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Lisa Copen

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Tell Us About Yourself! 57 Replies

Started by Lisa Copen. Last reply by Lisa C Miller Mar 27, 2022.

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Started by Lisa Copen. Last reply by Howard Sands Dec 17, 2019.

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Started by Lisa Copen. Last reply by Venancio Cadle Gomani Jr. Nov 30, 2015.

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Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on December 16, 2016 at 1:34pm
Redeemed to Live! by Debi Capito-Young shares an incredible love story of redemption and restoration of the life and family of Debi Capito-Young.
A Northwest country girl at heart, Debi grew up Washington State in a strong Christian family that gave her a solid foundation with Jesus. As an adult, tragedy struck, and her 10 year- old daughter was suddenly gone in a tragic accident without saying good-bye. Debi retells the journey of heartbreak and loss from that fateful day in October that changed everything. Shattering and heart-wrenching, this book will grab your heart from the beginning as she describes the events that led up to a loss so great, that it took her down a road of despair and hopelessness from which she thought there would be no end. Revealing that broken dreams and shattered lives can be rebuilt again, this book deals with such subjects as: grief, loss, hopelessness, despair and gives readers hope through the restoring and redeeming love of Jesus.
Her journey brings readers the reality of God’s presence, His heavy transforming glory and gives insight on how to become unstuck that brought Debi and her family hope, ministry and purpose. Her message is about finding that abundant life that Jesus speaks about in John 10:10 and leading others into that same joy to get them unstuck from wherever they may find themselves. Real and raw emotions flourish from the beginning, and chapter two, coupled with the following chapters highlight “golden nuggets”, a trip to the Toronto Blessing in Canada and much more that changed her families’ lives. Along this path the author gives awe-inspiring accounts of the supernatural, turning hearts to Jesus. Jesus, angels, coupled with dreams and encounters kept her alive and sane, and the Holy Spirit
transformed both her and her husband, catapulting them into ministry.
Captivating, encouraging and inspiring, this book reveals the great love Jesus has and that He never left her, nor her families’ side ~ even for a moment. Redeemed to Live! is one of those amazing true-life testimonies of tragic loss that brings the reality of Heaven and life beyond this Earth into better perspective. From this book readers gain a better understanding of the warfare that is waged here on Earth. Although tragic, her journey is shared with a genuine heart and without embellishment. As you will learn, Heaven is more real than you ever thought, God is closer than you ever thought and those who find this abundant life in Jesus are made alive again in Him. This is an amazing story of RESTORATION.
Highly recommended for anyone who has suffered any tragic loss in their life and for those that need help getting back on track to living again. The encounters of the supernatural, coupled with encouragement and Biblical wisdom, will help others to have hope again, knowing that Jesus is our Comforter, our Redeemer and very much a part of all of our lives! Redeemed to Live! by Debi Capito-Young is available at Amazon and in Kindle
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on December 15, 2016 at 3:01pm
Abduction: How Liberalism Steals our Children’s Hearts and Minds by Steven Feazel and Dr. Carol M. Swain reveals an intriguing read that will shock you. Exposing the deception posed as “Liberalism” that is infiltrating our educational system, media, and political arenas, the authors shed light on the effect of this agenda upon our future generation and the youth of America.
This sway is far from God and godly principles, as the book brings readers up-to-date of the trends of our American culture that have led us into Liberalism, they candidly reveal the undertow that is sweeping across our culture and country. Consequently, more and more of society is swinging to the far Left that brings a modernized, humanistic and secular worldview that is currently leading our innocent children (and society) as a whole, down a corrupt path. Disguised as Liberalism (and known as “The New Morality”), this has become the Christian faith’s new enemy. The acceptance of this agenda has become so entrenched in our society, the authors have written a book to arm parents and to announce that it’s time to fight for our future generations before it’s too late. 
This new mindset known as The New Morality, as the authors give accounts of events and statistics, state that Liberalism is destabilizing the family and future generations through the propagation of lies, some subtle in degrees, that degrade society and is leading our youth to make wrong choices apart from God. Historically, this path of destruction sways far from biblical truth and masquerades that evil is in fact “good”, and if it feels right, do it. Revealing agendas of certain institutions in the educational system, under the guise of Liberalism and all for political gain, this book brings a deeper insight into a mindset that steals our children’s hearts and minds away from the truth.
This is an important book for our society and comes highly recommended to every parent that stands for righteousness, who desires an America that embraces our Founding Fathers’ vision of America and to those parents that want to see strong Christian families to become the majority again.
Get your copy of Abduction at Amazon, KindleBarnes and Noble and other fine online bookstores. For more information about the author and the book, visit Cultural War Book also available as an audio or paperback and can be purchased from the author's website Be The People TV
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on December 14, 2016 at 9:31pm
Title: The Kingdom of Christ
By: Chun J. Kim
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
The Kingdom of Christ by Chun J. Kim presents an easy-to-read overview of the Bible. With keen insight, the author begins with the use of Key Verses, Biblical Commentary, and the Greek root word meanings, that state that the Bible is meant for every human being.
Explaining God’s purposes, promises, and Eternity through creation, the author begins from Genesis, The Promise to Abraham and his seed, then proceeds to the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ. This book helps readers understand the two kingdoms that coincide within the earthly realm and that of the spirit. Shedding light on the dimensional translation and the awakening of man’s spirit from living in the flesh (Satan’s domain) to living in the Spirit (the Kingdom of Christ), thus bringing truth and God’s Word into light. Thus, revealing God’s plans and purposes for all of mankind, this book offers an easily understood explanation of the Word of God, eternity and what that means to you.
Offering a keen explanation of why living in the Spirit is so important now, believers and unbelievers alike, will come to understand the Bible in such a way that brings life and hope to all.
