

Tampa, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Space travel development and plant manager, school teacher and author for over thirty years. Current series of five books now selling worldwide. The Paradise Series at Amazon
1. A Beckoning From Paradise
2. Secrets of Paradise
3. Paradise is Where You Find It
4. Paradise Grows
5. Raised in Paradise

A single, In Search of Paradise Now published. April 2010.

A second series on the way, finalization and published.
The Little Eagle Series
1. Indian Summer
2. Christmas With Little Eagle
3. Little Eagle Saves a Spy
4. The Golden Cross
5. White Panther's Legacy

The next series is called the White Panther Series.
All due out before 2012.
O'Bannon Castle (published)
Robin Long Bird (published)
White Bird Returns (published)
A Spy Saves Little Eagle (published)
Upholding Family Traditions (weeks away)

A fourth series has been started
Wisnook Treasures
Wisnook Gambler
Summer Spy
with one more planned (The Hermit)

A fifth series is in process
Love Spiral 2013
Mist Door 2013

The love of writing keeps me busy, the love for my students makes me write what I do.

Comment Wall:

  • John Kremer

    Welcome to the Book Marketing Network. Join in some discussions, post a blog or video, schedule an event, make some friends. I think you'll enjoy it here.

    John Kremer, book marketing expert

  • Michael John McCann

    Thank you very much. I write because I like to. I have said that if I sell 6 books and I buy five that is fine. I have had papers on finance published years ago but this is much differt. Be well and I hope to talk to you soon. Best always.

  • Michael John McCann


    We write because well love to write. People some times never decide to doe it. To busy, with family, jobs and life. I am very glad I finally did what I have wanted and waited for. Best.

  • Landa Daniels

    Good to see you , I was invited to this site by one of our friends on your site. I joined and I am looking forward to learning and "networking".
    your friend from Benton,
  • Landa Daniels

    I love networking. When I was in the Durable Medical Equipment business we did a lot of this. I was a bit more confident in that aria. I will get the hang of this soon i am sure.
  • Landa Daniels

    My sisters oldest son lived there and after the ice storm their house burnt to the grown. they are moving to the country. I think your sister will like it there.
  • JoAnn "Joie" Melton

    I'm in Hazelwood - and pass the McDonnell Douglas/now Boeing plant often. Used to live more west also - Lake St. Louis for a dozen years. As Paradise goes it is pretty close! Thanks for the comment
  • JoAnn "Joie" Melton

    Pretty soon we'll be related ! After all this is "misery" I just saw the spider web............I have one framed and matted. Who sez there's nuttin' to do here honey!
  • albertasequeira

    Hi Paradise,

    Thank you for the invite to mention my second memoir that was released on June 19, 2009 by Infinity.

    The book is titled Someone Stop This Merry-Go-Round; An Alcoholic Family in Crisis. It's about losing my husband in 1985 at forty-five years old from this disease.

    I'm working on the sequel which will be done this year. It's titled Please, God, Not Two; This Killer Called Alcoholism. It's the continuation of my life with my two daughters after my husband died. I watched as Lori traveled down the same path. She died November 22, 2006 at thirty-nine years old from the same demon.

    The books are selling unbelievable. I bought 100 books and two week later had to buy more. They can be purchased at ISBN# 1-4241-4458-2. Cost $18.95.

    Thanks for your support, Paradise. I'm now talking at rehabs, halfway homes and any location wanting to hear my story.
  • DragonCub


    I'll appreciate if you check out DragonCub – ( A brand new online bookstore ) at

    This site is specially designed for your to add book(s) easily and let others know about your work and generate sales ! Nothing is charged from you!

    Looking forward.
  • DragonCub

    Thanks for your interest !!

