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We promote literary works by best-selling and new authors wanting greater online book publicity!

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  • Satis Shroff Lecturer, Writer

    Hi Nadia! Greetings from the Black Forest, Germany. Thanks for sharing your book titles. Amazing success story. Keep on producing.
  • Malinda Mitchell

    Hi Nadia,

    I love the title of your book, the book cover and your success story. keep writing, and good luck.
    Best regards,
  • George Wilder Jr.

    Hey, thanks for responding. My books are bascially fiction. Made up stories. I have press releases all over the place. My character is African-American Special Agent Derrick Sweat. He's pretty good.
  • Lori

    I love it here Nadia! Thank you so much!

    thanks for the request nadia, good luck with your writing...
  • Satis Shroff Lecturer, Writer

    Hi Nadia! Thanks for the interest. Life in Germany depends on where you live. I have the previlige of living in the South West of Germany, which is the sunniest, we have a young, dynamic Green mayor and I like being in Freiburg, because it's the gateway to the Black Forest, excellent wines, solid Badische cusine, the people are of Allemanic origin, my Alma mater, a town with an elite university, cobbled streets in the old town and a stream called the Freiburger Bächele. If you come to Freiburg and fall into the Bächele as a man, you'll have to marry a lady from Freiburg. And vice versa. The quality of life is excellent, though Basle (Switzerland) is even better (think of Grindelwald or Zermatt regions).

    If you want to read more of my political poems, then I'd suggest you get a copy of my anthology of poems 'Katmandu, Katmandu' from If you want to save money, then just search in google or yahoo for: satis shroff. If, on the other hand, you prefer to read my poems in German, the Agust Goethe Literaturverlag is bringing 'em out soon. I've received a letter of acceptance from 'em, and am really delighted.
    Well, that was real nice of you, as an award-winning poetess, to have taken the time, interest and consideration to write a few lines to me.
  • Annmarie Edwards

    Hello Nadia,
    Congratulation on your awards!
  • Harley L. Sachs

    Wow! You're doing great! I see that you are also a freelance besides being a poet. I started freelancing professionally back in 1957, so I guess I've been at it fifty years. My experience as a freelancer is presented in two books available for downloads (or print) at "Freelance Nonfiction Articles" which was originally published by the Society for Technical COmmunication, and "Chilly-CHilly BANG! or How We Freelanced Through Europe's COldest WInter in a VW with a Kid" which is a memoir full of insights to freelancing while on the road. You mnight find it useful for your career. You can learn more about my stuff at Put me on your friends list. See you...
  • Gretchen Wilsenach

    Nadia, You are a real star- the best support I have ever seen on any forum or writers website.
    I will be calling on you pretty soon.
    God bless!
  • Tinisha

    Hi Nadia, it's funny, cause I have been on your site several times in the last several weeks. And you probably had no idea. You have a wonderful site!! Your Author Promo site, all I can say is WOW!! How did you compile all that helpful information? Thank you,

    Congrats on your many accomplishments, awards, reviews and book sales. Your book Unscrambled Eggs is a wonderful book. I have never met a poet that writes even close like you. I would definitely put you up there with poets like Maya Angelou, who is one of my favorites. I know that's a strong statement, but I truly mean it. Congrats! And best of luck with your future endeavors. Are you coming up with another book anytime soon?
  • Valerie Anne Faulkner

    Thanks for the invite.....I am new and trying to check out so much here....So glad you brought my attention to your site. Keep in touch, Valerie
  • Pam Perry

  • N.W. Smith

    Thank you so much for the invitation, looking forward to the fellowship. God Bless
  • Diana Holquist

    Thanks so much for the friendship, Nadia.

    I look forward to reading your work.

  • George Wilder Jr.

    Nice to here from you. I will check out your latest. I love to read.
  • Jamie Carie

    Hi Nadia! So glad to meet you and add you as a friend!
    Jamie Carie
  • April Lorier

    There's nothing like poetry for expressing feelings and views, is there? When I was being abused as a child, I would write poetry, using metaphors that I knew would not be understood by the abusing parent. Only "soul mates" got it! I truly love poetry, Nadia, and celebrate your success!
    aprillorier at blogspot
  • Carole Whang Schutter

    Congratulations! Carole Whang Schutter, author and screenplaywriter of September Dawn
  • Chase von

    Wishing you congratulations Nadia:)
    Best wishes to you:)
  • April Sims

    Love your work.

