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All Blog Posts Tagged 'in' (328)


Every word heard before spoken, every thought displayed before being manifested. The depths of hurt my heart felt, the fear and panic realized, my tears are his tears, my sense of loneliness has been his experience. Despair and emptiness due to the loss of a loved one, he felt as he turned his eyes away at Calvary.


I cannot hide from his sight of me. My heartbeat is in his hands. I desperately long for his touch, even though I'm well aware he's never left my side. I pray for…


Added by Randolph Nicholas Alvis on July 13, 2011 at 9:00am — No Comments

Are Personal Connections Fading?

I have a friend who I've known for a really long time. If I ever needed something: a ride to the airport, help with a flat tire, an opinion on a career issue, even a pair of extra hands on moving day, I know he would be there. However, there's one thing I've really noticed about him, and many others I'm acquainted with: their communication skills have fallen victim to our non-personal technological age.

Here's an example: I was sitting at home the other evening watching the NBA…


Added by Randy Mitchell on July 7, 2011 at 1:04pm — No Comments

Asking the Right Questions in Leadership

How often do you ask for what you want? Better yet, do you get what you ask for? We as women have a module on the power and importance of asking for what you want. It usually brings up lots of memories of being a “good girl” as a kid, or of hearing parents say “it’s not polite to ask, just wait till you are given”.

Most women are hesitant, you can translate that to compliant; to be pleasers rather than truth tellers.

It is a pattern handed from generation to…


Added by Sylvia Lafair, PhD on July 7, 2011 at 10:56am — No Comments

My breast cancer - a blessing in disguise

Hello readers,

You probably ask yourselves, how could breast cancer be a blessing in disguise?

Actually, there is a simple answer to that question. Since I believe that everything that happens to us, there is a lesson we have to learn from it. In my encounter with breast cancer, I learned tremendous things I was not aware about them before.

My experience with breast cancer helped me change my outlook towards life. My perspective towards life changed, and my priorities…


Added by Lea Yekutiel on July 3, 2011 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Writers Groups

I spend eight hours or more writing and dealing with matters related to writing.


While writing there is no one to metaphorically hold my hand, encourage me and help me to improve my work in progress. 

From my first draft of a novel or article I try to write to the best of my ability and avoid the many pitfalls which plague authors.  By the time I have written several drafts, revised and edited my work I know it inside out, upside down and back to front, and that is the…


Added by Rosemary Morris on July 3, 2011 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Recommended Reads



Trencarrow Secret by Anita Davison


For readers who like a twist in the tale which takes them by surprise, I recommend Trencarrow Secret by Anita Davison. 


I had the privilege of reading this novel by an accomplished author prior to publication and thoroughly enjoyed it


You can find out more about Anita and her novels at Anita’s beautifully designedblog:…


Added by Rosemary Morris on June 13, 2011 at 1:45am — No Comments

The Body in the Gazebo - Kathern Hall Page, Author

The Body in the Gazebo – Review by Martha A. Cheves, Author of Stir, Laugh, Repeat
‘Where could she hid it?  It wouldn’t do to have her daughter come across it.  Not that Pix was nosy, but she sometimes put Ursula’s wash away, so the Sheraton chest of drawers was out.  And the blanket chest at the foot of the bed that had been her…

Added by Martha A. Cheves on June 12, 2011 at 9:00pm — No Comments

The Art of Conflict in Writing Conflict


The Art of Conflict in Writing Conflict

By Lorilyn Roberts…


Added by Lorilyn Roberts on June 5, 2011 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Final Day - From Unknown to National TV in 3 Weeks - with no book, no experience in the topic area

Watch the incredible video here where Michael Fiore describes his experience with going from unknown to guesting on the Rachel Ray show in 3 weeks -

Imal Wagner and I are presenting a brand new BestSeller Launch Formula coaching program and I thought you might want to know additional information about it.

Imal and I have been working on it for since…


Added by John Kremer on June 5, 2011 at 1:57pm — No Comments

Writing in the Moment…

I recently discovered a new term “mindfulness” in my everyday life.  It basically means what it implies.  On one level it means paying attention to details of what’s going on around you at any given time, but on a much deeper level it brings your conscious awareness to a “moment-by-moment” basis. …


Added by Jennifer Chase on May 30, 2011 at 11:28am — No Comments

One Hot January Launches

One Hot January

Author: J. Conrad Guest

Publisher: Second Wind Publishing

ISBN: 978-1-935171-31-7

Binding: Trade Paper

250 pages

Price: $15.50

NORTHVILLE, MI—One Hot January is the second novel in the last year from Michigan writer J. Conrad Guest. The first of a science fiction/alternate reality diptych, the premise is based on a theory that Winston Churchill and…


Added by J. Conrad Guest on May 13, 2011 at 6:00am — No Comments

Cover and Title Have Changed...What do you Think?

