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What do you recommend regarding publishing?

Is going the self-publishing route a viable option as opposed to sending your manuscript to a publisher and waiting for a response? Or would you consider E-books a good option? I have a manuscript that I do consider to be worthy of publishing, but want to go the best route to get it out there, read and make the most profit in so doing. Your comments are appreciated!


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While traditional publishing is a good option it is difficult to get published through a traditional publisher. The success of your book depends upon you and not the publisher. You need to create an approach that makes your book stand out from others like it. Though you did not indicate whether your book is fiction or non-fiction it does not make a difference. Fiction can be harder to promote than non-fiction but it is not impossible. The success of your book depends upon the content and how you approach your marketing efforts related to it.

Today publishers do little if any in the way of marketing all the books they publish. They have limited funds. My current book Integrity: Do You Have It? 2nd edtion is through a self-publisher. Self-publishing offers more control of your book and it never goes out of print. E-books are great also but many people prefer hard copies. There is a market for e-books as I have purchased several. I would suggest using both the print version and the ebook version. This would provide an option for those who purchase your book.

Choosing a publisher whatever type can be difficult as there are many who will take your money and not live up to the promises they make. There are many fine publishers who produce quality books and provide good service to their authors. I have a free download on my web site of my publishing experiences and it offers some tips for choosing a publisher. Creating a topic on this forum is also a great way to get input from others. We need to help each other with answers to questions if we have them. We can learn from each other. Another great site is which has a forum which is free you only need to set up an account. There is a wealth of information and expertise from those who use this forum.

I personally like the self-publishing route with the control.
Hello Sandy,

Here is a link to a website that has a great deal of discussion about self-publishing.

Best wishes.

It depends on your goals. If you really want large-scale distribution and national exposure, I'd work on getting a traditional publisher to pick you up. If you are ready to take on all of the challenges associated with self-publishing (typesetting, layout, cover, marketing, etc.), then this route can be very fulfilling and profitable. I would not go the ebook route first. Do print first, you can always then republish the work as an ebook (or publish both at the same time, but you would need two different ISBNs).

Do you want to spend more time publishing or writing - that is what it really comes down to.

Director: Bauu Institute and Press
Publisher: Great New Books Reviewed
Editor: Indigenous Peoples Issues Today
Editor: Indigenous Peoples Issues & Resources
That's a sign that they have further interest in reading to make a more in-depth judgment.

The best with the news.

Martha Tucker
Hi Sandy,

I have to agree that both avenues can be fulfilling. If you are already a big name, have discovered a 5000 year old skeleton, a celebrity doing something different, or just a celebrity writing a fiction book, something like that, I think mainstream might be more lucrative. If you're a good writer who has the confidence to do what you must do anyhow, market your book, then I suggest you self-publish and build a presence on the worldwide web and make some staggering money while you're keeping at least 50% of hard-earned income. Stash that cash until you have mainstream publicity campaign money--around $25,000-$50,000. Then, you can consider mainstream publishing. Then if they don't publicize your book, you can do it yourself.

I see danger in mainstream publishers purchasing novels when they don't intend to publicize them. If they don't promote your book and it doesn't resonate with readers right away, your book is going to be tossed into the remainder bin. After that, you'll have a hard time getting another publishing deal. On the other hand, if mainstream publishes your book, and you find they're not going to promote it, then you have enough money to promote it yourself. In a year, you'll have a fan base and Big Boy publishers will come looking for you.

Yes, I believe Self-Publishing is a win-win situation for those who are willing to work very hard, like a job, and are not afraid to believe they can do it.

I teach an online workshop on the subject of where the money is hidden in self-publishing. I'll give you a hint...usually, it begins to show up about 90 days from the beginning of a huge online campaign. It grows from there. Stay out of the crowd, use think-out-of-the-box marketing.

Please visit my site to find the tools and resources every writer needs, especially the self-published writer.

the best,
Martha Tucker
the best with your submission.

Martha Tucker


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