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I just got a new computer; and you'd think I'd be cheering with gratitude. Instead, I’m crawling up the learning curve, sweating through every step, panting as frustration reaches heights that cannot be measured.

The problem is that my screen reader operates with specific key commands - which worked beautifully with my previous operating system. Those same key commands instead of allowing me to navigate through different applications now spark a most annoying "ding" sound.

So, I did what most reasonable, calm, respectful and God-honoring Christian would do. I pulled away from my desk. Painfully aware I was losing the self-pity battle, I folded my hands on my lap and stared into space. I wanted to pray. but wasn't sure for what. Take my computer away? Give me sight long enough to see what I'm doing wrong? Clear all the glitches?

Without a specific prayer, I just said, "Lord, let me just spend a few minutes with you - just you and me."

Moments later, it happened; it all became clear, really clear. The reason for my insane impatience was because I've come to rely on my computer to read, write, communicate, create, express myself through writing, inspire others, respond to those who are hurting, and even make some friends laugh with my silly antics.

Without the ability to operate my computer, I was lost. I was an orphan, an isolated gal in the middle of nowhere. Ugh! What an ugly place to be.

Then the gush of truth nearly jerk my head back, took my breath away, and sent a shiver up my spine.

I had truly made my computer my precious possession. God said to re-evaluate your thinking, rearrange your priorities, and open your eyes!

"Guard My words as your most precious possession" (Proverbs 7:3).

Computer or not, what my heart should guard, value, and covet should be His Word to guide me, to comfort me, to ease reassurance, and heal my wounds. And that's something my computer could never do.

Now, filled with renewed confidence in God's Word, my fingers began to dance on the keyboard. With calmness, I tried new commands, moved from one application with care, wisdom, and logic. And viola! The combinations of key commands worked. No more "ding" sound and to prove it, here's a post for you.

Will you cheer with me?

Janet (who's now spending more quiet moments with the Lord, the King of all applications to navigate through life)

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