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For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

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New Posts on My Book Theme Blogs

There are a lot of new posts on my book theme blogs. Is one of your books featured? There have been plenty of great submissions and I'm always looking for more books to feature. If you're interested, click on HOW TO SUBMIT on any of the blogs to learn how to submit your book.
These are the blogs. Is there any elements from your book that you would like to share with others? Click on any of the blogs to read some of the great…

Added by Nikki Leigh on August 19, 2007 at 6:42pm — No Comments

Earthquake in Peru Shakes my Family

Though most of you know I’m from Bolivia, my mom’s family is from Peru. We just received contact from my cousin who relates the following.…


Added by Janet Perez Eckles on August 19, 2007 at 5:27pm — No Comments

Learm from the experience...

Today I was viewing some posts on another writers site I pop in on from time to time. I was surprised to see a complaint from a writer regarding a harsh rejection letter he had received. Oh, I know thats nothing unusual, but he posted the letter as well and if what the publishers rep said was true, he should be ashamed of himself. The mistakes mentioned were of the type that would/could/ and should have been…


Added by Charleen Micheles on August 19, 2007 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments

Day 19: Read the final excerpt of Divine Intervention, Cheryl Kaye Tardif's sizzling psychic suspense

"Another wonderful Tardif novel shows her mastery of any genre. Tardif first enthralled me with Whale Song. What a magnificent transition she accomplishes here with Divine Intervention, a future-thriller, or speculative crime fiction, or sci-fi/mystery. Tardif shows that a great story and…


Added by Cheryl Kaye Tardif on August 19, 2007 at 11:15am — No Comments

Then there were three

Whew! Got it all done. Books should be printed and available by month's end. The playbook was the hardest because I have so much going on. Wound up with 188 pages of exercises and activities. All my students at SCNM have the audio program now.

Added by Rick Kirschner on August 19, 2007 at 9:29am — No Comments

Ever written a book you later didn't like?

In researching for this Sunday's book review - Stamboul Train by Graham Greene, I discovered that his second and third books were a flop. So much so, that in later life he disowned them.

Now, I know that writing a book means it almost becomes a part of you like your child, but disowning it ...?

Well, he never disowned Stamboul Train, a book he called "an entertainment", something written to amuse author and reader alike.

Click here for my full review:…


Added by Marion James on August 19, 2007 at 2:56am — 1 Comment

The Remainder Table...And Shameless Self-Promotion

A sad fact of publishing is that books go out of print. These days that happens rather quickly unless you’re She-Who-Is-Named-All-Too-Often or Stephen King or—well, you know. And when books go out of print, publishers first try to sell the inventory they have on hand at cut-rate prices. Copies they can’t sell, of course, are…


Added by Michael W. Sherer on August 18, 2007 at 3:34pm — No Comments

Hello Book Marketning!

I really love this is so warm and friendly. I am extremely new here and learning the ropes. I don't have a picture I can download so I tried an Avatar image. Guess that won't work. I don't know. If anybody knows if it will, can you give me a write and tell me how to do it? I would appreciate it. Thanks to all who've stopped by and said hello and invited me to be friends. You are all on my friends list. Happy writing!


Added by Penni Lynn Smith Weston on August 18, 2007 at 1:43pm — No Comments


Thanks John for the friend invite. Thanks for making this page available. I can say I've learned it's hard to get noticed. Wouldn't it be great to all meet at Oprah's with our book in hand for dinner. ha! It's draining but I keep trying to get a foot in somewhere for that one "good word" about my book.

john oarc

Added by John Oarc on August 18, 2007 at 12:28pm — No Comments

Day 18 of virtual book tour: Chapter 2 of The River and a story about coincidence

THE RIVER by bestselling author Cheryl Kaye Tardif is a "mile-a-minute pot-boiler mystery", according to the Edmonton Sun. Compared by fans to works by James Patterson, Dan Brown and Michael Crichton, THE RIVER is the story of Del Hawthorne and her search for a father she had thought long dead. As she travels with a group of near strangers along the mysterious Nahanni River, Del uncovers a world of painful youth serums, deadly nanobots and a conspiracy that threatens…


Added by Cheryl Kaye Tardif on August 18, 2007 at 12:09pm — No Comments


Hello everyone! I am having such fun with my career that I just had to tell everyone.

