John E. Smethers, Ph.D.


Barstow CA

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I went to a party when I was 11 and didn't get back until I was 45. More than 30 years of drug and alcohol addiction ended with a stretch in prison. When I was released I went to school and didn't stop until I earned a Ph.D. My doctoral dissertation set the foundation for my first published book, Scumbag Sewer Rats: An Archetypal Understanding of Criminalized Drug Addicts. Pictured here is my second book, released on 1 January 2013. For more on me, please click here! to read the Desert Dispatch newspaper article that was written about me.

Comment Wall:

  • Cherie Rohn

    Very intrieguing, John. Take my hat off to you for your drive and spirit! Good on ya, mate. I'm no PhD but I did put in 10 years of research for my blackjack teacher's story about his life with the mob, prostitution and gambling.

    Wish you nothing but the best. Bet you'll get it, too.

    Cherie Rohn
  • Fairlee Winfield

    Interesting John. You're from Barstow. Have you lived there long, or do you remember? Teehee. I'm doing a new book that will have Barstow as the site of one scene. Not contemporary Barstow. Barstow in the mid 1930s when there was no air conditioning and Route 66 went right through it. The highway was best driven at night in those days.

    My first book came out in September. BUFFALOed. Check it out on

    Good luck on your writing.

    Fairlee Winfield, Ph.D.
    Author of BUFFALOed
  • Chris

    Hello John,

    Congratulations on writing your book and impressively turning your life around. How can we work together to let others know about our books, actually our lifesaving information and stories of hope.
    Thanks for adding me to your list of friends. This is such a great site for sharing books you have written or just read and enjoyed with those who enjoy reading. I hope that you have the opportunity to visit my web site. I would love to hear your impression and get some feedback about my site, book and purpose for writing it.

    I would love to link your web site to my web site . I was wondering if you would be willing to do the same for me?

    Thanks and God bless,
  • judy cullins

    Nice to meet you JOhn. Your book looks fascinating. I think we all write the book we needed to read. My first,popular book "Write your ebook or Other Short Book Fast" takes up where Dan Poynter's left off.
    If you write another book, check it out at

  • Paul McNeese

    John: Welcome to my world. When did you publish? I am about to begin an author interview program on Internet radio on a developing website called "The Authors' Roost," and yours might make an interesting -- even compelling -- story. If this appeals to you, please get in touch so we can investigate the possibilities.
  • ceci miller

    Hi John,
    As you can see, I'm a bit behind on my correspondence on this network! So good to know you've included spiritual experiences in your book. I mention Al-Anon in my book, and the mystical quality of the Lord's Prayer as it's typically said in circle holding hands at the end of Al-Anon meetings. It's important for people in 12 Step programs and at other junctures of healing in life, to know that spiritual experiences aren't "weird," that they're part of life as a whole human being, and they connect us to the depth of who we are! Every good wish, Ceci
  • James and Terry Hamilton

    We are helping a friend establish a group for folks in Cali'
    If you can contribute to the writers groups etc. feel free to do so...

    CaliforniaShout may be of interest
  • Pamela Joy Licatino

    Thank you for the friend invite.  Your book certainly is an inspiration.  Your experience is an inspiration for not only defeiting a drug addiction, especially with the number of years, but a testimony that your life is what you make it.  Congratulations.    PAM
  • Donna Bonner

    Hello John (smile). Thank u for sharing about ur life; ur fall & ur victory. God bless u in every area of ur "new" life. Have a great day. Donna
  • Fran Orenstein

    Good for you, pulling yourself up and out into sobriety and success is a story that should be told. You are a role model that every life can be turned around. Fran

  • Penny Haider



    Congratulations on your triumph against the odds.


    Penny Haider

  • Pamela Sanders Ellis

    Thank you for the friend invite, John!

    Did you have a faith spiritual experience before, during, or after your addiction experience?

    Pam Ellis

  • Terry Persun

    John, the book looks interesting. I've had a rough past as well, and writing is what keeps me going. Good to meet you.
  • Paul Kyriazi

    John, thanks for the friend request. Your story from 11 to 45 is powerful with great success. Like Apollo Cree said to Rocky, "It takes a hell of a man to change."
  • carlton davis

    Great title to your book. I will check it out
  • Roxanne Smolen

    Love your book cover.  Best of luck with sales!
  • John Gorman

    I love the YouTube image. This has the makings of a super sell. Great stuff!


  • Marilyn Cramer


    I applaud you, John, for turning your life around, and you have tremendous courage and discipline.  I'm sure you learned a bundle of life lessons along the way - you probably experienced more emotional and spiritual growth than most people attain in a lifetime.


    You are a beautiful soul...  thanks for adding me as your friend. 


    Love & Light,


  • Mike Prince

    Thank you for asking me to be your friend Dr. smethers. I celebrate your rise to freedom, not just from prison but more importantly for freeing yourself  from the adversarie's grasp. I have a new hero! Best wishes for book sales.


