The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

All Blog Posts (18,496)

Getting Spartacus on MySpace...

This is pretty cool, so I thought that I would share...hope that everyone has had a great weekend!

Since I wrote MySpace For Dummies, the company that I work for, MediaSauce, has been getting many requests to create MySpace pages for all different types of people, organizations and events.

One of…


Added by Hup on March 25, 2007 at 11:55am — 3 Comments

Sending a copy of my book to established authors

Hi all, It's me, Sean Toh from Singapore.

Last week, I had this idea of sending my books to some established authors. I told myself that I had nothing to lose but the printing cost of the book and the postage cost needed to send the book to the destination address. Hence, I started writing a few thank you notes and send my books to my targeted authors.

Within the next few day, I recieved a few thank you letters and notes from some of them. This idea from John Kremer's book is a…


Added by Sean Toh on March 25, 2007 at 2:22am — 3 Comments

Author Marketing Teleconference Calls

Hello, Book Marketing Network Members!

Experienced authors know that getting a book written and published is only the beginning. If you want significant sales, you can’t rely solely on your publisher. You have to market your book. The good news is that marketing can be fun and exciting, and the efforts pay off not only in increased book sales, but in building your business and expanding your network. Marketing doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive,… Continue

Added by Peter Johnson on March 24, 2007 at 5:58pm — 1 Comment

New Resource for Authors

I am so happy to announce that we have launched our redesigned resource site for authors and publishers. Featuring a FREE Book Marketing Resource Kit and our unique Find a Publicist service, is ready for you to use.

Any feedback, comments or suggestions you have are most appreciated.

Added by Kim Dushinski on March 23, 2007 at 9:15am — No Comments

Wall Street Journal article, which features our very own Rick Frishman

Wall Street Journal article featuring Rick Frishman

Here's an article from today's Wall Street Journal on the creating bestsellers at using some "promotional tricks." John also talks about this in his book, in Chapter 12 (right?).

Just this week, I've gotten emails of this nature from one specific publishing house for three of their authors.… Continue

Added by Lisa Braun Dubbels on March 23, 2007 at 8:57am — 1 Comment


My novel about the Sherpas of Everest has received 5 star reviews from everyone. A wonderful review was posted yesterday on amazon. One would think that with all these great reviews for the papeback editon I'd be able to get an agent to sell a hardback edition and other subisidary rights. That just isn't happening. Any suggestions?

Beyond the Summit.

Added by Linda LeBlanc on March 23, 2007 at 7:55am — No Comments

Follow-Up On Ning and Amazon Review as Suggested by Ryan Richardson

Presently a topic within the Forum, I thought this worth blogging by BMN member Amaal Tokars for better visability:


A suggestion was submitted this week regarding the development of a book review club where those interested are COMMITTED to buying, reading, reviewing and posting a review about the book (there could be other benefitial efforts).

Now this appears to be a grreat idea. That's the easy part. The hard parts???? Getting this off of the ground AND… Continue

Added by Judi Lake on March 22, 2007 at 10:40pm — No Comments

Hi to all,Yes. I know I did not post anything till now, but I am new to all of this, and I was busy making friends and asking for friends.I think this internet linking with people is wonderful, but a…

Hi to all,

Yes. I know I did not post anything till now, but I am new to all of this, and I was busy making friends and asking for friends.

I think this internet linking with people is wonderful, but also very daunting.

My book - "from the Promised land to the Lucky Country" was launched at the end of January and is doing very well on Amazon. It is my autobiography and it took me 10 years to write it.

I was lucky to live in times and places of importance not only to… Continue

Added by Renate on March 22, 2007 at 4:12pm — 1 Comment

looking for some tips on how to market a book the right way

I have been trying to sign up for as many blog websites as possible, hoping that some of the millions of people that visit these sites will actually want to read my books. Any other avenues I can pursue???

I would love to hear any other suggestions. Also if anyone knows how to turn a Woman's Fiction novel into a Lifetime movie (lol) or something close, please feel free to share.



Added by Debi DeSantis on March 22, 2007 at 9:01am — No Comments

Blog with me on

Hi all,

I blog at

topics include things like

telling profitable stories

telling compeling stories

adventures in video

interesting people

must read books

Ronda Del Boccio

Added by TheStoryLady on March 21, 2007 at 11:45am — No Comments

Been There

While searching the web a few weeks ago for illustrators, which I found out a publisher gets for your work in a children's book should you ever break through the barrier, I found one of the truest statements about being an author.

