Kenneth McGhee

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Teamwork - Moving Beyond Teambuilding Exercises

About Kennneth McGhee

Kenneth McGhee has extensive experience in training college, university and high school staff members and presenting at the state and national level. Numerous media outlets have quoted him about management, career and technology issues including the Chicago Tribune, Baton Rouge Business Report,, Web Host Industry Review Magazine (Canada) and Insight CPA Magazine. McGhee earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and obtained his graduate degree from Northern Illinois University.

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  • Barbara Techel

    Thank you for thei nvite!
  • Philip Hutton

    Hi Kenneth,

    Thanks for the invite, its good to connect.

  • NV Torres

    Thank you for the invite!
    Take care...

    N.V. Torres
  • Mavis Jackson Romer

    It will be a pleasure having you as a friend. Thank you for the invite.
  • Victoria Wells

    Hi Kenneth!

    Thanks for the invite!

  • Le Keisha N. Ruffin

    Hi Kenneth!

    Thanks for the friend request! I'm not on here much, but I look forward to networking with you. Please, have a great day!
  • Louise Lewis

    Hi Kenneth!
    Thank you for the friend invite. As my way of 'giving back', I am sending out gift copies (pdf) of my book, "No Experts Needed: The Meaning of Life According to You!" If you'd like to read it, just e-mail me via my web site ...No strings attached...Offer open to all who read this.

    take care,
  • Barbara

    So nice to meet you Kenneth!
  • Patrice Turner

    Thank you for the invitation. I look forward to reading some of your work and to getting to know you.
  • Stephanie Gunning

    Good to connect.
  • Kelly Komm

    Nice to meet you, Kenneth!
  • Lynda J. Sanders

    Thanks for your invitation. Maybe you can help me? I'm a writer that writes novels and plays. I want to broaden my knowledge. And I want to go back to school. I'm not sure if I should take up writing, drama or production. Then I thought about going to the school and seeing if there is someone there that can give me food for thought. Plus to see if there is money available to help me go to school. I don't have the money to continue any higher education.
  • Tonya Jones

    Thank you so much for the invite Kenneth! God is good and I look forward to sharing...
  • Roger Green

  • David Comings

    I notice you are connected with a Christian author's group. I would like to be part of that group. My book, Did Man Create God? ( ) examines in detail the science of religion and the biology of our spiritual brain. It examines why man is such a spiritual being. I think it would be of great interest to Christian authors.
  • Brenda Blackburn

    Hi Ken, Thanks for the link to your article at Congratulations! In it, you mentioned stress reduction... funny enough, I spend most of my training sessions teaching and facilitating towards that end! My "little" pocketbook: "Breathe: How to Keep You Cool at Work (or anywhere else)" goes along with some of my training and is a condensed quick tips guide. I'm off to check out your website! Have a great day!
  • Malaika

    Hi Ken, thank you for your friendship.
  • Donna Kafer

    Hi Kenneth,

    Thanks so much for the add! Interestingly enough, my husband's uncle, Harold Kafer is the dean of the Fine Arts Dept. at Northern Illinois University, where I see you did some of your undergraduate studies.

    Take care and have a great week!
  • Tom Mcgreevy

    Hi Kenneth,
    Thanks for invite
    Nice to join you as a friend
    Tom Mcgreevy
    Berkshire, England
    ( author of ' POEMS FOR PAULA ' )
  • Vanessa Richardson

    Hello Kenneth--

    Thank you for the invitation.

  • Holly Spence

    Books by Holly
  • Jon R Horton

    Hi Kenneth,

    I'm new to this sort of thing but look forward to participating.
  • Patricia Carragon

    thank you for reaching out to me!


  • Birdie Courtright

    Thank you for finding me! I look forward to sharing ideas. Hope your day is drenched in blessings!
  • LUXOR Light

    Thanks for adding me as a friend Kenneth. I haven't had a chance yet to fill out my page, but will get to it soon.
    Many blessings to you for a beautiful day
  • Fred Eijkenboom

    Hi Kenneth,

    Thanks for the adding. Curious about your book

    Regards from the Netherlands

    Fred Eijkenboom
    Member of The Global Alliance
    Logo Global Alliance Tiny
  • V. Michael Santoro

    Kenneth, Thanks for adding me to your friend's network. I look forward to keeping in touch.

