The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

Hi all -

To get your How-to on writing up an ad and selling your book on Craig's List, you need to email me at I have a PDF I can send you but I can't send it unless you give me your email address. Thanks for all the responses; it's been amazing to hear from so many!


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Hi Shannon,

I very would love a PDF ad copy. I need all the assistants I can get to sell my booklet and books and able to donate to non profit organization in my community.
I would love to look at how you do your craigslisting.

You've got email.
Posting on the Craig's List...what a clever idea! Please send me the 'how to'. Thanks!
Hi Shannon,
I'd love to take a look at this PDF. Can you send it to me at
Hi Shannon,

I would love to have a copy. Really nice of you to offer this. Thanks.You may enjoy reading my column in the English newspaper printed in Turkey. Copy and paste:
Shannon, I'd like to learn how please send me the instructions to
Hi Shannon!

I'd love a copy of your how-to.

I'd love to take a look. Please send to Thank you for your generous offer.
I too would like to see the "how to." I've used craigs list for posting ads for books, but have little success in those ads generating sales. They do give you a small bit of traffic (which is always welcome) and a backlink (although it has the "no follow" tag embedded so it only partially counts in SEO endeavors). There are also a lot of other "ad sites" that allow you to do the same thing, but none are as popular as craigs list (perhaps another set of links I should build for the community...).

I'd love to learn some more about this. Please send me the pdf at pnj "at"

Director and Editor: Bauu Institute and Press
Publisher: New Great Books
Editor: Indigenous People's Issues Today
Yeah, trouble with Craig's list is that they don't want you putting up the same ad on a lot of cities at once. Which is a bummer when you're trying to market a book.

They have an amazing reach, but make it tough to mass market.
Hmmm....I'm curious now..


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