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Hi Everyone:
What books have you written and what are they about ?


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My novel, Jen-Zen & The One Shoe Diaries will be published this fall by

Brad Lynberry, a successful photographer is haunted by the memory of Jen-Zen. He finds himself first fascinated then obsessed with shoes – but only lost shoes! Is Brad driven by artistic inspiration or is he going off the deep end like his sister fears? The answer comes through encounters with his Grandma who loves birds …a shaman named Red Hawk who tells him to look in the shadows, and Jonathan the art collector who leads him to Swansea where lost shoes keep popping up in a display of whimsy. Time is running out. Brad must unravel Jen-Zen’s poetic riddles or go mad trying.
Check out my page to see all my books.
My current book is titled Integrity: Do You Have It? 2nd edition. It defines integrity and discusses the characteristics. It creates a common set of criteria to measure others and us for the existence of integrity and then applies them to various segments of society such as the news, politics and education. It is 285 pages long and is published in paperback. The publisher is Infinity Publishing.
"Life is Like Making Chocolate Chip Cookies" is the first book that I have attempted to have published. It is a motivational/self-help/spiritual book about learning how to change your life from what it is to what you want it to be. I use my own life experiences in it. Each chapter can be read individually or as a whole. The chapters are short and able to be read in five or ten minutes. I have been told that it is good for bedtime reading. (This from people who have helped me edit the book.)

I am currently in collaboration with a psychologist for a workbook/companion book for the above book. She plans to use it in her practice and workshops as well as do some of her colleagues.

I also have another book similar to the above book in the works. Two fiction books, a relationship book, and a book about my life are all being written. Yes, quite a bit at one time. But as I am given what to write, I write. Each day I work on at least two of the books. They are moving right along. What takes the time is NOT the writing! It is all the other 'stuff'. *smile*

And what about you, Joe?

I've written two books with a third in the works. Nonfiction, mostly academic in nature. The titles are pretty self-explanatory. American Indian mtDNA, Y Chromosome Genetic Data, and the Peopling ..., and Respect for the Ancestors: American Indian Cultural Affiliation in ....


Director and Editor: Bauu Institute and Press
Publisher: New Great Books Blog
Editor: Indigenous Issues Today

I currently have three novels published and have numbers four and five in progress. They are action/adventure fiction.
BEARKILLER, HALO and DEATH RIDER - for a full synopsis of the three and to read more about my writing please go to my website,

Writer Extraordinaire
BEARKILLER - 0-7414-4966-8
HALO - 0-7414-4846-7
DEATH RIDER - 0-7414-4550-6
Amazon Shorts Contributor
Lion Tamer, Piano Tuner,
Soldier of Fortune
All Around Nice Guy
Hello, Joe,
My latest is a full-length book of poetry, The Moon Cracks Open: A Field Guide to the Birds. Here's a excerpt from the press release:

"The Moon Cracks Open contains 49 poems, 20 of which form the Field Guide: a series of species-specific poems honoring the various birds that have had an impact on Beaudin’s life and understanding of the world. They are arranged following the order used by most bird field guides, but with poetic interpretations of the species (or in most cases, of an individual bird) rather than scientific descriptions. The remaining poems in the collection range in theme from political outrage to lost love, from childhood memories to the quiet reality of growing old – all with a lyrical nod to the natural systems that bind and sustain us all."

I also have an autobiographical novel, A Handful of Dust, which charts the journey of a man torn between the life of the writer and that of the spiritual seeker as he travels to western mountains, the Pacific ocean, Midwestern bars and city streets, and finally the forests and lakes of northern Michigan. The story weaves together divergent themes such as the Ghost Dance, enlightenment, quantum physics, hitch hiking, Kado: "the Way of Poetry," and the ongoing renewal of the earth.
1) Open Your heart with Bicycling... (AUGUST 07) Winner of the 2008 Indie Book Award, Sports and Fitness. A meditation on a life of cycling.
2) Playing the Game: (April o8)Thriller set in Seattle and Milan Italy about small times arms dealers chaing a suitcase nuke.
3) Feast Days of the Saints (march, 09) Comedic mystery about a doping scandal in the Tour de France and questions about a man who frequents nude beaches.
I have written 2 books that are published and working on 2 more.

1. A Cold Day In The Windy City. ( murder mystery-fiction)

2. Love, Friendship And Death. ( Addventure- fiction)

3. A Bad Vacation ( murder mystery- fiction)

4. The Shorter House ( Ghost Story- fiction )
I wrote a general romance book called Because Of Her Nephew.
It is about a young Bosnian girl who is trying to adopt her nephew, her deceased brother's child, born out of wedlock. While her parents are against it, she stays persistent in her decision to become the boy's guardian as he did not have any other living family members. She even goes as far as marrying a total stranger just so that she could adopt him.
Hi Joe - I've done a book on humor with Dove Books, and now my first novel - The Hair-Raising Adventures Of Jayms Blonde - which has gotten many and continues to get more great reviews - to my awe and delight.

I've just finished two new books - one for children and another is an epic romantic fantasy of the aquatic kind.

The Jayms Blonde trailer is on my profile page. I produced it for myself (I have a video business) and have done many other book trailers - though quite different - for several authors. All of Perry Brass' clips were produced by me too.


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