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Hi all -

To get your How-to on writing up an ad and selling your book on Craig's List, you need to email me at I have a PDF I can send you but I can't send it unless you give me your email address. Thanks for all the responses; it's been amazing to hear from so many!


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Has anyone gotten a response from Shannon? I emailed three times and have not heard from her nor gotten the pdf she mentions..
You have me compelled... please send me your how to.
i would love to get a copy of that pdf file also. my email is
I don't think anyone has gotten the .pdf. It is really not necessary, as craiglist postings are free and straight forward.

Go to your relevant craigslist site and look on the left hand side of the browser window. There is a link "Post to Classifieds." Click on this and then click on the "for sale" link. This is where you can list your book for sale. You can upload a picture and you can also place a link pointing back to your website. You set the terms and price of the book and that is all. Fairly simple.

I don't know how many people browse craigslist for books, but it is always worth a shot and free. Your posting will stay up for 30 days and if no one buys it, then it just gets deleted. You can put up a new post when your 30 days are up. You can also advertise your book as "First Edition, Signed by Author."


Director and Editor: Bauu Institute and Press
Editor: Indigenous People's Issues Today
Publisher: New Great Books Reviewed
Dear Shannon,
PLease send me a copy of this PDF, and thanks for the help.

Ron Adams
Hi, I would love to receive a copy - THANK YOU!
Christine Blake
Hi, I'd appreciate a copy as well.
Has anyone heard back yet? It's been months.
Doesn't seem like she exists, or else she's trying to get contact information for us all to send a blast... eventually. Why do people waste their time with something like this?
from what i've seen on earlier posts under this topic, hardly anyone has gotten one. i don't know if she is even an active member anymore or not. there is one person, sorry the name escapes me, that stated in one of the earlier posts that it's mainly a classified that your placing and that most people who probably be viewing craig's list aren't reallly looking to buy books.
Yes, I'll read it and apply it as much as I can. Send me your PDF to
armandortega AT
Thank you in advance for your effort on this new PDF. I would love to have a copy to review.


H. Court Young
Promoting awareness through the written word


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