    Looking forward.
  • DragonCub

    Thanks for sharing such interesting information... I like it.
  • Carolyn Sue Morris

    Good Morning Robert,
    You are so right, small world. I didn't realize until after I sent you the message that you had also lived in St. Pete. When were you there? I haven't been back down since Mom passed in 2007, but I do love it. My family lived there in the early 1960's, Mom eventually moved back. There is something about the atmosphere, I could always feel it in the air as soon as I stepped off the plane.
    I called your friend yesterday evening, I left a message. Her very confused husband, Keith returned my call around 8 PM. He was very nice. I'm sure he was trying to connect the dots of how this strange woman could know them, it took some explaining. His wife, Ann, will be home today from a trip with her 90 year old sister. (His words) He will give her the message, and she will hopefully return my call. I did tell him what you said about buying my book, that brought on a laugh. I look forward to hearing from her.
    I appreciated your words about selling my book myself vereses paying someone else to market it. It helps to have encouragement from others. I'm hoping to find out today about participating in the "Local Author Event' being held at Barnes & Noble in Ft Wayne on Sept 24th. I know how important this can be. Perhaps that's why I'm sitting here at 4 AM instead of sleeping, nerves. I love the covers of your books. I look forward to reading your work. I have taken up enough of your time. Thanks again.


    Found you on Facebook, that's a great site, I have my Twitter feed running there too. As you can read, I'm seldom at a loss for words. Sometimes I should be I guess.
  • Carolyn Sue Morris

    It is so good to hear back from you. I love the story about your history with Ann. That is a wonderful story. Obviously that's why you are successful with your books, you keep things interesting. I find it fasinating that people can have that closeness, yet be so far apart. It's like the stars lined up, then went out of orbit for some reason. I can honestly relate. I know there are few people blessed enough to feel it, or maybe it's there, but they just don't get it. But to see her in the band.....that's fate. Why didn't you talk to her that day?

    Again, I appreciate your tip about the college. We do have Huntington University here. I will try to contact someone that may be able to help. My husbands neice works there. Perhaps she could lead me in the right direction.

    I did find you on Facebook this morning. I am now one of your fans, and have requested to be your friend. As I said earlier, my Twitter feed runs through Facebook too. I am still in awe of all there is to be done on this thing.
    I'm waiting for 10 AM to call Barnes & Noble, It's not long now.

  • Stephen Rosenzweig

    i will put you on my website as a link to your wegpage. Is that OK with you?
  • albertasequeira

    Hi Robert,
    I'm so late answering your email. I finally published Someone Stop This Merry-Go-Round; An Alcoholic Family in Crisis. It about losing my husband in 1985 at forty-five years of age to this demon.
    I'm completing the sequel Please, God, Not Two; This Killer called Alcoholism. It's the continuation of our lives as I watch my daughter, Lori, go into rehabs three times to only pass away November 22, 2006 from the same killer. She was only thirty-nine.
    I'm doing speaking engagements at rehabs, halfway homes and any organization wanting to hear my story.
    Thank you for passing my info around. My book can be bought on my site or
    I'll look up
  • Shawna Savage-Yaroch

    Thank you for the add and the wise words of inspiration. I am back at it again tonight. Thank you Shawna
  • Stephen Rosenzweig

    I am putting you website on mine today, it would be sweet for you to do one for me. I am really trying to develope a way to drive people to my site. I am new at this.
  • Paradise

    Check out my friend at
    Steve would like to hear from you.
  • Stephen Rosenzweig

    Hi Paradse, I haven't been in touch for awhile. How are you doing? What is your given name?
  • Donna A. Berry

    What a small world. Who is your sister-in-law??? But I grew up in NJ
  • Stephen Rosenzweig

    Going up the mountain to the house, they were surrounded by a pack of snarling wild dogs. The pack leader had a split snout that looked like it had been hit with an axe. That was one big, mean, and dangerous looking dog. They were intent on the groceries. Sarah was scared standing very close to Josh, he was determined they would not get their belongings. He was carrying a stout walking stick, and beat them all off. He hit the pack leader on the head hard enough to make him reel back and away. The others followed his lead; he bounded off shaking his head as if to shake off the effects of the blow. Sarah looked at her hero. They took a moment to look back down the mountain side. The city of Haifa lay between the mountains and the shore. Many freighters were close to the docks waiting to unload or load for export. Israeli warships cruised the perimeter of the port.
  • Carolyn Sue Morris

