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Christian Authors Connection


Christian Authors Connection

Group for authors of Christian books who would like to interact/network with others, and brainstorm ways to help Christian and secular booksellers with promotional ideas. Booksellers are welcome to participate and offer suggestions on their needs.

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Lisa Copen

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book marketing tips pencil tipsTips for posting: When you write your post, write it for the BENEFIT of the reader here. Post your topic near the top of your post. We are supposed to be writers--GOOD ones! So, avoid being sloppy or making it all about you.

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Discussion Forum

Tell Us About Yourself! 57 Replies

Started by Lisa Copen. Last reply by Lisa C Miller Mar 27, 2022.

Share the BACK COVER of your book! 22 Replies

Started by Lisa Copen. Last reply by Howard Sands Dec 17, 2019.

Have a New Book Published in 2009 or 2010? Post About it Here! 19 Replies

Started by Lisa Copen. Last reply by Venancio Cadle Gomani Jr. Nov 30, 2015.

You Can Sell More Books - Lisa Copen's Blog Feed

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Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on January 14, 2016 at 9:07am

For More Information






Comment by Charles R. Sabo on January 9, 2016 at 9:07pm

This is the thorough interpretation of the fulfilled, and yet to be fulfilled, prophecies of Daniel. Historical events recorded in history confirm that Daniel's prophecies are amazingly true. This book will show, in detail, the events in history as well as the events yet to come, so that the most critical non-believer will see God's hand is at work

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on December 22, 2015 at 11:14pm
Coming Soon, New Book Release, March 2016 - Dave Hernandez releases:
I Am: The Blueprint of Humanity (Unabridged) and I Am: The Blueprint of Humanity(Condensed)
This is a glorious and fantastic adventure into the heart of the Trinitarian God, revealing our true identity in Christ as Sons of God that will help one break free from the cocoon of mediocrity into Glory – in – I AM! ~ CBM Book Reviews
A fascinating look into two colliding views: Adam’s before the Fall and the Last Adam, Jesus Christ.
He came to restore all that was lost at the Fall. I Am: The Blueprint of Humanity(Unabridged and Condensed) takes a look into what the world was like before, what was lost, Who God is, Who Jesus Christ is and gives insight into the Trinity.
Riveting, captivating and refreshing one will find their place, identity, security and victory in the realization of who they are in Christ.  New appreciation, fresh faith and an uplifting perspective will be encountered as one discovers intimacy with Jesus Christ, His presence and the Holy Spirit.
Filled with Scripture, wisdom, revelation and insight, author Dave Hernandez has written an exploration into humanity and gives to all the encouragement and understanding of your original blueprint that is firm and safe in Jesus Christ.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on December 15, 2015 at 4:48pm
In this profound book, the author as a licensed professional marriage counselor, gives understanding to your personal design by God that includes your identity and a step-by-step journey of growth in God and within a marriage. He unveils marriage as designed by God that was intended to be an environment where one can grow and prosper.
With this in mind, the author presents a fascinating and insightful read that teaches one who you are in God and what marriage was created for.  He has created a guide, divided into 3 parts as: Spiritual Foundations, Individual Growth & Marital Growth to help readers recognize that good fruit comes from good trees. Therefore, he starts from the root of issues to produce godly fruit. This takes readers within a marriage, individually, or within a small study group, on a journey of self-discovery to enable them to put God back into the picture. Thus, producing a fruitful harvest the way God designed marriage to be enjoyed.
Additionally, the author addresses many of the issues in marriage that can eat away at the root system of a marriage to include: communication style, your love language and conflict resolution. (Honestly, there is so much in the book that all cannot be listed within a review). Within the pages of this book one will learn to view each other as an individual, understand differences and godly roles, while learning to apply godly principles within a marriage that will transform marriages and individuals. The book is certainly an all-encompassing Christian perspective from one who is a professional marriage counselor and has a heart to heal marriages.
As a reviewer that has reviewed hundreds of books, many which are on marriage, this book stands out as one of the best that I have had the pleasure of reviewing. 10.0 Stars
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on November 30, 2015 at 1:27pm

What are "Heavenly Signs"?

The Bible makes a number of surprising references to signs. The word “sign” occurs 855 times in 806 verses of the Bible from the book of Genesis to Revelation.

