Kathleen Gage

, Female

Pleasant Hill

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Kathleen Gage, CEO and founder of Turning Point, Inc. and Maxwell Publishing is a bestselling author; an internationally recognized Internet marketing and publicity expert; and an award-winning keynote speaker.

Access her FREE eBook - The Truth About Making Money on the Internet by visiting http://www.streetsmartsmarketing.com/free-ebook.htm

Kathleen is a highly results oriented business advisor who works with speakers, trainers, consultants, entrepreneurs and authors. Her unique Street Smarts Marketing Series programs are designed to help you achieve the business results you desire in the most efficient, cost-effective way possible.

Kathleen is equally confident, competent and comfortable mentoring one-on-one to success minded professionals as she is presenting a highly inspirational keynote speech to thousands in an audience.

A list of books and information products:

· 101 Ways to Get Your Foot in the Door
· Message of Hope, Inspirational Thoughts for Uncertain Times
· Workplace Miracles, Inspiring Stories and Thoughts of Possibility
· The Law of Achievement, Discover Your Purpose, Possibility and Potential

eProducts/Multi Media programs
· Street Smarts Marketing & Promotions
· Street Smarts Making Money on the Internet
· Keys to Creating Profitable Events
· 101 No Cost & Low Cost Ways to Market a Product, Service or Business
· The Truth about Making Money on the Internet
· Directory of Internet Radio Shows

Audio tapes and CDs
· Living Life With Serenity
· Confidence and Credibility Through High Self Esteem
· The Power Within Us
· The Softer Side of Success

Kathleen Gage has hundreds of articles published in magazines, trade journals, newsletters, Ezines and Internet article directories.

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  • Kathleen Gage

    Thanks everyone. I think print interviews are a great marketing tool. The beauty about print today, compared to in the past, is often there is an online posting of the interview. Many newspapers, magazines and trade journals post their full issues on their website. So you get extended value for the interview.

    To sign up for my blog, simply go to http://www.kathleengage.blogspot.com and on the right side of the page you will see a place to input your email address. I also have several RSS feeds down the right side.

    You can also visit www.streetsmartsmarketing.com and sign up for numerous marketing resources. www.streetsmartsmarketing.com

    My best
  • Ron Adams

    Thanks for the invite, and I look forward to keeping in touch.

  • Aaron Paul Lazar

    Thank you for the invitation, Kathleen! Nice to "meet" you!
  • Aaron Paul Lazar

    Thank you, Kathleen. I, too, love networking with writers and, of course, my readers! Thanks for the heads up re. your site. I'll check it out soon!
  • Barbara

    Thanks for the invite Kathleen! I look forward hearing more from you, and I will check your blog out as well. Looks like you have some valuable info.
  • L. Diane Wolfe

    Good day, Kathleen!
    I have your blog bookmarked - always looking to share tips.
    I see you live in Eugene, Oregon - I was born there!
  • Tammy Whisman

    Thank you for the invitation Kathleen..

    "Fireflies, Moonlight and All That Jazz"
    "Sliced Ice Cream"
  • Kathleen Gage

    What I am enjoying about this group is how responsive everyone is. Great group.

  • A.R. Grosjean

    Hey, thanks for the invite and the request for friends. Send me the link to your ning and I will gladly join! Thanks!

  • DiAnn Y. Mason

    Hi Kathleen,

    I've taken a few of your tele-classes and always found them to be very informative and beneficial. I look forward to touching base with you soon.

  • Kathleen Gage

    Thank you DiAnn. Glad you fournd them useful. Great value is what I always strive to achieve.

    Amber, I will send a friend's request.

  • Jeremy Twigg

    Hi Kathleen,

    It's nice to meet you, and thanks for the invite! "The Author's Corner" is very nice. It allows us to look deeper into an author and see more about who they are, how they go about writing, and of course, it is a great introduction to their work.

    Best wishes,
  • David Barber

    Thanks for the invite!

  • Winona Rasheed

    Hi Kathleen, thanks for the invite. I am sure I can learn something here. You are so very resourceful.
  • R. C. BECKOM

    Hi Kathleen, this is my cousin's name and just like her , the things I've learned from you are very inspiring, keep up the good work and thanks for having me in your network.
  • Dennis Leppanen

    Hi Kathleen,

    Thank you for the invitation. It looks like your guns are loaded.