For most of us it's a hobby. We work other jobs while trying to make our dreams come true. I always tell everyone. Write because you love it. Because if you don't, you're doing it for the wrong reasons. For me, writing is the greatest therapy I've…


Added by Kevin Noa on March 20, 2007 at 8:31pm — 1 Comment

Ning and

Ryan Richardson just sent me a chatter message on my page here. I thought his suggestion was good so I'm adding it here as a blog post.

"You guys should read and recommend each other's books on Amazon. Refer to this Ning site and then other authors will want to join this site.
Within time, all your books will be flying off the shelves if you work
together on Ning AND Amazon."

Added by John Kremer on March 20, 2007 at 12:42am — 6 Comments

Book Marketing Tip: Let Google Alerts Help You Track Your Online Publicity

All authors want to know when other sites, blogs, or online stores mention them or their book. Keeping up with all your latest mentions can be time-consuming, however. To make this task easier, and automated, try Google Alerts. Set up an alert for a specific name or phrase and you'll receive email notification when it appears on the web or in Google news. You…


Added by Patrice-Anne Rutledge on March 19, 2007 at 7:58pm — No Comments

Writing Groups?

When I sold my businesses about 15 years ago and announced to the world that I was allowing myself one year to write the “Great American Novel,” I received seven books on how to write novels for Christmas. I actually read a couple of them. One of those devoted significant space to the concept of “never join a writers group. Never, never, never join a writers group that serves anything to eat…


Added by Bill Stephens on March 19, 2007 at 10:45am — 2 Comments

Virtual Book Signing

I was reading about the virtual book tours that some authors do and there was an ebook for sale about how to do these and all about them, but it was 29.00 so it was out of my range.

I was wondering how many authors had taken one of these tours and how it worked out for them. Are the book sales good, and how does one go about setting one up. I take it that these tours are done on a blog on someone's website. Or that's the impression I got from…

Added by shirley dicks on March 18, 2007 at 11:00am — 7 Comments

A new addition to the family

I am Marta. Daughter of Tomasz and Marta, big sister of Maciek, and, since last week, owner of Fanta.

Fanta is four months old. She has golden fur with white ,,socks". She's my dog. Well, at least she's supposed to be my dog. We already have one: a12 year old mutt named Portfel (which means wallet in Polish). He is my mother's dog and extremely jealous. So, we're doing everything to make Fanta devote herself to anybody differetn than mom, who can't handle being the favorite person of…


Added by Marta Muras on March 18, 2007 at 10:07am — No Comments

Hi, I'm Sean Toh from Singapore

Hi all,

My name is Sean. My first day here at Book Marketing Network. I have just written my first book called the "4 Steps To Financial Freedom". It was really a learning experience for me who knows nothing about writing, publishing and marketing book.

I have written the book, self-published and distributed the book to local bookstores in Singapore. Now, the big challenge is to market the book into a best-seller one in Singapore.

Well, I'm still learning and hope to…


Added by Sean Toh on March 18, 2007 at 2:36am — 1 Comment

Where 'The Bleep' Did My Identity Go?

I am a die-hard Mac user. Have been for over twenty years and it only gets better. The PC certainly has its place but for creative projects well… the Mac is superior and the good news is is that Mac’s do not get viruses.

My partner is a die-hard PC user. If you ever viewed the recent Mac commercials then you can imagine our relationship. I have recently added creative video production to my advertising agency’s services and my partner began to feel a bit competitive. I have always… Continue

Added by Judi Lake on March 17, 2007 at 5:56pm — No Comments

Why win the game of business?

Why would you want to win the game of business!

In the end, the reason we all want business success is to be happy. But you want to be happy in all areas of your life, don’t you? Of course you do. We all do. So why do so many of us try to separate our business lives from the rest of our lives?

My opinion? Big mistake.

People typically spend 50 – 60 hours a week at work, and, if you own a business, you spend another 20 hours thinking about it. So any… Continue

Added by WinningTheGameOfBusiness on March 16, 2007 at 8:53pm — No Comments

To Write Or Not To Write

It’s amazing how many people I encountered during my restaurant days and continue to stumble upon now in my day job as a restaurant consultant who glibly say, “I’ve always wanted a restaurant.” I coined the name, “Restabees,” for these…


Added by Bill Stephens on March 16, 2007 at 3:39pm — No Comments

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