The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

Authors Working Together to Sell More Books

"Your life changes when you meet people." - Sterling Valentine

I want to encourage the authors and publishers on this Book Marketing Network to work together to help each other to sell more books. That's the main reason I created this network in the first place.

There are so many ways that you can help each other. For example, I wrote an article on 30 Ways to Help a Book Author You Love - Most of those ways apply not only to your friends but also to authors helping each other.

In addition, you can do joint ventures, Amazon Bestseller Campaigns, blog tours, and more.

Please use this forum right here to list your requests for partners as well as your responses or offers to help other authors.

You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish if you work together rather than alone.

For example, I'd love to see a fiction writers co-op promotion where each novelist promotes the other members in the co-op on their blog or website or social network. Tweet about each other. Like each others' Facebook page. Do joint blog tours.

Poets can do the same thing. So can business book authors. Spiritual authors. Christian authors. Cookbook authors. Etc.

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I couldn't agree with you more! As a matter-of-fact, just this morning, I promoted a fellow author's latest novel  on my Face Book page.

As I wrote in a recent post, there's so much jealousy and competition in today's world and that's a shame. Another writer's success doesn't diminish me or my work; it only serves to prove that, if he/she can do it, I can do it too!

Thanks for your reply! Just read your blog and so much appreciate your positive philosophy! The "posse" sounds interesting. Would love to learn more. Thanks again for sharing!


I couldn't agree more! If I see merit for a book I often will ask the author for a set of business cards or bookmarks to give out to schools and libraries as I promote mine and my author's work. When I find it appropriate to mention in an article I freely do so. It matters not that my publishing company didn't publish it. I believe word of mouth is as important as any promotional efforts. And if I would buy it, why shouldn't I share the good news with others?


Ginger Marks, Author & Publisher

Presentational Skills for the Next Generation

Hey everyone.  A New Publishing Company has opened its doors - Precious Gems Publishing!


From one publisher to another, welcome!

Ginger Marks, Author & Publisher

Presentational Skills for the Next Generation

I am inviting everyone to write a short article for my blog. Anyone who wants to share a networking related story or business card related story can participate. Tell me how a face-to-face networking encounter helped you in your life or as an author or if one of your characters was involved in networking or uses a business card, talk about that. Think of this as a writing challenge I think it can apply to everyone. If you have a nonfiction business book you can give business advice applicable to entrepreneurs. Include a link to your website and mention of your book. A link back to or is appreciated. See my blog at .


This is a terrific opportunity for us all. Thank you for the challenge, Reno. I, for one, am up to the task. I do have one question though, where should we submit our articles?

Ginger Marks, Author & Publisher

Presentational Skills for the Next Generation

Please reply to reno(at) and put Blog Article in the subject line. I'll look forward to your entry.

Okay Reno, my article should be in your inbox. Hope it helps. Let me know if there is anything else you want or need.

Happy to help,


To submit your article please send it to reno(at) and put "Blog Article" in the subject line.
That's done, Aileen. I'll remind you about this one day when I need a favour. Good luck anyway!


Done. Happy to support you.

Ginger Marks, Author & Publisher

Presentational Skills for the Next Generation


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