    A very good morning to you my friend. Hope you have a productive and pleasant day. Don't work too hard on your project. It will be great when completed. Talk to you soon.......
  • Carolyn Sue Morris

    Thank you again for the tip. I will look on Facebook for Georgia. That was a great review she wrote for your books. I love to write, and find humor creeps into it, but I find I get nervous about what people will think of my style. I am looking forward to you reading my work, I know you will give me honest advise on what to change or not. I don't plan to write non-fiction again, but still need the advise about my style.
    I left another message for Anna yesterday, still no call back. I hope all is well with her. Maybe she isn't home. I don't want to continue calling, in case something is wrong.
  • Deborah Shiels

    Your wife's family tragedy does not sound unlike the ugly monster rearing it's head in our sacred nation today. God bless each one of you, and God bless our Republic!
  • Freya R


    Thank you for the invite :)

    World's No.1 Free Book Marketing Technology
  • Stephen Rosenzweig

    I haven't written for awhile, but I wanted to let you know that my book The Journey should be ready for the marketplace in the next few weeks. Please check out the website for the book - - I hope you enjoy it.
  • JoAnn "Joie" Melton

    Hello! I just discovered I had emails awaiting me..............thanks for writing me back. Your Paradise series sounds intriguing - having a comparable set of background situations. I hope to delve into them soon. Do you live in the rural setting now or ??
  • JoAnn "Joie" Melton

    I forgot to include that I have a framed and matted spider's intriguing to see the intricacies of their work- I've had two - the one I kept is not a very neat spider. Or he was having an off day. ~ JoAnn / "Joie"
  • JoAnn "Joie" Melton

    Ahhh, you asked about my book....which is incubating slowly. Tales of the magic relationship that transforms the mundane into what was described as a charmed life - the forces that come to play in what I will say I now recognize as normal challenges - but at the time were traumatic - including a corrupt police chief - valiant efforts to stave off a business failure on a wing and a prayer - and related issues that those in the Midwest might recognize. Much good - too much challenge - some insights on the spiritual path and the end has three alternatives. When more complete I'll see which one reads well. If you'd like, I'd appreciate your input. JoAnn (joielake at aol)
  • Tiia Jones

    Thanks for asking. Most people just want to sell me something! It's about my trials and tribulations in online dating. I've been on over 230 internet dates and have had lots of adventures and grown a great deal along the way. Tell me more about yours!
  • Maureen Miller

    I believe in Charlotte you are either working at BofA, or you are affiliated with NASCAR in some respect. Other than that, you do not exist! :) I'm one of the 'do not exister-ers'
  • John Wolf

    Where in Missouri are you from? My family core was in Plattsburg/Lathrop area.
    J. wolf
  • Sandra Carrington-Smith

    Hello, and thank you so much for adding me as your friend. It's great to meet other NC authors! :-)
  • Maureen Miller

    Now that's a nice story. It would have been something if he did come along for the move. There's nothing wrong with a few friendly spirits hanging around.
    I am certain that some poor family will have to put up with me sitting on the couch and watching football in the many years to come. I'm sorry, but a little thing like death will not keep me from football :)
  • Paradise

    If you believe as I believe we never die, then it is safe to live this physical life to the fullest. I lost an eye, it didn't affect the real me, I have a friend who lost a limb and he is still the same person as before and it goes on and on. The important thing that we must do; is work to make eternity better because why mess it up and have to come back and do it all over again. this earthly life is so short that a few hundred years doesn't make much difference. One person has a problem with knocking down a mountain, but six billion, well that is another matter, but think of six billion lives for each individual. Hmm this is getting too deep even for me. Thanks I love your work.Delete Comment
  • Laura Lyseight

    You have done an incredible job with your children. Will like to pick your brain.
  • Joseph Arhavbarien

    Searching you out by Wikipedia reveals a great and well accomplished person. It's a honour to me to receive your invitation to my humbleself. I want you to know that the Bible remains God's only guide book for all Christians, you do not have to start your own. Christianity is not about religion, is about a relationship, accepting Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord and seeking to do God's will in line with His revealed word. The multiplicity of christian religion as you noted in your invite is man's idea, not God's. It is still one faith, we have to be careful as pervertion of true christianity exist, and only by being prayerful through a sincere heart can enable one to know which is true and which is false. God guide as you seek to know the truth. Joseph (
  • Pamela Leah Crompton

    Hi Paradise.

