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Self Publishing

Discussions and recources for all types of self-publishing, from using POD publishing services to doing your own printing and distribution.

Members: 536
Latest Activity: Aug 1, 2023


Yeah, yeah, there's new tech parameters and a paradigm shift and all that.

But the important thing is that there are (and always have been) alternatives to writing something then trying to sell the rights to a publishing company. This group is to explore these areas of self-owned publishing biz.

Some writers have niche books, some have special needs (like texts for their seminars), some are just too entrepreneurial to sell of their own inspirations. And some just want to see something in print.

There is a spectrum these days, from big publishers through the new, small POD publishers, to using publishing services like or iuniverse, to printing yourself and selling online, to release of downloadable mp3 "podcasts" or pdf manuals.

If you have expertise, experience, or questions in this area, don't be shy about posting them here. It's a rapidly expanding field and nobody knows everything about it, but lots of us are learning enough to do what we want to do and successfully get it across the counter.

Discussion Forum

LULU.COM Some leading questions 20 Replies

Started by Linton Robinson. Last reply by MAXINE P. SOSO Dec 20, 2009.

Who is your book distributor? 19 Replies

Started by Dana Marie. Last reply by Zhana Apr 19, 2017.

How to get started publishing your books 17 Replies

Started by Linton Robinson. Last reply by Zhana Jan 13, 2018.

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Comment by Santonio Thompson on June 27, 2012 at 12:39pm



Driven by the fear of being alone has caused me years of pain, frustration , and 100's of vow's to never get in a relationship with a women that don't want shit. Being obsessed with a phat ass, accompanied with insanity and denial kept me in a viscous cycle of O Lord here I go again. That's what got me in trouble with Angie. I ignore all the signs that she was trifflen as hell. I mean this women was 5'3 pecan tan with a body shape like an hour glass. Her ass omg! It looks like she dipped it in honey and sat in a wasp nest. Dam she has the prettiest, round ass on earth. But the moment I spoke to her in line at Wal-Mart. I should have known she was not the one. Her breath smelled like ass and cigarettes, I'm talking morning breath at 6 in the evening. Men, you know how a pretty face and phat ass get us every time.

I said to myself, I can hit it doggy style. Rationalizing and carrying on. I was doing too much knowing I could smell her breathe, if she was in she kitchen and, I was in the back bedroom and she yawned. Anyway, we exchanged numbers and later that day I found myself calling her then riding to her house to beat the pussy up. When I crossed tha thrush hole into her house, I should have ran like hell, but no I looked past all the dirty clothes in the flour, on the chair. The dirty dishes , roaches swimming in a bowl of old milk and cereal, the shitty diapers and bloody tampons piled in her bath room trash can. Fuck it I thought, High as gas is I'm gonna hit this ass anyway. Boy how I was fooled. When she took off her pants. I began to comprehend what men mean when they say her ass smells like a sewer trout. I be dam if I didn't think I was near a waste plant. This shit is too much for me. I was out. I turned to walk out of her room and crack! My skull was bashed to my brain, by her brother with a aluminum bat. Mamma chasing ass would get me in trouble one day. Who know she would be right, and I would be Angie first victim of many men to be found dickless and dead. yep. I got some ass alright, my own. Picture this me lying on a church step my dick cut off stuck in my ass. My head so smash in, that you could see my brains coved with maggots sucking the blood and my nuts in my mouth. That's what chasing a phat ass and a fed up women got me.