  • Gretchen Wilsenach

    Kathleen you are a very active no-nonsense person it would seem. I am sure I can learn a lot from you.
    Thank you for inviting me into your circle.
  • albertasequeira

    Hi Kathleen,
    I added my video to Book Market, I hope you view it.
  • Shobhan Bantwal

    Thanks for the invite, Kathleen. Lots of luck.

    Shobhan Bantwal
  • Amber T. Kingston

    Hi Kathleen, thank you for the invitation. I signed up for your newsletter--is that the same thing as ning?
  • Michelle Larks

    Hi Kathleen,

    Thank you for the invitation, I look forward to networking, and learning from you.

  • Ken K. Chartrand

    Hi Kathleen. I am taking a course in Screen writing while trying to finish a novel. I will keep intouch by checking out what everyone is talking about each day.
  • Zada Connaway

    Kathleen, thank you for your gracious invitation. I am certain to learn much here.
  • Jim Misko

    For crying out loud, Kathleen. I spent 14 years in Eugene until the cold rain drove me to Alaska. Owned property in Pleasant Hill. I"ll look at your e-book because internet marketing is where it is at with the addition of book clubs. My new novel out next month. May it go well with you. Jim
  • Leeanne Marie Stephenson

    I invite you to visit my web site:
    and read all about my romance novel called, "A PRESCRIPTION FOR LOVE." It's a hard to put down read that you wish will never end! While you are at my web site, please view my TV interview on my book. Also please visit my guestbook and let me know what you think. Thank you, Leeanne
  • Dorothy Thompson

    Hi Kathleen, thanks for the friend invite!
  • Teri Thackston

    Thanks, Kathleen, for the friend invite. I will definitely check out your streetsmart site sometime this week.
  • Dr. Uche Akwuba, LCE

    Great, Ms. Gage. You sound fantstic, great, and inspirational. Keep up your beautiful work of building up the human being.
  • Margie Scott

    Thank you for the friend invite. I look forward to learning all I can. Your site it great, and was a nice way to start the morning!!
  • Rita Schiano

    Quite an impressive body of work. Congratulations! - Rita
  • Shelagh Watkins

  • Douglas Quinn

    Douglas Quinn
    Author, Editor, Book Reviewer

    12 January 2008

    Dear Family/Fans/Friends/Readers

    Please join me in the first week of my Virtual Book Tour. Beginning tomorrow, Sunday, January 13th, writer Brenda Kay Wynn will publish an interview with Douglas Quinn on her webblog site at www.chronclesofelydir.spaces.live.com.

    You are invited to go to Brenda’s site, read the interview and comment and/or ask questions. I am looking forward to responding to your comments and queries.

    The interview will be posted throughout the four week tour. Weeks two, three and four will have different articles hosted by and posted at other webblog sites. Would love to interact with you along the way.

    In addition, each time during the four week tour you leave a comment and/or ask a question your name will be placed into a drawing for a Free Signed Copy of Blue Heron Marsh.. Hope to see you all there.

    Douglas Quinn

    P.S. Please feel free to forward this invitation to your email address list. The more people who participate the happier I will be.
  • Chau Van Truong

    I want to learn to market on the internet Kathleen..

    Get your copy of THE NAISA MAFIA: Chronicle OF The Godfather deliver to your home/bookstore by calling 1-800-431-1579.. Visit http://www.NAISAMAFIA.COM to read the scripts... Watch clip - NAISA, SECRETS KEPT'S PITCH, RELENTLESS PURSUIT, THE EXCHANGE @ google video. Join me at http://www.myspace.com/naisamafia , http://chauvantruong.blogspot.com/ , http://bookmarket.ning.com/profile/ChauVanTruong ..
    Fans can also read at http://www.novelmaker.com/ …. SECRETS KEPT script .. http://novelmaker.com/readCommentRate.php?m=295&s=0a13623de77a7051ccaadbfbc6e8e7cc , A KILLING STAR script.. http://novelmaker.com/readCommentRate.php?m=297&s=0a13623de77a7051ccaadbfbc6e8e7cc , THE NAISA MAFIA - 8 chapters.. http://novelmaker.com/readCommentRate.php?m=292&s=0a13623de77a7051ccaadbfbc6e8e7cc ..