    Great to have you as a friend. I'm heading over to your site and I'll leave a message there, too.

  • Pamela Leah Crompton

    Went to your site, but all I got was a black page.

  • Pamela Leah Crompton

    Yes, it's back up now.

    I look Irish? I guess both races are Celts under the skin.

    I'm glad you liked the look of my books. Yours sound fascinating. Essentially a white man becoming an Indian, that's quite a transformation.

    Are you still with BookSurge or did you move over to CS? I'm in there and they're a great crowd.

  • Pamela Leah Crompton

    I don't write for profit either, but for the sheer enjoyment. I have written non fiction in the past, and it kept a bit extra on the table when it was sorely needed.

    I decided to stop pursuing the traditional route and get published. I don't think I have another twenty years to mess about so, when I found CS, I decided to go for it. It's wonderful to have a real live book with my name on the cover. It makes up for the years of struggling with agents and their rejection letters.

  • Pamela Leah Crompton

    Fantastic news! I wonder how that will affect sales of my book. In it, I stress that druidry is a religion. Chris Park of is a nephew and a druid.

    Thank you so much for sending me the link.

  • Pamela Leah Crompton

    Yes, fiction is always an adventure, non-fiction never was as there were deadlines to meet.

    The collection of stories evolved over the years, as I remembered people or incidents in the village where I grew up. With The Last Druid, the only thing I knew was the ending but I knew a lot about Cambria during Roman occupation. I think I know it better than I know today's world. There were time when I was writing that I'd stop to check something because I thought it couldn't be right. Research showed me it was. Knowledge came as if it had always been there, or somebody or something was in touch. My sister who still lives in Wales says I taught her a lot about our history. She's pushing to get the book into libraries and bookstores, but Amazon's return policies won't work for them. I'm checking Lulu to see if they have better options for bookstores. If they do, I'll republish via them with my own ISBN. There was a family reunion last week and Liz made up flyers to hand out. That might bring a few more sales.

  • Pamela Leah Crompton

    The only prolem is that I'm not in the UK. It's a bit much to ask my sister to store books and then haul them around the country.
  • Pamela Leah Crompton

    I pity anyone trying to make a living from writing books. Those who know nothing about the process see block-buster sales for big names like Steven King and think it's easy. The sad thing is that most people think they can write. I see previews of writing all the time and some don't even have the basics of grammar. I saw one earlier this week where periods were followed by lower-case letters. My writing isn't perfect, but something like that is what gives self-published authors a bad name.

    The economy will recover, it always has. While it's this bad, it affects book selling/buying, too.

  • Pamela Leah Crompton

    I'm not sure UK bookstores would pay postage from the US on an unknown self-published author.

    Someone on CS mentioned an EDC printer in the UK. I've asked for more information so, fingers crossed.
  • Pamela Leah Crompton

    Although my books are listed on, I don't see a place where bookstores could buy at a lower price and thus make a profit.

    The writer on CS answered me regarading EDC printing in the UK. I would have to go through Lightning Source. I have my own ISBN's now so I'll be investigating them. With the current interest in Druidry, I need to get in on the act fast. Meanwhile, I'm doing yet another proofread of the MS to make sure it's as perfect as it can be. Among other errors, my last reading showed a few gerund openings that need to be changed.

  • Pamela Leah Crompton

    Superb work. I love real wood and can't stand the laminated furniture around. Many times, I go to where I can buy unfinished pieces and stain them myself. Usually, I put on a top coat of Varathane to protect them. Some pieces are 30 years old and still haven't chipped or discoloured.