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SISTER'S WITH A POSITIVE WORD TO SPREAD is a support group for all women who are authors, editors, publishers,song writers, gospel play writers, poets, and etc.

Members: 55
Latest Activity: Apr 9, 2022


Sister's With a Positive Word is a Support Group for all sisters to have a place to find encouragement, a positive word, networking opportunities, and over all support. I would like for this group to connect as a sisterhood. Please feel free to vent here (with respect to others), offer a kind word, celebrate truimphs and sympathize when a sister is in pain. As ladies of Literature we have to learn to
turn slander into support for one another. Use Sisters with a Positive Word to compliment one another and offer a word of Praise.
I am ready to lift a sister up, how about you? We are all sisters and United we Stand and Divided we FALL ! Let's Spread a Positive Word , I'll start with a message for you all: Sister, I Love you ALL.

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Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on October 23, 2019 at 2:52pm

Pain with Purpose by Rachel Adcock offers an overview of her life memoir that reveals a purpose for pain and suffering that can bring forth hope and freedom in Christ. With that in mind, she shares her life story, struggles, sickness, mistakes and hindsight that culminate to a wonderful end. 
She boldly states, “Live life with the optimism that there is a purpose for your pain and a better outcome in the future.” Readers will gain insight and encouragement as the author shares her battle with cancer as a child, life challenges, and mistakes that caused suffering. In the hope of helping others to go forward in their lives, she gives readers an understanding that there is purpose in pain and a brighter future ahead. She teaches how to view life with optimism, which is wonderfully refreshing.
With great care, practicality and honesty, she offers insight to the benefit to life’s challenges, realizing that others have had it worse. Her life story displays how pain does reveal a greater purpose, brings spiritual maturity, and can be used by God to bring healing, to include a benefit to others. Her book offers comfort in the fact that life does go on and it can be for the better. With such chapters as: Sicker than Sick, Boys Will be Boys, Calling it Quits, More Mistakes, Surviving the Single Life, Second Chances & Keeping the Faith, readers will find encouragement, hope and confidence for their future.
Rachel’s story will captivate and encourage readers so that they can go on. She is an optimist at heart and teaches others how to think more positively and gain insight from past challenges. Her book is full of wisdom from many years experience through difficult trials. Coupled with wonderful quotes and sprinkled with some scripture verses, this book is well-done, speaks frankly and is not an overly “preachy” autobiography. She reaches out to others in a unique way through “Reflections” at the end of each chapter. In this way, she shares her own insight from past events, the benefits from hindsight, and concludes with discussion questions for the reader as an opportunity to increase in their own growth and maturity. 
This is a highly recommended read for those that have experienced pain and suffering and are looking for hope with a renewed perspective on life and painful experiences.
Get your copy of Pain with Purpose at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on September 17, 2019 at 5:01pm

The Sons of God, a book that is full of holiness and indignation at the same time. This book represents a two-fold manifesto of the revealing of the last 3 Trumpets (the last three woe’s) in the Book of Revelation and a call for repentance to all who do not follow Christ.
His first chapter “A Tale of Two Cities” speaks to those who are of the world (Babylon) and those who have been called out of the world, yet still exist in the world as followers of Christ. These two cities (or two groups of people) face choices that have consequences for eternity, but also in the near future. He further states that we are living in the Book of Revelation right now and that the Book of Revelation is not some time in the future but unfolding before our very eyes. With this in mind, his book offers somewhat of a discourse on the upcoming Christian revolution with exciting prophecy revealed as the 3 woe’s. An invitation is given as well to come into the Kingdom, to know Christ, to save yourself from the coming wrath of the Lord upon the entire Earth, so that you may be spared eternal damnation and the full wrath of God.
His book packs punch after punch! The author does not hold back in professing righteousness, calling evil for what it is and naming erroneous and egregious sins that have overtaken many, to include prevalence in our Western society. Issues such as gay marriage, homosexuality, abortion, murder, fornication, adultery, atheism, along with the culture of violence, war and murder that is so commonplace, shedding light that God Almighty does not delight in any of these abominations. Further mentioning idols such as entertainment and media, the love of money, selfish pride, celebrity fanfare and glory, only to reveal the rightful place of women and men among society paints a grim picture of today’s society. Yet, there is hope; that hope is found in the forgiveness of sins through salvation a proclamation of Jesus Christ as one’s Lord and Savior. Hope is found in following Jesus, choosing faith and learning to endure to the end. He gives strategies, scripture verses and instruction on becoming strong in faith and knowledge so that one will be able to stand until the end and persevere. He gives strong warnings that the faint at heart will not survive.
This book represents a wake-up call to all (including Christians and the complacent) who are of this world to make a choice: Are you for Jesus or against Him? He exhorts all to take a stand now for Christ and speaks of the times we are living in to be the End Times and that the great End Time Harvest is soon to come with the Great Tribulation. He calls all to make a choice for their own eternity and implores all who don’t believe or who are in sin to repent.
Yet, he ends his discourse with an end of speaking to those who will not give their hearts to Jesus fully and shifts his attention to the Bride of Christ, to encourage, refine, teach and to prepare them for what is coming up ahead. 
The Sons of God at Amazon or Kindle

