carol stanley


Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
"For Kids 59.99 &Over" Life can be spectacular after 60! Sharing healthy tips, dealing with grown kids, sleeping better, goals for life, facing up, accepting and freedom!

Comment Wall:

  • Linda A Lavid

    Great idea. It would be a terrific forum discussion. Should I start a thread? I'll look around. I'm new on this site.
  • carol stanley

    Sure why not./..Iam also new...Ithink these networks are great...but we all want to promote, succeed, and of course achieve our goals...I belong to another ning for Morgan James PUblishing COmpany...and everyone is quite responsive and friendly...but lets get down to what most of us want besides making new friends....of course!!!
  • John Kremer

    Sounds like a book I'll need next year. Welcome to the network. Please add a photo soon!
  • carol stanley

    John: I know you are busy....ANyway I can get more info about Prescott seminar...I have several questions and thoughts...Thanks much...Carol
  • Joseph Langen

    I have been enjoying life after 59.99 for several years now. I will have to take a look at you website. Nice to hear from you.
  • Karina Kantas

    Hey Carol. The link for your website is not working.

    I want to email you. Can you give me your address.
  • Peter Nennhaus

    Hi, Carol Stanley, thank you for your invitation. I'm not sure your discussion group is interested in world problems and conundrums, like the Middle East conflict, so you tell me. My book is entitled "Quo vadis, Israel?" and expresses my concern about Israel's future as a peaceful and permanent homeland for the Jews. I question both, peace and permanence, so please tell me if this fits in with your interests. If yes, I am a truckload full of profound wisdom nobody believes in, at least not those in Wash. DC.
  • Theodocial McLean

    Let me know if I can help in any way. Email me at
  • Lillie Ammann

    Your book sounds like it would be very useful and have a huge market with the baby boomers aging.
  • Joe Ortiz

    Hi Folks!

    As soon as I can master (or is it muster) the moxie to navigate this site, I will contribute more. There is so much to read and so little time to work.

  • Vince Golder

    Hi Carol,

    Thanks for your nice comment.

    Apart from business and social websites like this one, the Internet can be very impersonal and most businesses do not try and develop relationships as they would / should do off-line.

    The few Web businesses who do follow the basic principles of showing appreciation, respect and developing relationship with their customers, then conducting a professional customer care and communication programme, do gain satisfied and loyal customers and of course maximum referrals.

    To your continued success,

    Best regard,

  • Mary Ellen Courville

    I love your mud-slinging idea. It puts a positive slant on it. I'm going to try your approach. If the mud sticks, that would make it "daub" or "stucco"... Regardless, you're getting things done and making progress. That's awesome.

    In there slinging mud with you...

    Mary Ellen
  • Bonnie L Pelton

    Hi Carol,
    Yes one of my book "ANOTHER DAY TO LIVE LIFE" is publishamerica. Happy, well I got published.........They don't help with the marketing! As for marketing I have a hard time, do most of it on the computer! My second book
    tatepublishing seems more like helping with the marketing part! Have a good day!
  • Lily Finch

    thanks so much Carol. I can't wait to read your book. Sounds like right up my alley!

    to friendship!

  • Denise Cassino

    Sorry to be so long in replying - yes, my advice is to buy Steve Weber's book - Plug Your Book - he gives great information about book marketing. How are your sales going?
  • carol stanley

    Book to be officially released sept 1. Also is Steve Weber's book easy to follow. Not so savvy on internet marketing...and the language alone is pretty scary...Just kidding...Thanks...carol
  • Linton Robinson

    Thanks for your kind words, Carol. I don't know Marsha. (Is she a book reviewer ? :-)
  • carol stanley

    Just a finally released...September 1..For Kids 59.99 & Over.. avail. Amazon, B&N and most online bookstores...
  • Claire Collins

    Hi Carol! Yes, I have two books out currently available on Amazon as well as from the publisher at They are titled "Images of Betrayal" and "Fate and Destiny".

    I'm here all year on the west side. It's a great place to be, just a little warm in the summer, but that's okay because I can hide out in the air conditioning and write!
  • Jermaine Rivers

    Yes I publish Fiction/Non Fiction all genres. Go to and click on the services tab for additional information.
  • Grace Heyward

    Yes, my book is published. I am currently working on a second, totally unrelated to the first. The first book is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Thank you for the welcome.
  • Karla Casillas

    The blessings we ask for this season
    Aren't the kind that come wrapped with a bow;
    We're asking for gifts from the heart,
    Ones we need and never outgrow.
    May we see in these bright decorations
    With their colors and lights all aglow,
    The beauty and wonder of life
    That God's world was created to show.
    Let the peace and goodwill of this season
    Be feelings that we can extend
    Far into the following year
    To our neighbors, our family, and friends.
    Most of all, may we always remember
    To open our hearts every day and share all the love and the joy
    In a special and meaningful way.

    Karla Casillas

    Sr. Wedding Planner

    A BAJA ROMANCE WEDDING by Karla Casillas

    Happy Holidays!

  • Jane McCormick

    Thanks Carol for the invite. Jane
  • Jane McCormick

    I hope you get the book from me so I can sign it for you my web site is I have Paypal on my site. God bless you Carol. Thanks for the support.
  • Jane McCormick

    Dear Carol no you do not have to have a account all you have to do is have a credit card it deposits the money into my AC at my bank it is so easy and very safe I will remember you and sign the book . But notify me when you are going to get it and I will know to look for you I mail the book my self. God Bless Jane