Steve Weber

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I'm the author of "Plug Your Book," a how-to guide for author publicity on the Internet. See the free preview here.



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  • Aaron Paul Lazar

    Thanks for the connect request, Steve!
  • Mark Bredt

    Thanks Steve - I'll go take a look at your book. I'm looking to learn something!
  • Russ Heitz

    Welcome, Steve. We meet again. Seems like a lot of good MySpace folks are turning up here, too. Great to see you again. And I STILL think your book is great!
  • Tammy Whisman

    Thanks for the invite, Steve. I see you are also from WV...

    "Fireflies, Moonlight and All That Jazz"
    "sliced Ice Cream"
  • Stephanie Ehmen

    Thanks for the invite - I'm working my way through your book now and appreciate all the great advice.
  • Bob Buckholz

    Thanks for the invite Steve. I'll read your book as I'm sure it will be a big help. Thanks again, will talk with later.

    Bob Buckholz
  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Steve,

    Thank you for the invite. I look forward to networking with you.

    Love your book cover!

  • Vicki M. Taylor

    Hi Steve,
    What a great book! Thanks for the invite. Here's to successful marketing!
  • tpier

    Hi Steve, it's a pleasure meeting you here. I am delighted to be your friend. Your book is very
    interesting. Thanks for the invitation.

  • Aithne Jarretta

    Hi Steve,

    Thanks for the friend invite. Your book is on my wish list at Amazon. Have a great day.

  • Billie Bookwalter

    Thanks for adding me as a friend! Since my Book Marketing page is a little sparse right now, feel free to visit my other website
    and check out my upcoming book!
    BB Walter - Author of Sister Light
  • Dianne Schwartz

    Hello new friend. I love your book cover!
  • Penni Lynn Smith Weston

    Hi Steve...thanks so much for the invite and for visiting my page. Happy writing....Penni
  • Stefhen Bryan

    steve san, tried buying PLUGGING YOUR BOOK in osaka. is it available in japan?
  • Alan Goowin

    Hi Steve,
    Thanks for the invite. I will check out your book.
  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Steve,

    When I get a chance I will be sure to visit your website and read your blog.

    Thanks again for your help!

  • Pat OBryan

    Hi Steve- thanks for the invite!
  • Robyn

    Thanks for the invite. Do you have a day job or do you mostly market your book?

  • ettarose lazaros

    Steve, Thanks for the invite.
  • Angela Booth

    Thanks for the invitation.
  • Jerry Pat Bolton

    Thank you Steve, for checking me out . . . And I will most definitely check your book out . . . I am my own worst promoter on my work . . .
  • Cameron Chambers

    thank you for requesting to be my friend, Steve. It seems we are bumping into each other all over the place. My Amazon top twenty reviewer emailed me and said he hoped to have my review posted within the next two weeks. I would be on pins and needles, but I'm too busy with promotions. As always, I hope you are well. Thanks.
  • William Butler

    Thanks for the invitation. I've learned, rather quickly, the importants of networking and welcome the opportunity.

  • Georgia Richardson

    Yuhooo Steveeeee...Thanks for adding me here among the other authors. I'm always interested in learning about new ways to promote. I look forward to learning more about your marketing ideas. Royally yours, JJ
  • Linore Rose Burkard

    Hi, Steve,
    I can see you are a serious networker--129 comments now on your post! I will certainly check out that freebie you're offering. Despite already amassing an amazingly long list of "should do's" when it comes to marketing, there is no harm in getting a few more. Every now and then I even come across an idea that is *so* good it goes to the top of the list. So thanks much,
    Faith-Based Fiction for Today's Savvy Woman
    Touching the Heart. Reaching the Soul.
  • Toby Heathcotte

    Hi Steve,
    Thanks for the invite and the freebie.
  • Vicki Hess

    thanks! Vicki
  • Marilyn Gross

    Thanks Steve;
    Iwill chech it out
  • Author-Poet Aberjhani

    Hey Steve, thanks for the connection.

  • Shayla V. McClellon

    Hey guy,
    Glad to see you again and thanks for connecting with me again!
    Best Wishes
  • Karen Anne Webb

    Thanks for the friend invite. Finally figured out how to get my first post up. Hope you like it!
  • Douglas Quinn

    Thanks for making me aware of your book.

    Douglas Quinn
  • Kenneth L. Griffin

    Thanks alot Steve, I will check out the site shortly.

  • Brenda Blackburn

    Thanks Steve for the friend request! And wow - what an amazing gift to share your book online! Talk about synchronicity...I JUST put your book on my amazon wishlist to buy with my next order, and voila - here you are! Amazing! Can't wait to take a sneek peak tonight. Look forward to chatting with you!
  • Hilda

    Thanks! For the invite Steve :)
    Your book sounds very interesting. I will need to check ito reading it and exploring your page a little more.
  • Linda-Reducer Walker

    Thanks, Sweetie....we're hooked up on MySpace too!
    With a Smile, Linda-Reducer
  • Reason

    thanks for the add, i look forward to networking with you
  • Hilda

    Thanks! For the information Steve :)
  • Cheril Vendetti

    Hey Steve,

    How are ya? I'm doing a cooking contest and the video Mangia or Else! is my video.
    Would you vote for me?

    How's the book doin'?


  • Linda Pate

    Hi Steve,
    I wish you great success with your book. Have a great day.
  • Barbara Techel

    Thank you for the invite. I plan on checking out your book soon. Looks like a good one to have on my shelf!
  • Dr. Marlena Corcoran

    Best wishes for your continued success! Marlena
  • Diana Holquist

    Thanks for the friendship, Steve. Good luck with your books.

  • Rita Schiano

    Steve, Thanks for the invite. I will take some time tonight to look over your marketing book. Sounds intriguing. - Rita
  • Valerie Anne Faulkner

    My husband is taking care of most of my promotional organizing....I'll have him look at your site with me and get back to you.
    Thank you for the invite.
  • Lionel Ross

    Hi Steve,
    Thanks for the info. I will certainly check it out.
    Good luck & regards,
  • Jo Grace

    Thanks for the invite...I just received my book in the mail, I still like having my books in my library...I'm looking forward to absorbing some of the knowledge that you've provided, and sharing it with my fellow book writers!

    Blessings & Prosperity
    Jo Grace
  • Barbara

  • Lutishia Lovely

  • Anita Davison

    Hi Steve

    If you have a moment on a sleepy January Monday, do drop by my latest interview at Unusual Historical Blogspot.

    There's a copy of Duking Days Rebellion being offered in a draw too.

    Unusual Historicals Blogspot