    Your friend, Mike Prince

    Author of Toquop the Warrior Stallion


  • Donna Solitario

    God bless you John I too am twenty three years of Sobriety. Congratulations and all the best
  • Beverly Stowe McClure

    Hi, John. Thanks for the friend request. I'm happy to meet you. Congratulations on breaking free of the world of drugs and achieving your education, as well as writing your book. You are a good role model for others fighting the same problems. Best of luck to you.
  • Dean Hinmon

    John, thanks for the invite. Happy to accept and your invitation brought me back to this networking site that I haven't visited for years. Now, I'll give it more attention. Congrats on your sobriety and book. You've got a great page here.
  • Angela Joseph

    Hi John, thanks for the invitation to be your friend. I am proud to accept. You are living proof that with God's help we can climb out of the abyss of drugs or any other addiction to the pillars of success. God bless you and congratulations on your new book.
  • jKathleen

    Very interesting video. Thanks for the invite. It has been along time since I have been on my sites. Glad to make your acquaintance. I have started writing much more contemporary stories than Historical chick flick. As of late more men seem to be reading my stuff. Wishing you the best of life. You seem to have been working hard at obtaining it.
    Thanks again. Jkathleen...( J J )
  • Arnel Lebby

    Thanks for the invite. Your story proves that it's never too late and education is the key to success. Good Luck to you!
  • Louise

    Hi John

    Pleased to meet you.  Sounds like you have led a harsh, yet fascinating life. You are a remarkable human being to be able to overcome your drug addiction and make a positive contribution to society. Best wishes.



  • Leona DeRosa Bodie

    Pleased to meet you, John, and thanks for your kind invitation to be your friend. I'm so pleased that you wrote about your experiences and that you've beaten all the odds with your success. It strikes me as quite meaningful that you address the criminalization of an illness. Who know how many other lives you may save! Happy Tuesday! Please stay in touch. I look forward to hearing more about your milestones~ Leona
  • B. Lee Schmidt

    Glad to hear you live in victory now. Blessings to you and truly all the best for the rest of your life.

    B Lee

  • Jean A Sturgill

    Hi John, Thanks for the add! Glad the drugs are behind you!

  • Christiane Bosanquet

    Hello John, Please to have received your request. May you continue with your success and build upon it. 


  • RS Mallory

    Please to meet you John. Love the name of your book. Those of us who have a passion and pursue it always wind up helping others! My first ebook is Who's Renting Space in your Brain and How to Reclaim It! and is seconded by Banish your Ghosties!.

    Hope your family (and wonderful doggie pal) have a safe and happy 4th!


    Be sure and let me know how I might help you in the future. Come find me at


    RS Mallory

    Compassionate Marketing and Nest Egg Solutions

  • LinDee Rochelle

    Hello John! Thanks for the add and nice to cyber-meet you. I grew up in the '60s ... and '70s ... and '80s ... finally matured in the 2000s (well over 40!). lol Somehow I escaped the wrath of addiction, but many of my friends weren't so lucky. I commend you and them for finding your way back. Any addiction -- alcohol -- drugs -- cigarettes -- is tough to kick and by the sheer virtue of our metabolism, dang near impossible for many. I love that you're helping others -- we all need help in life. Cheers!

    For a step back in time to the "fun" days ... Blast from Your Past! Rock & Roll Radio DJs: the First Five Yea... (ebook teaser for the upcoming 25-year (1954-1979) print edition).

  • Joyce Rothman

    Hi John,  Thank you for friending me.  I haven't been on this site for ages but glad you got me back.  I love your Trailer and wish you tons of luck with your book. I know that opening ourselves up under a microscope isn't easy but it's so worthwhile for all of us.  We each have so much to give and learn.
  • Joan Hall Hovey

    Hi, John,

    Appreciate your friendship.  Interesting journey you're having! -:)  Every success to you!


  • JP Denyer

    Hey John,

    Welcome and thank you for the friend request.  I liked the compulsive point of view you suggested addicts have because while it may not be a drug, food or alcohol driven need, for me it is a compulsion for artistic recognition that can drives my soul.  I wish you nothing but infinite success as we venture towards that part of life!  Congrats on your successes to date, it is quite an accomplishment.  Please feel free to look at a product a friend and I have created for recovery clients on my Etsy site; it is for Art Journaling.  Have a great day.


  • Bert Martinez

    Thank you for the friend request, You Were Created to Succeed!


    Bert Martinez

  • Gladys Hobson

    Thanks for inviting friendship. What a journey you have had to get where you are now — well done! I hope your book is truly successful and helpful to others as well as beneficial to yourself.

    Are the photos of family members?

  • Gladys Hobson

    Hi John

    This is a serious suggestion. Have you thought of having your book for sale in an eBook format? I could afford a much cheaper eBook, especially as there is no postage to add on. I'm sure the same is true for others, especially if they have to be posted abroad. With my sight issues I am seriously considering an Apple I Pad (at present, my hubby reads books to me). A Kindle is an alternative but I could do more on the I Pad. I am NOT advertising here! I have no connection with anyone selling electronics. But I have found my books that are published abroad are doing better as eBooks. (Of course, family, friends, colleagues get print versions. Printed books for promotional purposes too.)