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Comment Wall:

  • John Kremer

    Welcome to the Book Marketing Network. Join in some discussions, post a blog or video, schedule an event, make some friends. I think you'll enjoy it here.

    John Kremer, book marketing expert

  • Nathalie Jean-Bart

    Thank you for the add-request and getting in touch.

    And welcome here!!

    All the best,

  • Fran Russo

    Thank you for the add request. My book, Through The Eyes of Jaguar: One Woman's Journey, is about my experiences in Peru and the teachings brought back. The inspiration is we can all make our dreams come true. If I can do it, so can everyone else.

    With Light,

    Fran Russo
  • Irene Brautigam

    Hello Dragon
    Thank you for your friend request and I am happy to accept. I look forward to networking with you here in this community. God knows there are Dragons all over the world and I would love to have one as a friend.
  • Dawn

    Thank you for your friend request ;)
  • Petyamarina

    Hi Diss, Great to meet you. Thanks for being a friend!

    Warm regards,
    Global Awareness Campaign YOU CHOOSE WHEN to Become a Parent
  • Gene Cartwright

    Thanks for the info. I will take a thorough look at your site.

  • ZLS Publishing, LLC

    Will go check you out!
  • Ed Chunski

    Thanks for the welcome and the invite! Here I am!
  • Philip Watling

    I have suddenly got lots of friends. If they are all here about my book then lucky me :)

  • Melinda Winner

    nice to meet you
  • PaulSerg

    Hi Dragon...how re you? thanks to invite me to take a look on your site...it's very nice site. Actually I just illustrate Children's Book and others things on Editorial Advertising and Publishing area. I am not a writer...but..I will check out more deeply. Cheers! =)
  • Omoruyi uwuigiaren

    Hello Dragon, it's nice and I will add more. When will you add the cover image of The Mystery of Taiwo Da Silva?
  • Robby Charters

    I checked it out. I notice you also do it for publishers as well, so instead of regestering my book, I forwarded your URL to my publisher. She might add all of our books if she likes what she sees.

  • Paradise

    Thanks Mr Dragon, I will do that.
  • Paradise

    Thanks for allowing me to express my views here. I love writing, even if it is only to a dragon. My writing has been an ongoing process for more than forty years. I wrote my first detective story in college back in the late fifties and the Literature professor, with a heavy background in writing, gave me all the encouragement I needed. I have been writing ever since. It is in my blood. I am not intent on finding readers, they will find me. I am intent on writing and if it takes two hundred years for my work to be discovered, that is fine with me. You see,,,, I am a cave man,,,,,I write just for the reasons my ancestors did........not to make money,,,,, but to pass my thoughts onto future generations. Sincerely,
    Dr Robert E McGinnis, author of The Paradise Series
  • Rachel Green

    You already have my novel listed, thanks :)
  • Sean Toh

    Hi DragonCub,

    It's my honor and pleasure being invited into your network. I believe we could learn a lot from each other and leverage on each other networks. Feel free to drop me a line and talk to me about your possible ideas to turn them into realization. Keep in touch and thanks for the invitation.

    Yours Sincerely
    Sean Toh
    Author of “4 Steps To Financial Freedom”
  • Barbara J Henry

    Hello Dragon Club:
    I appreciate the invitation you extended to me, and I am certainly open to listen and learn from your experts so that I can get my book moving more quickly.
    I Thank you very much.
    Barbara Henry,author of the self-help,self-growth,spirituality book: Journaling: Twenty Plus Reasons Why You Should Start Now:
  • albertasequeira

    Hi Dragon Club,
    I'm so late answering everyone's emails. I've been so tied to completing my book Someone Stop This Merry-Go-Round; An Alcoholic Family in Crisis.
    I'm completing the sequel Please, God, Not Two; This Killer Called Alcoholism. It's about losing my daughter after my husband.
    I will look up the site you gave me.
    Thanks for the support.
  • M. J. Macie

    Thanks for following and I plan to join DragonCub as soon as possible. Sounds like a great way to promote and sell my novels.
    M.J. Macie
  • Jennie Withers

    Thanks, but I'm selling a job book for teens in the U.S.
  • Katrina Michaels

    Nice website. I wish you luck
  • Dawn Stephens

    Hi DragonClub 0 love your site and registered to sell my book. Thanks for the opportunity.
  • Noble Ojigwe

    All thse sounds like a piece of cake. Is it that simple and safe. Give me the real story.
  • Alessandrina Lerner

    Hi! would have loved to but my books are not available in hardcover as of yet! tx though
  • Author Collective

    Would you like more exposure for your book? Do you want to go to those always "Talked About" tradeshows but know you just cannot afford them? Are you aware of how much networking can help boost your sales?
    What would you pay to attend the following events?

    Baltimore City Schools Vendor Fair in Maryland $375
    American Library Association Convention in Washington D.C. $2,200
    Book Expo America in New York City $4,500
    Texas Book Festival in Houston SOLD OUT
    Baltimore Book Festival in Maryland $450
    Miami Book Festival in Sunny Florida $600
    Printers Row in Chicago $750
    National Association of Public Schools Administrators $4,000
    Great Lakes Independent Booksellers Tradeshows $1,100

    How about $375 for all of these plus twenty-four more. The Author Collective is here to help you sell your work. We exhibit at these shows and others with one goal in mind... SELL BOOKS! Joining the Author Collective allows you access to these events for just the cost of your yearly *membership. We also offer our members no cost access to discounted literary services like, editing and proofreading, graphics and design, isbn's and copyrighting, video services and more. We provide our members invaluable information to self-publish and get deep discounts on book printing too. Saving money is the first step in making money!

    The Author Collective is here to help the unknown, little known and soon to be well known self-published author put their writings in the faces of the people who buy in quantity. Call today and ask to become a member...

    Michael Williams

    (313) 446-2262
  • Kate L

    I just wanted to introduce myself and my blog, The Book Buff: Book Reviews for Regular People. Check it out at <a href="http://www.thebookbuff.blogspot.com">http://www.thebookbuff.blogspot.com</a>
  • Tracy Krauss

    How does one promote their books through your store? www.tracykraussexpressionexpress.blogspot.com