    Listen to JUDYTH PIAZZA interviewed CHAU VAN TRUONG (author/filmmaker).. link at Interview on the American Perspective Radio Program or http://thesop.org/article.php?id=7224 . THE NAISA MAFIA: Chronicle OF The Godfather can also buy it at http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0974793507/qid=1100292074/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/102-4638388-1864109?v=glance&s=books on http://www.amazon.com , on the recommended list at http://www.bookwire.com , http://www.tuluc.com , and other venues. The Naisa Mafia: Chronicle of the Godfather can also be requested at your local bookstore.

    I'm sorry for not responding earlier. Lots of personal issues and just getting back on my computer. That Sounds Great! I'll be in touch.
  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    How I wish there had been people out there like you when I started, Kathleen. I knew pulicity from my fashion publicity days, but that is a far cry from book publicity. And I didn't know anything about the net. What a boone bookmarket.ning is, too. To bring us together where we can be found by authors just entering the publishing field. Hooray for all our efforts helping the newbies and each other.
    Carolyn Howard-Johnson
  • R. C. BECKOM

    I'm glad to have found your site ,I've gained insight here. thanks a whole heap
  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    Thank you, cutie, for letting me help you with your client's blog tour. We had fun, huh? All you Kathleen Gage fans, check out The New Book Review. It's there to help authors at no charge. www.thenewbookreview.blogspot.com

    Carolyn Howard-Johnson
  • Gretchen Wilsenach

    I am trying to find your interview with Dr Capista, but somehow do not see it here.
  • Kathleen Gage

    Thanks to everyone for your wonderful comments. I have been a bit busy with a new Joint Venture campaign that launched today.

  • Kathleen Gage

    Thanks for all the wonderful comments.
  • Pam Perry

    come on my show!
  • Bert Martinez

    Hello, I'm Bert Martinez, I'm looking to network with success minded authors. If you would like my free report 30 Strategies for Selling More Books just fill out the form below. I look forward to networking with you and if there is anything that I can help you with please do not hesitate to contact me.

    You Were Created to Succeed!

    Bert Martinez

    For Email Marketing you can trust
  • Pam Perry

    www.blogtalkradio.com/chocolatepages on Twitpicwww.chocolatepagesnetwork.com
  • Freya R

    Hi Kathleen

    Do stop by when you have a moment to check out our free book marketing tool - BookBuzzr. (www.bookbuzzr.com)

    BookBuzzr is a page-flipping application that is more suited for marketing books online. BookBuzzr comes with the built-in ability to share your book-extract on over 60 social networking and bookmarking sites such as Facebook, Orkut, MySpace, Digg, Delicious etc.

    We'd love it if you'd take a look at our tool and share your thoughts.

    Freya [at] bookbuzzr [dot] com

    PS - Sorry for this message if you already use BookBuzzr, but please help us tell others and spread the benefit!
  • Pam Perry

    Bought your ebook. Loved it! www.MinistryMarketingSolutions.com
  • John Cmint

    Hi Kathleen,

    Congratulations on your books! I just wanted to mention to you a website I built called AlreadyPublished.com. It's for authors to promote their book. You do so by posting your book's first chapter, giving readers a peek into your book. The site is free and the list of books is growing, so please check it out. :) BTW, good luck with your book!

    p.s. You can also check out this blog post on the Already Published Ning Network, I explain how to post your book. You can also learn more about the website there.


    Please add me my requests full. Checkout my entries here on my second novel I'm writing---Moral Dilemma at: http://www.freado.com/book/5100/MORAL-DILEMMA
    And http://www.freado.com/book/5120/THE-RHYME-MAN
  • Traci S Campbell

    Hello this is Traci. I wanted to stop by your page to welcome you to the network and ask you to please join me on my Facebook group at The C.H.A.M.P Within This group is about single parents and children who have grown up in a single parent home and for the ones who want to show their support.

    You can also follow me on twitter at:


    Your friend,

    Traci S Campbell

  • Bainy B. Cyrus

    Red Ribbon
  • Aaron J Clarke

    Hi Kathleen,   could you or someone else help in marketing my books, as well as getting my work reviewed? Thanks, Aaron J Clarke.