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Hi, Everyone Captain Bootsie here! Thought you might like to see where we hang out when we're not time travelling! From our Earth base we can look across Lake Como to little towns and villages and wonderful mountains! Well....mountains are everywhere.....even our Earth base is built out of a mountain!

Well got to run for now........ When you have a time travelling sentient starship trying to cook....well you get the…


Added by Judith Shahverdian on July 13, 2007 at 7:57am — 2 Comments

When the Light Goes Out!

I really enjoy flowers and plants. I often use to take a short break from writing to pull the weeds from a flower bed or trim a few branches to keep a bush in shape.

I was especially proud of some beautiful ferns I had hanging outside around the patio.…


Added by N.W. Smith on July 13, 2007 at 6:30am — No Comments

Monday #1 - 7/9/07 --trip for ICRS Conference

I woke up Monday morning full of enthusiasm and yet worried about the weight of all I had to get over to the convention center. I packed up my folding cart, put 2 boxes on top of it with books and then my computer bag with wheels on tops of that (for "stuff" -- not the computer.)

I grabbed a cup of iced coffee downstairs and Tylenol too and then caught a cab. The cab driver asked what I was doing at the conference and I said I'd written a few books. He explained how he had brought his…


Added by Lisa Copen on July 12, 2007 at 8:22pm — No Comments



Captain Bootsie here! I'd like to introduce you to my crew...

My Second in Command is Commander Tank, Agent 007&1/2 He wears the Blue Headband of Command

Commander Ralph the Lionheart, Science Officer.He wears the Green Headband of Command

HRH Princess Commander Bay Girl, Communications Officer, SHE wears the Pink Headband of Command

and of course ME!

Captain… Continue

Added by Judith Shahverdian on July 12, 2007 at 4:06pm — No Comments

The lesson of the ant

A biologist once was doing a study of ants. One day he watched a worker ant carrying a piece of straw. Compared to the ant's size and weight, that straw must have been a heavy and unwieldy load. But the ant kept working -- kept carrying his load.

After a…


Added by N.W. Smith on July 12, 2007 at 6:30am — No Comments

Fear or Fun!!

I spent a lot of time this weekend around young children at my grand daughters 6th birthday. It gave me pause for thought! Young kids have lots of fun, they are not yet immersed in fear.…


Added by Hazel Palache on July 11, 2007 at 11:00am — No Comments

Fear or Fun!!

I spent a lot of time this weekend around young children at my grand daughters 6th birthday. It gave me pause for thought! Young kids have lots of fun, they are not yet immersed in fear.…


Added by Hazel Palache on July 11, 2007 at 11:00am — No Comments

"How to Get What You Really, REALLY Want"

I am offering all you literary bloggers a chance to receive a review copy of the following book, if you are willing to consider including it on your blog.

One of the books I represent is Heartwork: How to Get What You Really, REALLY Want, by Dale Goldstein. The book is an experience, maybe the next step after "The Secret" Dale brings years of experience as a psychotherapist, and mindfulness practitioner to his synthesis of psychology and spirituality. The book is… Continue

Added by Mari Selby on July 11, 2007 at 7:37am — No Comments

Listen to the Birds

My wife, Larisa and I have a special fondness for birds. We enjoy seeing them fly, darting from tree to tree, soaring and wheeling about, riding the wind in joyous freedom.

And it's fun to watch them splash in a puddle or pool of water, bathing themselves and carefully preening their feathers.…


Added by N.W. Smith on July 11, 2007 at 6:30am — No Comments

What Now Mr. Bush.

Our president has evoked executive privilege when the testimony of two white house aids had been requested by congress. This seems to be a big issue for many democrats and a lot of republicans in the wake of the scooter levy trail. I also feel that the war that is now going on in Iraq is another reason why the…


Added by Darryl Williams on July 10, 2007 at 4:00pm — No Comments

A New Slant to My Services

It's funny, sometimes the obvious can hit you right in the middle of your face and until someone points it out, you don't really notice it. I was chatting with my writing partner who happens to live in Beijing, China and he mentioned that he was trying to steer business my way. You gotta love that Alan Solomon!