    Stopping by to invite you to
  • John Fielder

    Hi Nadia,
    I do not know how to unscramble eggs, so must read all about it. Thanking you for the invite.
  • R. C. BECKOM

    Hi Nadia, thanks for teaching me how to finally unscramble something , up to now everything comes out scramble, it's a joke! use to live there for a while In a place called Liberty City, I've been in Overtown, Opa Lockca, Hilealh, and some , don't know if I'm spelling them right , but I hope you know what I'm talking about , good luck with your book.
  • Jo Fulkerson

    You have been so faithful to send out messages. How do you go about sending them out to everyone? I mean the technical aspects of doing it. I haven't been able to figure out how to send messages to all my friends except on a few at a time basis. Is there a way to do it faster than that?
  • Judy Seaberry

    Hi Nadia,
    Thanks for the invite, it is always a pleasure to have friends.
  • Shara Smock

    Hi Nadia,

    Always happy to see the Florida writers over here. Good to be able to put a face with the name I know. :)

  • April Lorier

    You're welcome, Nadia. Have an "unscrambled Thanksgiving"! :-]
  • Carole Whang Schutter

    I am going out of the country right after Thanksgiving and will be off line until mid December. I will get back to you then. Thanks.
  • Terry Burns

    Thanks for the invite - - -
  • Terry Burns

    I sent a request back, is that necessary on this or does it automatically do both places?
  • Rev. L.A. Artis

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    It is an honor to know you!

    Rev. Artis
  • Russ Heitz

    Hi Nadia!
    Wishing you and yours an enjoyable Turkey Day! And good luck with UNSCRAMBLED EGGS.
  • Velda Brotherton

    Thanks, Nadia, for being a friend. Happy Thanksgiving.
  • Shobhan Bantwal

    Lots of luck with your book and a very Happy Thanksgiving followed by a wonderful holiday season.

    Shobhan Bantwal
  • Marilyn Gross

    Lots of luck on your books. I hope you do very well on them. My second book goes to publish Nov. 26 2007. I am going to read your book as soon as I can. Thanks for being a good friend and Happy Thanksgiving and a Very Merry Christmas and New Year.
  • Susan Haley

    Blessings and Gratitude, Nadia!
  • George Wilder Jr.

  • Jim Misko

    Come on folks. Let's write something of value here. Go from platitudes to ideas. For instance: If you were alone in wilderness and had to cut off your arm to survive (as the guy in Utah had to do last year) and you needed food to provide energy to get back out, could you/ would you/ should you eat your own arm to survive? Can a poet come up with a solution to that problem? Just wondering. May it go well with you, Nadia. Jim
  • Brenda Wynn

    Thanks for the invite. Nice to meet you. Happy Thanksgiving.
  • Barbara

  • Michael "Bart" Mathews

    Hello Nadia,

    Thank you for the invite and I do except. I am looking forward to networking with you and learning many more possibilities that can help me achieve my goals and dreams in the field of writing. Keep up the good work, stay in touch.

  • Barbara

    You're a sweetheart Nadia! How have you been? I'm still writing poems, but I've been busy trying to finish up my novel the last few weeks. I did post a few of them on Helium. I'd really like to send you a few sometime and get your opinion. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well.
  • Elizabeth Alan

    The wonderful thing about the past is that upon telling God your sorry he blot's it out, never again to remember it but leaving it in our minds to remind us how far we have risen.
  • Barbara

  • Desiree Day

    Hi Nadia, Thanks for requesting me as a friend.
  • Alex Beecroft

    Thanks for adding me as a friend, Nadia! I love what you've done with your page here.
  • Stephane Dube

    Tanks to be my friend and have a good hollidays saison !

    Cordially Stephane Dube Inventor.
  • Angie

    Hi Nadia its great to meet you here! I have joined your site as its totally exiting to meet other authors!
    Lots of love and many blessings see you again soon!
    Whitefeather ( Angie )
  • Eliz Joyner

    Thanks Nadia. I appreciate your note. I look forward to chatting with you as well. I am sure we can all help each other.
  • Theresa Chaze

    Thanks for the invitation Nadia. I look forward to getting to know you and your work.
  • R. C. BECKOM

    hi , Nadia , you sound like a real inspiration, I will be checking out your site and I will be joining it, hope we can do some sounds like the stuff need here in this type atomsphere. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.,