Comment by Neil Ostroff on June 25, 2012 at 1:07pm

Changing the world

So it finally happened, ebooks have surpassed regular books in sales for the first time ever! What does that mean to the 21st century writer? It means that the future of reading is here. It means that the stigma of reading ebooks has passed. It means a world-wide audience can download a book in seconds. It also means we will probably be seeing the end of traditional bookstores. Though it had been a lifelong dream of mine to see the cover of one of my books prominently displayed on Borders new release shelf, I’m gladly trading that dream for thousands of sales across the globe. Probably, the most significant drawback to ebooks is that an author cannot sign the copy. There won’t be any more book signing events or author appearances to sell books. There won’t be any more small author headshots on the back cover showing a proud and smiling writer. Authors as recognizable faces will most likely disappear and all writers will be known by name only. I for one am willing to forgo those ego boosts and live my life anonymously in exchange for more readers and a bigger audience. And speaking of a bigger audience, I’ve discovered a few things that may save time for authors trying to promote their books. Number one, though I once praised posting on threads that offer free promotion I now recommend against it. After many months of close observation and record keeping I discovered almost no relationship between posting and sales. Though it did make me feel good thinking I was doing something to get the word out, in actuality, it did almost nothing. I probably spent more than fifty hours posting summaries and taglines and can maybe actually account for five sales that are directly related to those efforts. That’s ten hours work posting per sale at a sixty cent royalty. You do the math. I have discovered that posting regularly on Author’s Den, Linkedin, Kindle Boards, Kindle Direct Publishing community, and Bookblogs has yielded the best results. Also, starting your own blog is a must. As you can see, this blog is nearing 190,000 hits, that’s a lot of exposure. All in all, ebooks are the future and I am excited to be a part of this new author revolution in publishing. It inspires me to write “outside the box” and create characters and storylines far from the mainstream without fear of what a publisher would think is WORTHY of being given a chance to show the public. It allows me to be more creative in ways that were never acceptable before. To think that without ebooks and the new acceptance of indie writers, nearly 12,000 people that have read my books would never have even gotten the chance if the big three publishing houses had their way. My advice is to write whatever kind of story you want, get a good editor, get a good cover artist, and publish away. Let the public decide if you’ve got talent, not some corporate tie-wearer who’s more worried about making his sales numbers than the story you’ve got to tell.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on June 21, 2012 at 7:38pm

A CBM Press Release
June 20th, 2012

Author Paulette Harper Johnson's book release Completely Whole

Minister, life coach, enthusiastic speaker and multi-published author, Paulette Harper Johnson, releases her new book, "Completely Whole." Written for those that desire "wholeness" through Jesus Christ in their life, this is a resource filled guidebook that will encourage and inspire readers to find freedom through Christ. Giving a "clear-cut, Biblical blueprint" the author gives practical applications that will enlighten, uplift and inspire. This book will give you the confidence and hope to continue on the path God intended for you. The author has written this book with compassion so that all may come to the saving grace and victorious life that Christ provided.

This amazing interactive book will be one that the reader can use to diffuse issues or concerns that cause blockages in their growth with Christ. No one is without trauma or tragedies in life; the author has written with candor about issues that face those in today's society and what we can do to address those concerns in a Biblical fashion. By recognizing the power of prayer as one of our greatest privileges and strengths, the author, encourages readers with powerful prayers at the end of each chapter that infuse the lessons learned throughout, giving a personal and real connection to God for the reader.

Paulette Harper Johnson is a pastor's wife, grandmother, Bible teacher, radio host, author, speaker, mentor and life coach. She has been encouraging and mentoring women through seminars, Bible teachings, conferences and ministry for many years. Her passion is to see women come into their full potential with God using their talents passionately and finding their purpose in life. She has a unique combination of giftings of compassion and writing, but also encouraging and edifying those she speaks to. She is committed to professionalism and speaking uplifting and encouraging messages.

You can find out more about Author Paulette Harper Johnson at her website Her books are also available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and at other fine online bookstores.

Comment by D. Patrick Miller on June 21, 2012 at 11:44am

After a two-hiatus, the FEARLESS REVIEWS of the independent press are back online. See our press release:

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on June 17, 2012 at 12:42am

Out On A Limb by Author Larry Adams

Paperback: 24 pages
Publisher: Larry Adams (April 19, 2012)
ISBN-10: 0985346019
ISBN-13: 978-0985346010

Out On A Limb is a book about faith and what it takes to walk in faith. Faith is powerful when put into motion. It can move mountains, feed the multitudes, raise the dead, give sight to the blind, heal the sick and set the captives free. The Bible is filled with faith and faith-filled scriptures that give us a glimpse into the Christian faith and the power of faith in action.

