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The Author and the Hit Man

People often ask what it was like writing a book with a former mobster. Following is an excerpt from my newsletter describing the experience from my perspective.

Writing CULLOTTA – The Author and the Hit Man…


Added by Dennis N. Griffin on August 12, 2007 at 7:04am — No Comments


With computer keyboard and the possiblity of typos, do you always write what you thought you wrote?

Does the reader understand what you wrote in the way you intended them to?

There are plenty of opportunities for us to be excellent communicators, or poor communicators, as writers. And isn't the art of good writing to be a great communicator, to influence others, to educate, inspireor entertain them?

Well, it is even more difficult if you are not working in your native…


Added by Charlotte McPherson on August 12, 2007 at 6:20am — 4 Comments

Inspiration for an author

How about a coffee shop as a place to get your inspiration? Poet Richard McKane often chases his muse in a coffee shop. Anywhere in the world ... Istanbul, London ... the atmosphere is the same.

For Richard McKane, the coffeehouse holds a special magic. In the coffeehouse, he says, the poet and the reader need not be alone. A good conversation in a coffeehouse, for him, lays itself in the memory like a good poem. He sees a coffeehouse as a place to feel safe and warm…


Added by Marion James on August 12, 2007 at 4:37am — 1 Comment

Surviving cancer.

During the fall and spring of 1999-2000 I suffered from a recurring bout of sore throat problems. The doctor would put me on antibiotics, it would clear up and then return. I was then diagnosed with sleep apnea. I was put on a c-pap machine to help me breathe as I slept. The machine burned out, even while set on its highest pressure setting. This happened two or three times.

I paid a visit to a nurse at the VA clinic and she advised me to go see an ear, nose, throat specialist at the…


Added by Richard Neal Huffman on August 12, 2007 at 1:01am — 5 Comments

The Death of Paper...and Ultimately Your Expertise.

The below was originally posted from my blog entry first and now here. Would welcome your insight.

Paper, which makes up a book, is having a slow and painful death. Paper is no longer the “in” thing.

Paper is being marginalized by the World Wide Wow. The Wow has an army of generals ready to go to war with you- the non-fiction book author.… Continue

Added by Dean on August 11, 2007 at 11:57pm — No Comments

Mimi Morphs ~ The Sad Soapy Tale

Think of CBS reporter Steve Hartman in a pencil skirt. OK. Maybe not. But that pretty much explains what I do. The stories I write. In this particular caper I invaded the local laundromat in my own hometown to "watch the clothes." But I didn't stop there. I interviewed a few patrons, sent a few mothers and their children scampering for cover and well......came out dripping wet with a story to remember. Click below for the tale of the suds.…


Added by Mimi Lenox on August 11, 2007 at 11:31pm — No Comments


I'd like to get some of your opinions as to why people come to the U.S. to live. As many of you know, those that come here are mostly poor and seeking a better way to live. Unfortunately, for most of these immigrants the only way to cross is illegally. That doesn't make things right, but on the other hand most of these individuals do not have another choice.

This is what my book "Mass Exodus the Story of an Illegal Immigrant" is about and how something as simple as…


Added by Carlos on August 11, 2007 at 9:50pm — No Comments

My Book, TOP GUN MANAGEMENT Snippet about Raymond Burr

One of the stories I share in the book is about my first Christmas outside the United States on the northern tip of Japan at Wakkanai. I was a young Air Force Airman and walked into the dinning hall on Christmas…


Added by Gene McVay on August 11, 2007 at 5:16pm — 2 Comments

My Western Shirt

A copy of my Stodghill Says So blog:

I wore my western shirt a few days ago, the one Jackie hates. I put it on once every summer to remind her how much she despises it. She was ironing it this morning and grumbling the way she always does so I told her once again that I inherited it from my father, Clyde Bauer Stodghill, Ol' CBS.
She never thinks that's true. "I've heard the stories about him and seen pictures of him," she…

Added by Dick Stodghill on August 11, 2007 at 11:26am — 2 Comments

Day 11: Cheryl Kaye Tardif dicusses Virtual Book Tours on

Want to know more about virtual book tours, how to organize one and how they benefit authors, hosts and avid readers? If so, then drop by to find out how much work went into Cheryl Kaye Tardif's 1-month 'Touring the World' VBT.