This is an important book that explains the purpose of the Bible, the functionality of the Old and New Testament to that brings a deeper understanding of the mysteries of God in an easy readable format. The author presents basic concepts that are easily understood and splits the Bible up into several different categories such as: Purpose, Key Verses, The Word of God, God’s Promises for Eternity,Abraham and his seed, the Spirit, and the fulfillment that we have In Jesus Christ.
Additional chapters speak of: God’s Promise Of The Spirit, God's Mystery Revealed, Jesus Christ's Return by the Holy Spirit, We Are Raised with Jesus Christ, Promise of Sonship, We Become Sons of God with Christ, , God’s Promise Was Fulfilled In Jesus Christ, Trasnlated to the Kingdom of God by the Holy Spirit, Heirs of the Kingdom of God, Worship of God Being In One Spirit with Christ  and explains Old and New Testaments to reveal God’s plan for all mankind and creation. A must read for all ~ CBM Book Reviews
Get your copy of The Kingdom of Christ at Amazon, in Kindle and at other fine online bookstores.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on December 14, 2016 at 9:06pm
Title: AIRborn
By: J.L. Ormord
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
AIRborn by J.L. Ormord reveals a sinister dark plot directed by the Dark One, as this engaging Sci-Fi Thriller captivates young teen audiences with a twist of epic proportions ~ one that could forever change mankind.
 As genetically modified beings that contain robots within them, Roni and Ryan are a genetically elite and super race created for the Dark One’s evil purposes. Adopted into America by unsuspecting families, their uniqueness becomes evident in their lives as the two grow into adults. Lives are changed for the better as Roni and Ryan embark on a journey to redemption and forgiveness, coming to the understanding that they are not alone in this world and that they are loved.
Depicting the spiritual realm, the author opens the reality of this realm through the discovery of other beings, namely the angelic, and also a higher being that has never left them. Still they have a choice to make. That choice is whom they will decide to ultimately serve. Will good or evil prevail? Fast-paced and action packed, this Sci-Fi Thriller sets the stage with characters that jump off the page and bring the reader into a diabolical plot with many twists and turns.
Good is called evil and evil is called good. Who can tell the difference? Well-written and intertwined with a message of redeeming love, hope and forgiveness, this book reveals the spiritual realm in such a way that engages and intrigues readers. The author writes to help teens process emotions such as loneliness, acceptance and the value of true friendship. She points readers to God and includes a biblical theme and wonderful scripture references that bring understanding of the spiritual realm and the battle for the soul. A highly recommended read for young teens who enjoy Sci-Fi Thrillers with a prevailing triumphant theme. Very well done! This book will leave an indelible imprint upon one’s soul. 
You may get your copy of AIRborn at Amazon, in Kindle or at Barnes and Noble.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on December 14, 2016 at 11:13am
Big Bang Theology: God’s Purpose for Creation
Dr. WM D’Leoni
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0
Big Bang Theology: God’s Purpose for Creation by Dr. WM D’Leoni offers readers (college age and above) insight into God’s purpose for their lives. With a creative twist, the book is named, dubbed after the Evolutionist’s Big Bang, recalibrated into theBig Bang Theology. Written in Epistle form (letter format), like the Epistles in the Bible, the author, a college professor speaks to his audience in the hopes that they will find salvation and purpose for their lives. 
Within his read, the targeted collegial audience is just beginning their independent life and careers, as the author presents important life questions that he answers with compassion and scripture verses. Why am I here? What is my purpose? Who is God and what is a spiritual reboot? The author makes his book fun and interesting, while giving a biblical foundation to those that wonder what God’s purpose is for Creation and mankind.
Intertwined with faith-building guidance and Scripture, the book is easily divided into 6 chapters such as: The Purpose of Creation, Big Bang Love, Big Bang Faith, Big Bang Hope, Big Bang Reverberations and Big Bang Ruminations. The author offers a fantastic read that helps readers fully understand faith, hope, eternal life, not being conformed to the world’s standards that give sound advice to readers. The author offers a keen biblical understanding to being born again, accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior, the realities on Heaven and Hell, offering a real-life guide as to how to live life according to God’s ways, not man’s. The author writes with many years of wisdom, explaining in layman’s terms in such a way, this book will surely grab youths’ attention. For example, The Most Expensive Christmas Present, is the author’s way of speaking loud and clear to our youth about the birth of Jesus Christ and why this present is so important to them. Reading his book is like getting sound advice, in an interesting way, from a wise old grandfather.
For several reasons listed in the book, the author has a clear purpose in writing to his targeted audience (his past and present) collage age and young adult students. Mainly, he wants others to understand their purpose and live fully as God intended, alive to the Spirit and saved. 
This book comes highly recommended for not only “Big Bang Theory” fans (the author’s personal favorite TV show), but the many college age students who want to understand what their place and purpose is in all of God’s great Creation.
A wonderful, well-rounded, biblical read that has the potential to reach those Millennials out there for Christ without boring them to death! Well done!
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on December 14, 2016 at 1:23am
Dr. Nadine A. Forrest offers a new book on the manifest blessings of God available through divine principles ~ Many Christians live a life where they try to pursue God's blessings like Charlie Brown attempting to get the football, only to have it pulled away at the last moment. The reason is they believe blessings are something they can only receive by earning God's favor by doing a list of good works of some kind.
In Manifest Blessings, Dr. Nadine A. Forrest shows from the Scriptures the wonderful truth that God's blessings are already in a Christian's life, and are just waiting to be discovered and manifested. Using scores of Bible references, Manifest Blessings provides a road map for uncovering the hidden treasures that exists in every person's spiritual field that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 13.
Dr. Nadine A. Forrest is an Apostle, teacher, and preacher whom was raised in Brooklyn, NY. As a young child, she was shy, yet very poetic and expressive. She was raised in a family of nine: six brothers and two sisters. Dr. Forrest, who is also the Senior Pastor of Bringing Back Pentecost Outreach Ministries, has preached extensively and internationally and now seeks to move into the new call of being an Author. 

