The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

I'd like to start a new forum where people can talk about what's working for you right now in marketing your book.

I think this will help other authors to prioritize their activities if they can find out what's working for other people. This would be especially valuable to new authors.

I've share the hottest tool that I'm using right now. And that's Twitter. As you will note on the main page of this Book Marketing Network website, both my website and this network have been rising in Alexa ranks (and visits) because of my use of Twitter.

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Wonderful video. Thanks for sharing. You know you can also upload the video here at this network.

This sounds like a very good idea, because I would like to know other strategies to make my books more marketable and profitable.


Interesting how subtle and diverse marketing a book/screenplay can be - without being intentional. Let me explain.

My wife and I do the occasional flea market for extra cash - writers need to eat. We generally set up our stall with antiques and near antiques and of late we also lay down a tarp and display books. All kinds of books, new and old. For anyone who thinks printed books are on the way out, please note. We get constant crowds thumbing through the stack - we sell more books than anything else.

Now, my unintentional marketing/mingling point. From time to time a buyer or looker turns out to be an author and we get into book, writing, publishing talk. I love it. Forget the antiques sometimes, I get so involved. I have written for radio - BBC & CPR/NPR over many years and I'm now on the verge of getting my first novel published. So spending time with authors in this unlikely environment is a wonderful bonus. I learn so much from them, especially about the arduous task of actually getting published - I think we all know writing has become the less taxing part of the process. So here's an example.

At one show I sold an item to this guy and we got talking. Turns out he was a famous Oscar winning movie producer and director. And I had just completed a screenplay! Well, as told me all about himself I thought, fair deal - my turn. But I waited a couple of weeks until his item arrived at his Hollywood home. Then I emailed him about my screenplay and guess what? He said send it to me. He read it and to get right to the climax - he said he'd judged a major screenwriting competition for the last two years and recommended not one of them. Mine, he said, was better than any of them. Things are moving on that front but I'm not saying more right now.

So I guess what I'm saying here is: Marketing can happen anywhere at anytime. It doesn't have to be a cold business-like only process. And it can even be fun.

How wonderful. I always believed your fame comes from being at the right place, at the right time, in front of the right person. I'm sure he will help you move along. Keep us updated Kenneth!

It is always difficult to find ways for readers to stay on your website beyond the first page. With my recent site I’ve taken it one step further to be more user friendly. I’ve added speech on each page!

Has it made any difference? Well Google Analytics is showing a marked increase in visitors, but more importantly they are staying longer on site and averaging 1.8 minutes. This can only be good among millions of web sites, don’t you think?

My Web Page

I want to thank John Kremer for putting an article on the site with something about a warning written by Steven Clark Bradley.  I have been looking for over nine months for a book cover for my new Narrative Non-Fictional book called What is and isn't Working for the Alcoholic and Addict. I could not find one I liked, even throughout the thousands I looked through on "free" sites. 

Steven had book covers that he made on his blog  Well, the feeling of connection was over-whelming and he just finished my cover. It is fabulous. His prices are so reasonable $60 for front cover and $90 for that and the back cover. He makes banners (which I'm in line) and videos (which I'm thinking of). Anyone looking for wonderful work, go to his site. He sends a draft, gets your ideas, and goes back to work hard for you. I wish I could send the cover to see. 

Again, thank you, John, for the greatest lead!

Hi and thanks so much. This is wonderful information. I will never forget one of the artists assigned by my publisher to do my cover. I never saw anything so irrelevant and silly, so sadly, I had to select my own which actually is just fine.


You will not be sorry. Make sure he knows what you are about, what your book is about, and he will put something good together for you. I have a book I just started writing and I'm going to have the cover made for it even though it make be 9-12 months or longer. I'm sure he'll do just as well.

I'm not sure what's working and what isn't, but I'm blessed in that my book Sensation: A Superhero Novel is currently #1 in three Amazon/Kindle categories.  Aside from praying about it (which I do everyday), I haven't done much.  My blog is fairly new and doesn't get a lot of hits, and I don't have a bunch of Twitter followers. (In fact, I only just discovered FutureTweets about 2 weeks ago.)  I've got ad campaigns on Goodreads, but I'm not sure they're effective since I was getting more sales when my ads were receiving fewer clicks/views.


That said, I did receive a lot of compliments regarding the covers of my two books (my other book is also having respectable sales, although not doing nearly as well as Sensation).  In fact, another author said that once he saw the cover he knew I would get a lot of sales, so maybe that had something to do with it.  I also tried to write an engaging description, but that is often hit or miss.


All in all, it's very hard to pin down what helped and what didn't.  I'm just grateful that my work seems to have found an audience and is resonating with readers.

Your cover for Sensation is great. I'm sure it gets people who like superhero fiction to buy your book.

John Kremer, developer of the Relationships Matter Marketing Course

Thanks. I'm fortunate to have found a cover artist who is awesome, and we work well together. His name is Isikol, and anyone interested can find his work here.

Ah, a Deviant Art illustrator. You can often find some great cover artists via There are so many great artists there.


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