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on September 14, 2019 at 1:05pm

Sword of the Spirit by Mark Norris  

A Must Read Book - To most in the Realm of Drugolin, otherly spirit lore lingered as mysterious legends best suited for late night hearths. On rare occasions one might hear of strange visitations. Some of huge, radiant beings bearing aid and guidance. Others of dark, evil creatures summoning dread and death. All were a part of Drugolish legend, but few took them seriously.
The westland village of Noy couldn’t afford the apathy of its unenlightened, middleland neighbors. Its enclosing fortress walls stood as a monument to the frightening visitations it experienced, day and night.
When the town’s most celebrated otherly adventurer receives a prophetic lamp, he teams with one final group on a faith empowering mission into the dread regions of evil that could usher in an eternal age where mortals are like angels and God reigns supreme.
Yahwin (God), Krystos (Jesus), Sahron (Satan), a host of otherly foes, warrior angels, and warrior prophets endued with extraordinary power all inhabit this peculiar realm in which author Mark Norris tells an eschatological tale that wars for the Millennium’s victor’s rights.
What would you do if an angel materialized in your bedroom tonight, handed you a prophetic lampstand that projected the events of Satan’s rebellion, and invited you to brave the powers of hell?  ................. The otherly is waiting,…will you go?
What others say about Sword of the Spirit:
In Sword of the Spirit, Mark takes us on an intense and imaginative quest that parallels our own lives. A great piece of work that captivates the reader while increasing our ability to remain free from the schemes of darkness. I love  it. It is lush in imagery.“ ~ Gary Crawford
This book really made me think. It delves into spiritual warfare, and considers some of the ways God could anoint believers who resist the enemy in the last days. This book challenged me to believe God for some things I had never considered before. But, it is also a good story. It has plenty of action and I found it hard to put down. I recommend it!” ~ Tom Miller
Available at Barnes and Noble 

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on August 22, 2019 at 3:22pm
Author Gail Baker
Matzah Balls to Communion Wafers

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on August 17, 2019 at 6:30pm
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on August 14, 2019 at 1:30pm

The Power of Childhood
Lawrence W. Stanfield, PhD
CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Lawrence W. Stanfield, PhD, relates the importance of healing childhood trauma. Offering solutions and explanation into habits and patterns that develop into adulthood through an unstable home environment lend insight into an approach to holistic healing. 
These means of holistic healing are through the rebirth process and living a godly life. Consequently, the necessary ingredients that a child needs is presented. Giving readers the tools to recognize unstable environments and childhood trauma received from insecurity, giving hope to readers with encouragement to seek holistic means of healing of the soul through Jesus, the Bible and the application of Biblical principles.
Throughout the author sheds light into practical application through scripture verses that offer a clear perspective of the epidemic of dilemma affecting so many people into their adult years. His book combines decades of research, his own childhood trauma coming from an unstable environment, and depicts case studies that further reveal the plight of victims in childhood.  
He gives truth to believers that they might not be able to live a victorious life in Christ without certain biblical principles in play. He encourages confrontation of issues related to childhood trauma and perception to challenge.
Presenting information that is without the usual psychological dogma that is difficult to understand, he speaks to readers with compassion. Chapter One begins with encouraging Biblical truths and profound, simple, insights that make this a worth-while read to understand a child’s deep need for love, security and self-esteem within a godly environment with parents being living examples of God’s love. Crucial explanation of the basic foundational building blocks that promote a well-rounded adult, the author conversely gives understanding to what happens to children that don’t receive these basics in childhood. 
His book gives an overview of brain function, mental development, and behavior cycles that come from not receiving the basics in childhood. In essence, both the brain and soul are affected; therefore, both are in need of reprogramming and healing.
At the core of his book is the solution for the soul in holistic healing represented through the rebirth and receiving of the Holy Spirit. Without these two functions, a Christian will not live victoriously. Unveiling the nature of God, our Creator, as a loving Father, and Jesus Christ, His Son, the author presents a guide to walking in the Spirit of God, giving Biblical truth as foundational for becoming whole and free. Yet, he offers truth, and speaks of false doctrine in certain theology that speaks of Christianity as a way to become blessed, prosperous and not suffer. Rather, He speaks of the sanctified soul and dying to self as a way of daily walking with God. Get your copy of The Power of Childhood at Amazon or in Kindle