This will be the first of many books to be written by Dr. Forrest who holds an honorary D.D. and also double Bachelors in Theology and Religious Education. Dr. Forrest's desire is that Manifest Blessings and all books to come will help to change the hearts and minds of God's people and lead them to greater discovery of what He has for us.

Order your copy of Manifest Blessings at Amazon or in Kindle. For some life changing ministry visit Bringing Back Pentecost.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on December 13, 2016 at 2:36pm

Christian authors, articles, testimonies wanted for new book releases. Contact Smitty if interested at kingdomexpansion1 (at) gmail (dot) com



CBM Christian Book Marketing

Comment by Gene Cartwright on November 22, 2016 at 6:39pm

The Drammen Code: The New President Could Not Be Trusted.

PRE-ORDER Now: $0.99

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on October 27, 2016 at 1:05pm
A CBM Christian Author Press Release
Fort Worth - Texas, Author, Painter of Horses, Chuck DeHann releases The Makin' of a Cowboy Evangelist.
Eric is a young cowboy in his mid-twenties, a drifter, in search of purpose in his life. He seeks to fill the emptiness that he feels in his soul and has questions that are burning deep within him. Stumbling upon a bookstore and a Bible, and with the help of a friendly clerk, his questions get answered. He has found a new friend, the Bible and God! 
Coupled with original, hand-sketched artwork by the author, each chapter leads the reader on the adventure of a lifetime. Eventually finding his life purpose, this delightful read reveals God’s amazing love for all His creation and invites you to begin on your own God adventure.
As a Horse Trainer, Rodeo Contestant, cutting and reining horse trainer, Chuck DeHaan’s book sheds light on God’s salvation through His Word, the Bible. Showcasing the Bible and the great peace that is available to everyone through Jesus Christ, this book is captivating and inspiring with a Western theme throughout. Well-written and fast-paced, readers will enjoy this young man’s search for true meaning in life. 
To see Chuck’s paintings be sure to visit him at his site, Chuck DeHaan. You may order The Makin' of a Cowboy Evangelist at Amazon.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on October 26, 2016 at 10:20am

A Must Read ....

Christian author, Amy B. Crowe, releases Changed By a Catch ~ What happens to an ordinary day when a young boy decides to do things his own way?  White dogs turn red, carpet is ruined, a briefcase is never going to be the same, and an eye looks like it ran into a big ink pad.  JJ is a young boy who faces some tough decisions.  What do you do if a stranger comes to your door? Do you obey your parents when they ask you to do something that doesn't seem important? Is it OK to give out information that could allow someone to get into your home? Do you have certain opinions about people because they may not be like you? JJ's parents have rules to teach him safety and help him avoid getting hurt, but he chooses to disobey. JJ learns a valuable lesson the hard way and realizes in the end never to underestimate anyone.  
This book makes a wonderful gift. Be sure to order extra copies for birthday party give-aways and the Christmas holiday season.
Get your copy of Changed By a Catch at Amazon, in Kindle at Barnes and Noble and other fine online bookstores.

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