The Apostle John’s vision in Revelation has many signs that appear in the heavens. The prophetic events are aligned with “Heavenly Signs” which demonstrate there is an Almighty God who set these heavenly bodies into motion at the time of creation. There was a plan of salvation from the beginning and a “Grand Design” for Christ to reign upon this earth. ~ For more information, visit Heavenly Signs.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on November 30, 2015 at 12:03pm

CBM Christian Author Press Release


A CBM Author Press Release
There’s No One Like Jesus by Blake Western takes readers on a discovery of Who Jesus was and IS – His miracles, His salvation, His Majesty – There is no one that can compare to Jesus! He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. Through Him the universe was created and is held together by His power. Discover His birth, His life, His ministry and what that means to you.  He is the one True God.  He created you and died for your sins – if you choose to accept His forgiveness. 
As a former pastor in Oklahoma for six years, Blake Western (born in 1935) has lived a full life serving Jesus. He served as a missionary from 1966 to 2000. Now retired he sings in the choir of his church and is the organist. He travels to various countries on short-term mission trips where he has been teaching a class
on the Preeminence of Christ for the past ten years. 
As one who knows Christ personally, Blake Western shares his profound insights from the Word and His close relationship with Jesus that reveals the nature of the man and God we call – Savior - Jesus Christ.  This is a wonderful gift come this Christmas season to remind, refresh, stir curiosity, save the lost – that There’s No One Like Jesus.
For more information about the author and his book, visitAuthor Blake Western. You may get your copy of Blake Western's There’s No One Like Jesus at Amazon.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on October 28, 2015 at 11:03am is a website for the celebration of art and scripture and a testimony to Kingdom creativity pouring out of Christian artists and writers internationally who are blessed by the Holy Spirit!

We encourage believers to surround themselves and the ones they love with the Word of God and invite artists, photographers, authors and poets to join us in creating books and products that keep prayers, praise, blessings, Psalms and Proverbs, and the words of Jesus and the Prophets in front of our eyes, on our coffee tables, our walls and refrigerators, in our homes, work places and churches, on T-shirts, cell phones, etc.

Who knows if reading your favorite PWS (Picture With Scripture) on a coffee mug at work or on your tote bag at the grocery store might not just activate someone’s faith, or plant a seed, or maybe God will use that word to speak into someone’s life just at the right moment to convict him or build him up! Or maybe someone read that word only yesterday or this morning, and now here it is again: conformation or coincidence?

The WORD has power and we have the opportunity and pleasure to spread it around creatively, decoratively, in many practical ways and for the glory of God.

Comment by Cliff Ball on October 12, 2015 at 9:17am

Now released and only $.99 for a limited time or if you have Amazon Prime you can get it for free - The Falling Away a Christian end times novel in my third series The Perilous Times. Available in paperback.

In the novel, Christians are hunted down, a race war in the U.S. might happen, and an artificially created Ebola virus spreads across the world.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on October 6, 2015 at 10:51am
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on August 23, 2015 at 8:02pm
Title: The Foundation of Godliness and A Godly Life
By: Happiers Simbo
A CBM Book Review
9.9 out of 10.0 stars
The Foundation of Godliness and A Godly Life by Happiers Simbo gives readers an understanding of the blessings of the incarnate Christ and salvation. Presenting the Gospel of Christ, the author presents a firm biblical insight that offers readers a better understanding of what it means to be born again and to become a new creation.  This book is written to present salvation, in hopes that readers’ eyes will be spiritually opened.  The author then gives understanding on way to establish a relationship with Christ, proclaiming the eternal life through Christ, and continuing on how to live a truly godly life from the Word of God. Believers and un-believers alike will be encouraged to understand the many blessings and riches of His Kingdom. Some may think that there are many paths to Heaven, but there is only One who can offer the forgiveness of sins and offers eternal life-Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son.
This is fantastic read for all Christians, new believers and unbelievers alike, although not for those that wish to compromise the Word of God.  Sharing the truth of the Gospel, the author begins with the fall of man to the crucifixion of Jesus, the author builds upon scripture that are sure to leave an imprint on one’s soul.  Revealing truth, this is an amazing book giving clear understanding on what it means to be born again (born from above) with the spirit of wisdom and the spirit of revelation revealing truth in the Word, Jesus Christ and the new life Christ came to offer all who would believe.
A highly recommended read and inspiring, evangelistic guide to understanding the many blessings of Christ to bring about a better understanding of the Bible, repentance, and salvation that sheds light on many facets through the Bible about the crucifixion, the resurrection, the many testimonies surrounding the resurrection, the apostles, Pentacost, water baptism, the apostles, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, healing, the spiritual life, and so much more. 
The Foundation of Godliness and A Godly Life available at Amazon, in Kindle and elsewhere at fine online bookstores online.

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