    All the best,
    V. Michael Santoro
  • CR Cardin

    I have a draft of a business book regarding how to implement BPM, Business Process Management, which discusses how to build a business environment focused on process improvement regardless of tools. Do you think there is a market for such a book?
  • Michele Avanti

    Hi Kenneth, thanks for the invitation, I look forward to getting to know you and your work. Best always, Michele
  • rossa

    Kenneth is a nice invitation that I couldnt resist. Team building exercises sounds perfect for those who have problems in building up team spirit. Looking forward in reading all your books. Thanks
  • Damita Jo Carthen

    Hi Kenneth, thanks for the friendship! Damita Jo~
  • Maggie Wilson

    Hi, thanks for the add. Will try and get a pic and proper profile sorted out. I have just joined this site !
  • Lloyd Lemons

    Thanks for the invite. Still trying to figure out the ning thing.
  • Clevette Harris

    So glad that you are my friend. With all the wisdom that you have I'm sure it will benefit me in the end, my new friend, Kenneth my friend.
  • Paris E. Tompkins

    Dear Kenneth,
    Please join me as a friend on this network. It would be interesting to get to know you better. Blessings and Peace, Paris.
  • Camille Kleidysz

    Hi Kenneth! Thank you for the request.

    Peace and Blessings
  • Dena

    Sup Kenneth... thanks for the add. Looking forward to learning more about you and the books you write as well.
  • Bobby Ozuna

    Hello Kenneth... very nice to meet you.

    ~Bobby Ozuna
    Drawing Stories...With Words
  • Gina McGowan Cade

    Hello Kenneth and thank you for the invitation.
  • Jo Linsdell

    Thanks for the request.
  • Joni Snowden

    Thanks for the request. :-)
  • Celia Yeary

    Thank you, Kenneth--I can never have too many friends. I read your profile, but still, what do you do? Where are you? Celia
  • Karla Casillas

    The blessings we ask for this season
    Aren't the kind that come wrapped with a bow;
    We're asking for gifts from the heart,
    Ones we need and never outgrow.
    May we see in these bright decorations
    With their colors and lights all aglow,
    The beauty and wonder of life
    That God's world was created to show.
    Let the peace and goodwill of this season
    Be feelings that we can extend
    Far into the following year
    To our neighbors, our family, and friends.
    Most of all, may we always remember
    To open our hearts every day and share all the love and the joy
    In a special and meaningful way.

    Karla Casillas

    Sr. Wedding Planner

    A BAJA ROMANCE WEDDING by Karla Casillas

    Happy Holidays!

  • Nathan Martin

    Thanks Kenneth. Nice to meet you.
  • Lynn Serafinn

    Hi Kenneth,
    Your work sounds great. As a coach, I have done a lot of work in systems/relationship coaching and Co-active Leadership. Teaching people how to creating from other, "read the space" and define their impact are all such important things in life. I wish you much success in your work and your book, and I am pleased to meet you here on this site.

    Warm wishes,
    Lynn Serafinn
    Personal Transformation Coach
    Author of "The Garden of the Soul" (coming April 2009)

    P.S.: Here's a free gift for you:
  • Susan Rae Baker

    Thanks for the invite Kenneth, glad to have you as a friend here.

    Much success!

    Blessings, Susan
  • Jeral Davis

    Hi Kenneth! Thanks for the invite. Your background sounds interesting. I wish you much success.
  • Glenys O'Connell

    Thanks for the welcome, Kenneth - and happy to have you as a friend. Your background is very interesting - Glenys

    Romance Can Be Murder!
  • Bert Martinez

    Hello, I'm Bert Martinez, I'm looking to network with success minded authors. If you would like my free report 30 Strategies for Selling More Books just fill out the form below. I look forward to networking with you and if there is anything that I can help you with please do not hesitate to contact me.

    You Were Created to Succeed!

    Bert Martinez

    For Email Marketing you can trust
  • Sally Shields

    Hi Kenneth! So nice to meet you here! Looking forward to getting to know you! Please come and be a featured author on Blurb!