There is a new wave of online marketing on the rise―virtual book tours (also known as virtual author tours or blog tours). About five years ago, various authors decided to promote their works online at host sites and announce those dates just…


Added by Cheryl Kaye Tardif on August 11, 2007 at 10:44am — No Comments

Today's Encouraging Words

God keeps growing our site, and we've added this wonderful page that's updated daily. We invite you to visit often and look forward to "meeting" those you send to the site to be comforted, informed, challenged and encouraged.…

Added by Pastor Sharon Billington on August 11, 2007 at 9:27am — No Comments

#2 Interview on my virtual book tour

I was interviewed by Marilyn Meredith for her blog, Marilyn's Musings. Please follow this link to read the interview:

All my interviews are available on my website, on the "Stephens Interrogated" page. All my articles are posted on my blog, after they have been published on the host site.

Again, I look forward to your comments.

Added by Marta Stephens on August 10, 2007 at 9:18pm — No Comments

Time.... A Writer's Biggest Challenge?

I know the key to being a successful writer is time management. Being a poet, I have become accustomed to keeping my notebook at the ready, jotting down lines, ideas and images that come to my head. Many times, these scribblings will sit on the lined pages only to be revisited weeks or months down the road. After some reworking, tweaking and polishing, they become full-fledged poems. That is how I've been working for many years.

But it seems as if this summer my fool-proof system got… Continue

Added by Colleen Breuning on August 10, 2007 at 6:12pm — 5 Comments

I am the newest member to the Xpress Yourself Publishing family!!

I am so excited!! My book ALL THAT GLITTERS has been acquired by Xpress Yourself Publishing for a 2008 release! I am very happy to be apart of such a close family and honored to be able to work with Jessica Tilles. I'll keep you posted!

Added by D.L.Sparks on August 10, 2007 at 1:31pm — 1 Comment

Day 10: The Dark Phantom Review interviews Cheryl Kaye Tardif, author of Whale Song

Along with a link to the review of Whale Song, by The Dark Phantom Review, you'll find an enlightening interview with author Cheryl Kaye Tardif, as she embarks upon Day 10 of her 'Touring the World' virtual book tour.

Welcome to The Dark Phantom Review, Cheryl! It’s nice to have you here. Why don’t you start by telling us a bit about your book, and what inspired you to write such a story?

Thank you for having me here.

Whale Song is an emotional…


Added by Cheryl Kaye Tardif on August 10, 2007 at 11:09am — No Comments

Reading Better than Sex

I didn't write this, only passing along the survey information.

Reading More Popular In Bed Than Sex


A recently commissioned survey into the nation’s favourite activities in bed shows that more people prefer reading in bed to sex. In fact

only 8 per cent of those asked about their “favourite in-bed activity”

confessed they liked “something else” better than reading or sleeping!

Going to bed with book…

Added by Vicki M. Taylor on August 10, 2007 at 10:50am — No Comments

New Forum Posts at

Recent Forum Posts…


Added by Donna Gunter on August 10, 2007 at 10:33am — No Comments

5 Essential Strategies to Make Online Selling Easier

One very common mistake that online service professionals make is providing endless information on their website, blog, or ezine without asking for anything in return (i.e. selling a product or service). Now, that doesn't really make much sense, does it? How do you stay in business if you don't have any sales?

I have had clients who simply like to have their products sit obscurely for sale on their websites and do little to make their list members or…


Added by Donna Gunter on August 10, 2007 at 10:31am — No Comments

Enjoying My Entrepreneurial Lifestyle

Being in the business that I'm in often means that my colleagues and competitors often promote themselves with the lure of living a very rich life (lots of money, expensive cars, owning McMansions, exotic vacations) in which you work only a few hours per week. In some cases, these wild claims are probably actually true. However, I'm not yet rolling in the dough, so I have to show up at…


Added by Donna Gunter on August 10, 2007 at 10:28am — 1 Comment

Chapter One - Excerpt

Six children and their mother were lashed to a rope, drowning, each dragging the next into watery darkness. Angelic faces, contorted by terror, faded into the cold black abyss. The mother tried desperately to fight the increasingly cutting weight around her waist. Her beautiful dark eyes stared up. Lace-covered arms reached for the surface; her mouth opened, silently pleading to God for help. The…


Added by Doug Hanau on August 10, 2007 at 9:38am — No Comments

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