Anyway, he typed in an instant message last night the following:

..."I have a couple of mates that look like they will be interested in your services..."



Added by Taryn Simpson on July 10, 2007 at 7:41am — No Comments


A Sunday school teacher was telling her class the story of the Good Samaritan, in which a man was beaten, robbed and left for dead. She described the situation in vivid detail so her students would catch the drama.

Then she asked the class, "If you saw a person lying on the roadside all wounded and bleeding, what would…


Added by N.W. Smith on July 10, 2007 at 6:30am — No Comments

Sunday - 7/8/07 --trip for ICRS Conference

I was able to sleep in a bit today to be over to the luncheon by noon. AWSA held the Golden Scroll Awards. The organization gives awards to publishers, editors, etc. It's a time to visit, eat, worship and hear a speaker as well as honor the awards recipients.

Last year I had the honor of meeting author and speaker Janice Chaffee, as she shared tears with her AWSA sisters over her battle with cancer. Though I had not known her, it was an emotional time last year as it took all…


Added by Lisa Copen on July 10, 2007 at 5:55am — No Comments

Saturday - 7/7/07 --trip for ICRS Conference

I went to bed Friday night at about 12 a.m. my time. I couldn't sleep and finally turned on my light and started reading Carol Kent's new book I'd picked up on the freebie book table. All of us bring a stack of books and you give them away and pick up what you want. Well, I had wanted to read Carol's, "A New Kind of…


Added by Lisa Copen on July 10, 2007 at 5:55am — No Comments

#1 on NY Times!!!!

I always feel like my client's successes are mine. I am so thrilled! My client, Christine Feehan made the #1 spot on NY Times! She's #3 on USA Today!

It was a long, well thought out campaign. We did online, TV and movie theater ads.

We've had a few of our authors picked up for MySpace Books and now our book videos are playing on Barnes and Noble site! Go the and look up Christine Feehan's Safe Harbor or Deborah LeBlanc's Morbid…


Added by COS Productions on July 9, 2007 at 10:55pm — No Comments

Strategic Goal

One of our team's strengths has been its enthusiasm, but we lived on enthusiasm too far--with a lack of consolidated direction. Today, we put together a better goal: Sell 10,000 books by the end of the year. It gives us a chance.

My contention is that a clear strategic goal is essential--everyone tells you that. But sometimes, an individual or group is so new and inexperienced that it simply needs time to explore and learn. That's where we have been. Well over six months of that now.… Continue

Added by Anthony Signorelli on July 9, 2007 at 9:25pm — No Comments

New interview and medieval blog entry

I've got a new interview up on Carol Ann Erhardt's blog "Inside the

Writer's Mind":

Though she's a romance writer, she does interview writers from other

genres. Please contact her directly if you want to arrange one.

I also have a new entry up on my medieval blog, "The Middle Ages Get



Added by Paula R. Stiles on July 9, 2007 at 7:23pm — No Comments

Say It Isn’t So

Say It Isn’t So

I hope that every one had a wonderful Fourth of July and that it was a really blessed one. I know that there are a lot of things that are going on in this world that can all be attributed to shear ignorance and lack of exposure. No matter how many…


Added by Darryl Williams on July 9, 2007 at 4:00pm — No Comments


Take a scroll down the page and check out my new pics and new video. I have been hammering away mercilessly through the night setting up file sharing accounts here, there, everywhere and uploading film.

Same with photos. Wanna get noticed? Make a big racket!

Take care everybody!


Added by Ken Jensen on July 9, 2007 at 6:31am — No Comments

Want FREE autographed books?

"Great Summer Reads Contest" - read any 3 or more Kunati titles to enter. Contest will open shortly but start reading now.

No purchase necessary. You can buy the books, borrow from a friend or library.

Proof of reading could win you 1-3 FREE books.

More info at:…


Added by Cheryl Kaye Tardif on July 8, 2007 at 10:31pm — No Comments

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