Chau Van Truong

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Chau Van Truong is the son of Mr. Thanh Van Truong and Mrs. Muong Thi Van. With nine siblings, he is the fourth oldest counting from the top. As one out of six boys and four girls in a large household totaling twelve people, Chau found his education on the streets and in the inked words of books. In finding his identity, worth, and independence Chau Van Truong lived an unorthodox life and that experiences ultimately transformed him into the man he is today. “Pursue your dreams until you succumb to success or death,” is the sage idiom that he patterned himself after.
With the support and love of his family Chau Van Truong start writing his first series titled ‘FOR THE LOVE OF THE KILL.’ After discovering the talents and fascination of storytelling, his parents urge him onward. Today, Chau expand his repertoire into scriptwriting, filmmaking, and creating his greatest work titled ‘THE NAISA MAFIA.’
Today Chau Van Truong is reminded that he would still be a dreamer if it is not for the commitments and dedications of his families, peers, and his fans. For that he say thank you.
Chau Van Truong will continue creating if his ability can still produce quality stories. He will go beyond expectation and would like to be known as a storyteller who weaves the story from the mouth of ordinary citizens in universal themes and plots of raw emotions and drama.

Get your copy of THE NAISA MAFIA: Chronicle OF The Godfather deliver to your home/bookstore by calling 1-800-431-1579.. Visit http://www.NAISAMAFIA.COM to read the scripts... Watch clip - NAISA, SECRETS KEPT'S PITCH, RELENTLESS PURSUIT, THE EXCHANGE @ google video. Join me at
Fans can also read at …. SECRETS KEPT script .. , A KILLING STAR script.. , THE NAISA MAFIA - 8 chapters.. ..

Listen to JUDYTH PIAZZA interviewed CHAU VAN TRUONG (author/filmmaker).. link at Interview on the American Perspective Radio Program or . THE NAISA MAFIA: Chronicle OF The Godfather can also buy it at on, on the recommended list at,, and other venues. The Naisa Mafia: Chronicle of the Godfather can also be requested at your local bookstore.

Comment Wall:

  • Spencer Dane

    Thanks for adding me!
  • Judy Seaberry

    Hi Chau,
    Thanks for the invite, see ya around the Forum.
  • Victoria Wells

    Thanks for the invite Chau! Come on by and visit my website at
  • Carole Whang Schutter

    Thanks for the invite. Best of luck with your career. You seem to have a lot to pull from your life.
  • Alex Beecroft

    Thanks for adding me as a friend Chau!
  • Diane MacEachern

    Good luck with your book!
  • Bet Dotson

    Thank you for the friend add Chau!
  • Gretchen Wilsenach

    Stunning photos! What do you write?
    Thanks for the invite.
  • Victoria Wells

    Does he... :)
  • Victoria Wells

    I would love to review your mom's memoir for you, however, time is a little tight right now for me since my book will be release on March 4th and I'm busy promoting. I would be more than willing to review a couple chapters at a time until I'm done.
  • George Wilder Jr.

    Thank you very much for the invite. God Bless
  • Linore Rose Burkard

    Keep up the creative work, Chau! Good going in transforming a difficult background into works of art.

    Spirited Regency Romance for the Jane Austen Soul
  • Deather CooperDurden

    Thank you for inviting me to be your friend.
  • Elysabeth Eldering

    I'm glad you like mysteries but you killed your comment by putting all that information in the comment. Thank you for stopping by and if you read my profile or checked out my blog - my series is a children's mystery series - E :)
  • Brian L Porter

    This is not just a Jack the Ripper book in the usual sense. this is the blurb from inside the flap:

    A Study in Red - The Secret Journal of Jack the Ripper by Brian L Porter tells the story of Robert Cavendish, a modern day psychiatrist who is bequeathed a strange set of papers which purport to be the journal of the long-dead infamous Whitechapel Murderer whose crimes gripped the hearts and minds and instilled terror on the streets of Victorian London. As he begins to read the journal, Robert becomes convinced of it’s authenticity and finds that the words of the Ripper have a strange and compelling effect on him. Unable to cast the pages aside he finds himself being drawn into the dark and sinister world of the killer until he is unable to distinguish what is fact and what is fantasy. In short, Robert Cavendish begins to feel as though he is being taken over in some way by the soul of the long-dead Ripper. What happens as he progresses through the journal will disturb and shock the reader as the close dividing line between sanity and madness is explored to the full.
  • Brian L Porter

    You're welcome Chaue,

    Please visit the website at Maybe you may be tempted to obtain a copy.

  • Brian L Porter

    Thanks, Chau,

    Enjoy your coffee, I'm going for dinner now.

  • Malcolm R. Campbell

    You've got some dynamic stuff to talk about. Thanks for stopping by my page with tempting links.

  • Janet Enos

    Hello Chau,

    Welcome to my world and thank you for inviting me into yours. Wow, I thought I came from a big family of 11, you folks beat us by one. Take care and best wishes!
  • Christiane Bosanquet

    WOW, FASCINATING! You certainly seem to have a finger in every pie. More power to you! I tried the link "Interview...." but I was blocked as it was 'spam'.... according to the powers that be. Sorry I missed it as it sounds like it would be interesting.
    Take care, good luck in all your endeavours.
  • Jan Dahlin Gieger

    I look forwar to chatting with you!
  • Sandra Kay

    Yes, for a while historical westerns were not selling very well. I believe they are making a comeback, though. I write contemporary westerns about modern day cowboys. Of course, I love cowboys whether historical or contemporary. (:
  • Ron Adams

    Thank you for the invitation, and I wish you much success

  • Jennarosa

    Greetings Chau, Wow what an interesting bio about yourself. Thankyou for inviting me. I look forward to reading more.
  • Elaine Cantrell

    Hi, Chau. It's nice to meet you. Your book sounds exciting.

    Elaine Cantrell
    Hope. Dreams. Life... Love
  • Daniel Ferry

    Chau Van Truong,

    Give me a taste of some of your work. Let's trade.

  • Alvin Lim

    Thank you for your invitation. I wish all the best in your book and may all the luck is with you.

    Happy day.
  • padma narayanswamy

    Hi .
    Thanks for the invite . I read the sript it was an interesting story
  • Kare Anderson

    why not both?
  • SusieSunshine

    Thank you for inviting me to be a part of your friendship circle! You are an interesting man.
  • Lindsay Brambles

    Thanks for the invite. Your work sounds interesting, as does your life.

  • Savannah Black

    Hello. I was in your country in 1971. Central highlands. I look forward to finding out about your writing. My family have supported me in my writing and I totally understand having that network of support.
    Savannah Black
  • Cacoethes Publishing House


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  • Graham Odenyo