I write full time and have a part time job on the side. I love it. I am meeting so many new people all the time. Fans are emailing me and telling me how much they enjoy my first book. They're also trying to feed me ideas for more books lol. Let me tell you, some of those ideas scare me a little. I just got my first round of edits back from my second editor. She said it was written well but there were…


Added by A.R. Grosjean on August 17, 2007 at 8:14pm — No Comments

Why did I write this book?

As time went by following Hurricane Katrina, and we talked with more people, we began to hear a recurring story. We saw and heard from many very good hearted people who were trying to do what they could to help in various ways, but were left feeling betrayed when the recipient did not act or react in the way that was expected. We heard questions such as, “Why…


Added by Stephanie Ehmen on August 17, 2007 at 4:32pm — No Comments

How Speaker/Authors Can Profitably Partner With Meeting Planners

Boost your book sales while enhancing the conference experience for your client, the meeting planner who hired you to speak.

• Author/speakers can offer meeting planners who hire them the opportunity “for members only” to receive a special companion eBook when they buy your autographed book at their meeting, preferably right after you speak. They provide their email address and name on a firm at purchase. You send the ebook, with related follow-up offer, within 24 hours –… Continue

Added by Kare Anderson on August 17, 2007 at 3:15pm — No Comments

65 ThoughtFull Ways for Booksellers & Authors to Delight and Serve Customers

To become their top-of-mind choice when buying books, generate differentiating value and visibility – as you can best do with the right partners and methods. In an over-advertised world get introduced to prospective customer through organizations they already know and trust.

With the right alliances you can also attract new niche markets, improve your cause support, create new profit centers, attract more of your most lucrative kind of customer, increase per-customer spending,… Continue

Added by Kare Anderson on August 17, 2007 at 3:10pm — No Comments

Partner With Bookstores to Boost Their Sales (and Yours)

Three Steps to Bolster Sales by Partnering

1. When you appear at bookstores or are interviewed or speak or write about your book, recommend three great “companion books” and notify the authors of those books, in advance. They may choose to reciprocate. Alternatively seek out authors of complementary books and suggest such an arrangement.

2. Leverage this approach by writing a one to four sentence MiniReview that you offer to bookstore owners. Suggest that they treat these… Continue

Added by Kare Anderson on August 17, 2007 at 3:04pm — No Comments


Are you thinking about doing a Pay-Per-Click campaign and want to get an estimate on what other people are bidding for key terms? Or, do you want to see who the top bidders are in both the PPC results as well as the organic results? With SpyFu, you can view the rough cost per click…


Added by Donna Gunter on August 17, 2007 at 12:14pm — No Comments

Have You Inventoried Your Intellectual Capital Recently?

Many times when you're starting out in business, or changing direction in business, you become overwhelmed with just where to start, or who you can contact for assistance. You have many contacts, have belonged to a number of associations or groups over the years, and have spoken to numerous groups and associations in your career. The overwhelm often comes from knowing many people and many things but not having any centralized method to access all that…


Added by Donna Gunter on August 17, 2007 at 12:12pm — No Comments

New Forum Posts at

Recent Forum Posts…


Added by Donna Gunter on August 17, 2007 at 12:10pm — No Comments

My Website Has Become My Client Attraction Magnet

When I began my business back in 1999, I had a website, but did very little with it, as it seemed almost impossibly overwhelming to get noticed by the search engines and come up on any type of search whatsoever. Despite the fact that I helped my clients be found online, I simply used my website as an online brochure and did NOTHING to bring any attention to my site.

Fast forward now to 2007, and almost all of my…


Added by Donna Gunter on August 17, 2007 at 12:08pm — No Comments

Day 17 of VBT: Author Cheryl Kaye Tardif shares some trivia

Cheryl Kaye Tardif, author of the bestselling novel Whale Song, has passed the halfway mark of her month-long virtual book tour, and today's stop gives you some quirky bits of trivia about Cheryl. Please stop by today's VBT host Word Weavers at their MySpace page and check out some interesting facts. Plus, don't forget...there may be a surprise waiting for you!

Tardif Trivia:

• From an early age, I wanted to be "Mrs. Stephen…


Added by Cheryl Kaye Tardif on August 17, 2007 at 11:13am — No Comments

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