Just imagine if we all as Christian's come to the knowledge, the understanding of the faith that Jesus called the Apostles to walk in. Symbolically, could we walk on water as Jesus did, could we overcome giants as David did, could we be that very light that shines in the world as we are called to be? The possibilities are endless.

In Larry's book Out On A Limb, What does it take to walk by faith, you will be encouraged, blessed, refreshed and your faith will be increased. To walk by faith is a learning process, however, once put into motion, that learning process becomes life- changing.

Out On A Limb by Larry Adams is available on Amazon and at Barnes and Noble. Get your copy today and learn how you too can put faith into action and overcome the situations of life that are before you.

A Christian Book Marketing, Author's Article Blast sharing the Christian faith with the world.
Comment by Wendy Siefken on June 16, 2012 at 7:43pm

Our book is a young adult book with zombies, dragons and werewolves in it. It can be found at Enjoy!

Comment by Neil Ostroff on June 10, 2012 at 11:40am

Future is now


As I watch the price of ereaders drop, I feel the excitement of a bright future for indie authors much the way musicians must have felt when the first Sony Walkman came into existence (I know I’m showing my age). Readers can now take thousands of books with them anywhere they go; on vacation, in a plane, in a car. And now with Nook and Kindle introducing the backlight, people can read in bed while their significant other sleeps with the lights out. Just a few short years ago, seeing someone reading off an electronic device seemed odd. Many people said they’d never buy an ereader because they liked the feel of paper and the texture of a book. Now, those same people are realizing the convenience of carrying copies of their favorites in a small, lightweight device. And with airlines charging fees for baggage, readers are fully realizing how much space and weight they’re saving buy not lugging around their written entertainment. Now, when I see someone reading from a Kindle or Nook, I don’t do a double take because it is an unusual sight. Now, when I see someone reading off an electronic device I smile, knowing my potential audience is growing. And speaking of audience, AFTER is still free until midnight tonight.

Right now, I’ve had close to four hundred downloads from three countries and sales of my other books are getting a little kick, too.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on June 7, 2012 at 7:04pm
Enlightening & Inspirational!
Experiencing Jesus' Joy
Summer Special: $5/paperback

Brother James invites all to join him in developing a more joyous and fulfilling relationship with Jesus. Having seen many Christians living in spiritual poverty, Brother James wrote this book for those who want more out of their spiritual journey.

Since its printing Dr. Joseph has taught spiritual truths from Experiencing Jesus' Joy in several small group settings with good results. From some realizing that they had not considered Satan's deceptions properly, to others who realized that they had not been walking with Christ as fully as they should, all enjoyed studying together in order to understand more fully the importance of our role in working with God to build His and our eternal Kingdom and eternal close-knit holy family.

With our eyes focused on Jesus and a heightened awareness of the spiritual battles surrounding us daily, we can more fully and joyfully carry out God's designated parts for each of us. As we challenge others to repent and commit to following Jesus, God will give each of us joy and inner peace that transcends everything of this world.

In order to make Experiencing Jesus' Joy more affordable for the summer for your personal devotions and small group studies, the price for paperbacks from our first printing, which includes some typos, has been reduced to $5 per copy plus shipping at:

To take advantage of this offer or find out more about Brother James, his ministry, and his books, visit the author’s website In Jesus’ Service. Experiencing Jesus' Joy, is also available through your local book stores and places on line such as Amazon in paperback, hard cover, and Kindle. You may also get paper and e-books at Barnes and Noble.

~ Sharing God's love through Christian Book Marketing Author Article Blasts
Comment by william sawyers on June 7, 2012 at 7:03pm

I'm proud today, daughter graduating high school Sunday. Going to college in Aug. Time to sell more books-lol

Comment by Lara Biyuts on June 4, 2012 at 3:53am

June, 2012. Lara Biyuts’ long-awaited new story is finally published. At ISBN 9781471727962 and


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