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on August 6, 2019 at 5:23pm

God, I’m Angry at You! Where were you God when I was hurting? by Lawrence W. Stanfield, PhD, offers the story of Joseph captured in the book of Genesis as a backdrop to come alongside trauma survivors, giving hope and instruction that will usher in a progressive approach to inner healing.  With a chapter-by-chapter approach giving readers a glimpse of Joseph’s ancestral traits and sins, while providing an understanding of familial dysfunction, abuse, generational bloodline transfers and so much more, to bring Biblical and practical inner healing from past traumas. 
A much-needed book that should be recognized not only by the Christian community, but by the secular community.  His purpose in writing the book is to address the silent epidemic and the alarming deterioration of family units and individuals.This book also has the potential to bring much healing of the mind, soul and spirit with a look at Joseph who is much like us today.
The story of Joseph is one of family dysfunction and victory (in the end of course); but not before unimaginable trauma, separation, betrayal, loss and heartache took place.  The author goes to great lengths to teach a practical way of healing embedded within the pages of Joseph’s story and the Bible.  The author states that we (as humans) can only submit ourselves into the Potter’s hands as clay (something to keep in mind).
His book reveals a flurry of wrong choices beginning from Rebekah (Jacob’s mother) to a wide range of emotions, mindsets and self-destructive thoughts and ways that keep us from God.  Encouraging all to look up to God, the author speaks from a psychological standpoint as one who was well-acquainted with failure and certainly understands feelings of hopelessness, despair, and not measuring up. Yet, he adamantly states God is the only One who can meet us in our darkest nights and pit experiences to see us through. God’s compassion, love, and instruction is revealed through the life of Joseph, similarly we can expect the same.  Insight into the human psyche gives us a front-row seat and the author challenges readers to thought-provoking issues that will bring enlightenment, healing and the grace of God upon one’s life.  
God, I’m Angry at You! Where were you God when I was Hurting? further sheds light in the statement and thought of, where were you God when I needed you the most?  His book provides answers to human suffering and offers hope through that pervasive question prevalent in the story of Joseph and in our own lives.. 
God, I’m Angry at You! At Amazon or in Kindle. CBM Christian Book Review - 10.0 out of 10.0 stars   

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on August 5, 2019 at 2:43pm

Title: Abba’s Sanctuary (Book One)
By: AKSMC, Shirley JoAnn Taylor
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 Stars
A must read children’s book ~ CBM Christian Book Reviews

Abba’s Sanctuary (Book One) by Shirley JoAnn Taylor is a delightful children’s book telling an amazing true story of a daycare in the southeast area of Washington DC that received a special gift in the form of a dove from Abba, Father God. 
With colorful digital imagery and developed for young children from ages 2 to 5-years-old,  the author as founder of Dard’s Parkland Daycare Center, gives the account of Abba’s Sanctuary that became a safe haven for children and Abba’s creatures alike.
During one normal day at the program, the director of the daycare (and author of the book) received a special gift in the form of a special dove. This dove became known as “Peace” representing symbolically the Holy Spirit that resides upon and in each one of us. Book One describes how God sent them the dove as a special gift. Peace was unique in the way she interacted with the director and the school. Young children will come alive with wonder and awe learning of God’s creation and of the peaceful way the dove interacted each day at the school. Peace soon became the children’s and director’s favorite school pet.
Yet, there were more doves to be added to the story. Come and see what happens. The author relates to readers that the Lord indeed sent a dove to relate to His children His peace, prosperity and love to all.  With scripture verses, the author delights in the sharing of Jesus, His peace and His blessing to her through the dove that came to Abba’s Sanctuary.