Call it a writer's prerogative.  After conferring with my trusted confidante', Elaine; she has convinced me to rename the novel "The Long Road from Perdition".  Truthfully, it fits the story more accurately. 

And, the cover for the last title, seemed....well, too "bright".  I was happy with it and not happy with it.  So, after creating just the right look, I think I'm satisfied.  But, the proof is in the pudding.  What do YOU think?  Take a look at the two… Continue

Added by JR Stone on April 29, 2011 at 2:31pm — No Comments

Empower Yourself and Transform Your Life with Yoga, Breathing, and Meditation

WEDNESDAY APRIL 20, 2011 @ 4PM @ T.H.R.I.V.E.
Amandine's Weekly Community Children Yoga Class with lots of fun and relaxing exercises and games to keep your kids happy, healthy and full of confidence.
For more information on Amandine's class, be sure to check the attached flyer for details on the class and venue.
My weekly Power…

Added by Alessandrina Lerner on April 18, 2011 at 9:00am — No Comments

Adventurer Susan Alcorn gives Lost Angel Thumbs UP

Susan Alcorn does for the Bay area what I do for L. A. and surrounds on

We both love to hike and share our favorite outings with other outdoor enthusiasts.

She has written a great book-We’re in the Mountains and Not over the Hill- that you can purchase at her site I was quite pleased to have a kindred spirit read my own book Lost Angel Walkabout. Even more pleased with her response to my…


Added by Linda Ballou on February 4, 2011 at 9:17pm — No Comments

As Egypt Howls and History Tweets

Protesters in Egypt call for new government. (photo by Getty Images)


The quote “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” is a well-known one attributed to the British historian Lord Acton (nineteenth century). What is rarely discussed after someone quotes these words are the different ways that power can and does…


Added by Author-Poet Aberjhani on January 31, 2011 at 11:16am — No Comments

Calling ALL Authors…YOU are invited to the PPS Mid-Jan Promo Deal



Hello, my fellow writer;

Are you needing MAJOR EXPOSURE for you and your…


Added by Jo-Anne Vandermeulen on January 15, 2011 at 10:00am — No Comments

Grabbing web pages using Press This tool

Press This is a bookmarklet built into WordPress that allows us to grab any web page(s) that we find on the net and publish it on our blog. We can find Press This tool inside the Tools option of the Tools menu. Tools menu can be selected from the main navigation menu. On selecting the Tools option from the Tools menu, we get a page that shows two tools, Press This and Categories and Tags Converter as shown in below given figure.



Added by B.M. Harwani on January 15, 2011 at 4:55am — No Comments

Ghost in Trouble - Carolyn Hart, Author

Ghost in Trouble – Review by Martha A. Cheves, Author of Stir, Laugh, Repeat
‘Suddenly I heard an odd crackling.  The sound was ominous, out of the ordinary, frightening.  I looked up and for an instant froze in horror.  An enormous vase directly above the cul-de-sack teetered on its pedestal on the third-floor balcony.  The vase tilted, then…

Added by Martha A. Cheves on December 18, 2010 at 5:25pm — No Comments

Help Deborah Stevens Purifoy

Deborah Stevens Purifoy is a 30 year old mother of four who lives in Doddridge, Arkansas. Deborah has been married to her loving and devoted husband, Alex Purifoy, for 13 years. Two years ago due to some poor choices she found herself in a high-speed major motor vehicle accident. The driver in the accident was incarcerated, a passenger in the vehicle suffered fatal injuries, and Deborah's life was changed forever.

In the accident on May 29, 2009, the muscles in Deborah's lower abdomen were… Continue

Added by Rachel Jeanette Hall Stolle on December 6, 2010 at 8:49pm — No Comments

An introduction to the Indigo Girls

Just listened to the Indigo Girls' new CD "Happy Holly Days" and I have to say it was pretty good. This is coming from someone of course who isn't a big fan of Christmas music. If the Indigo Girls put out a CD there is no way that I can pass it up. The girls have been a huge inspiration ever since I first heard them in Peni Lotoza's car after we got out of work at Terror on Church Street back in '93. 'Blood and Fire' was the first song I had ever heard and though many had…


Added by Tracy L. Conway on December 3, 2010 at 12:04am — No Comments

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