog and site, so that we can look it over?



My blog is and my website is

Thanks! I'm open to any suggestions.

Not sure why you are sending mixed messages. Focus on your memoirs. Why do you have a website for authors and publishers when your books are about alcohol abuse. Focus on your blog. That's where you'll sell books.

If you want to interact with authors and publishers, do that here. That's what this network is for. Focus your site and blog on your books.

I guess your right, John.  I'll change it around.  I'm new with blogging. When someone wants to subscribe to your blog, how do they do it?  I feel foolish asking.  

I have just recently embrace the power of Twitter and it has made such a difference. I wrote an article about it you can read, but yes Twitter is the road to readers at the moment.


Twitter 101 – Bringing Out The Tweep in You | Webupon


Stop by and let me know what you think. I have also discovered two amazing people! They are beyond inspiring, they are motivating!  Bob Mayer and Kristen Lamb . I HIGHLY recommend their blogs and books. I don't usually buy motivational books or how to's but these two are AMAZING! Authors can also join in the fun with the hastag #MyWana (We Are Not Alone) If anyone wants more info just shoot me an email.

My latest promotional idea for the site 'Tales from the Fairy Circle' is to provide full colour flip books. Not shorts, but the entire book.  The site has been running a month and already proving popular, with nearly two thousand visitors from all over the world, which has been logged through Google analytics. The added attraction of being able to read the book online, before you buy, has prompted parents to e-mail and tell me it is a good idea to enable them to read the book in advance. This has given them confidence that it is suitable for their child, or mostly grandchild, turning a relatively unknown range of books into substantial sales. It shows that young children still prefer a picture book to hold and not read it online, which is nice.

I have noticed increase visitors, via this site, to my own book site Keiths with increased sales of my other books.

I also provide videos, to give the sites life and have begun to create a set of full colour Christmas cards, using the pictures from the Sparkle books. I intend to send a card with a book over Christmas, or a complete set will be offered at low cost.


A sample picture is:



What you've done here is pretty remarkable and makes sense to me. Parents know exactly what's in the book (no fear of weird or inappropriate teachings) and they ultimately want their children to be able to hold and read the book. I loved stories of little people, etc., as a child. Good luck and please keep us informed about how it all works for you!

J. Steve Miller
Author of "Sell More Books: Book Marketing and Publishing for Low Profile and Debut Authors"

I have made a simple post on my blog about promoting your book that I feel is helpful to those that understand marketing is an investment.  It takes time to stitch together an online footprint large enough to start effecting book sales.  I am sure, looking at this sites rankings, that most understand that to get people to find you, you must have an online presence.  With that said I shall leave my link and let those of you who choose to click on it decide for yourselves.


Keep in mind that my wife is the author and I am the marketer so the almost 5 hours a day is what I follow not what she follows.  Use what you find helpful and put in the amount of time you choose.


Free Book Reviews Promotion Tips

Thanks Albert! The post you linked to put it all together in a very specific way that can help all of us. Appreciate your time in putting all this together!


j steve miller
Sell More Books: Book Marketing and Publishing for Low Profile and ...

Hi John,

Members of my California Writers' Club branch, the Redwood Writers, have banded together to sell our books in coffeehouses around our county. One of our members takes the books around and sets up the displays for a percentage of sales, and sells her books too.

It's working well. Seems folks who hang out in coffeehouses like to read. I sold 11 books last month, and I didn't have to do anything but supply the books!

BTW, how do you market your books on Twitter?

Thanks, Mary Lynn


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