Christian parents will be able to use this book to teach their children about Abba, Father God, His creation and His love for all of His creatures. Abba’s Sanctuary can also be utilized to teach little ones about the Holy Sprit, the fruit of the Holy Spirit and Jesus’ peace from the Holy Spirit.
A highly recommended read that children and parents alike will enjoy! 
You may get your copy of Abba’s Sanctuary (Book One) at Amazon of in Kindle as a download.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on July 20, 2019 at 10:18am

Title: Words Unspoken
By: Tronell Walker
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Tronell Walker writes her life memoir to encourage all to look to the Lord to find purpose in their own journey of life. Tronell’s childhood started out as any normal kid. She was full of life and joy; yet, seeds were sown into her life that created issues, tempted her with sin, coupled with childhood abuse, that led her down the wrong path. Her journey is one that speaks of unspoken words, thoughts, intentions and the distractions throughout her life that led to wrong choices and destructive paths. Her book culminates in the fact that God was always watching over her, and eventually, He led her to walk out of the shadows, until she found light in Him. She wants others to know the joys of living a new life in Christ, giving her own testimony as a testament to that.
Describing the high’s, the low’s, the family pressure, her low self-esteem, Tronell grew up in the 70’s in a large family in Destrehan, Louisiana. As time passed, she was like any other kid that had hopes, dreams and talents that were slowly stolen, replaced by a life of sin leading her astray. With such chapters as: The Beginning, Stolen Innocence, Building Blocks, Love Changes Things, Blessings in Disguise, A Mother’s Love, Struggles, Shape Shifter, Rebirth, Purpose, Enjoying the Walk & The Conclusion: Perfectly Flawed, she displays to readers that it’s never too late!
Readers will be able to relate to growing up in this era, along with plenty of humor, respect for love of family and memorable sayings, coupled with words of inspiration, encouragement, Scripture and wisdom that make this a memorable book.
This book comes highly recommended to those searching for purpose and peace and serves as an inspirational book for those (especially single parents), to seek God and live with a purpose. 
You may order your copy of Words Unspoken at Amazon.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on June 4, 2019 at 6:07pm

The Transcendent Signet of God: A Proposal Made in Time to Last an Eternity by Lawrence Pillay takes a closer look at God Himself and Agape love as set forth before time itself.  The question asked was, “Why did God place the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden to tempt Adam and Eve and then give them such a harsh punishment, and why did all of mankind since then also have to pay in a manner that we ourselves, as mere men, would not impose for something seemingly quite innocent when we as people compare that act to the severity of sin today?” Reviewing the warnings given by Jesus to the church of Ephesus in the book of Revelation, the author administers to the Church to also come back to agape love as mentioned in Scripture.
While also considering the “whole counsel of God” the author takes readers on a logical trail of thought, discovery, revealing the incredible story of mankind, the author sheds light on many facets of God’s love for mankind, answering the many questions one might have. Simple in nature, yet profound, the author relates that humanity may not be interested in abounding theologies of religion and the like, but that all of mankind seeks one thing: Love. With that in mind, Pillay defines “Agape love” coupled with excellent Biblical teaching that assists readers in understanding God’s nature, intent, and love with an intertwining of Scripture that paints a beautiful picture of God’s love for all.  This pure love-based interest in us as humans, as His creation, is what defines us, and what brings true identity and a deep understanding of the love of God that brings solid understanding of the freedom offered in the love of God.
Tackling such subjects as truth, the Free Will, the Law, Sin, Forgiveness, Agape in Man, the Work of the Holy Spirit, Pain and Suffering, The Kingdom of Agape, the author lays a Biblical foundation built on truth from the Word of God that is profound teaching with insights set forth to help readers comprehend the “why” of such things as the Garden of Eden and the forbidden fruit, free choice, freedom, with the resounding theme that “God is LOVE”. Further defining of the deep meaning of “Agape” love brings an important piece to the puzzle, as the author continues to set forth answers. Concluding with “Discipline on Earth means rewards in Heaven” brings encouragement, understanding and hope for life on Earth and life beyond into Eternity.
This is truly an incredible and introspective read and will give those who believe in God, and those who “believe not” in God, a true perspective of the God of love – not of religion or a set of laws, commandments and rituals. The author makes it known to readers that you are loved from the beginning of time, into Eternity and the Father desires you to come home.
The Transcendent Signet of God at Amazon or in Kindle 
CBM Book Review - 10.0 out of 10.0 stars 


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