The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

All Blog Posts (18,494)

NY Times Today

Did anyone see the Pushing a New Author Upstream article in the NYTimes today? Its worth the read..

When I was at HCI we would do this for some of our key books/authors. It rarely had much effect.

I think for a book to become a bestseller a LOT of different factors must converge, not the least of which is that the book must be really good. They… Continue

Added by Fallen Sky on April 2, 2007 at 11:01am — 5 Comments

Putting new products on website

A couple of months ago, I approached a lovely woman named Sue. I contacted her to see if she would be interested in making a soft toy in the likeness of the main protagonist from my children's book, "The Little Prince and His Magic Wand." She absolutely jumped at the idea (children's books and soft toys colliding? Can you imagine her enthusiasm?!)

We have now…


Added by Jillian M. Curtis on April 2, 2007 at 8:30am — 2 Comments

In case you don't know about this- I think a great book marketing outlet

A while back, someone here suggested seeing if we could all help each other by adding reviews to our respective books on Amazon or somewhere online. I thought I could get Judi Lake to take on the monkey of figuring out how to do it, but she's smarter than that:-)

It may be way too cumbersome to work, however, this morning, I happened to read the Southern Review of Books newsletter and saw a piece about Amazon investing in a site named "Shelfari"

I went there and spent a… Continue

Added by Jim Donovan on April 1, 2007 at 1:25pm — 1 Comment

Detaching from Attachment

The principal of detachment is one I have simultaneously mastered and bumped up against for years. It all depends on the situation I’m in. Let me explain . . .

You know that excited feeling you get when you begin shopping for a new car? You walk into the dealership and see all the gleaming choices? Your heart begins to race as you fall in love with one particular make and model. It is called love at first sight. Within moments you’ve admired it from every angle, run your hands over… Continue

Added by WinningTheGameOfBusiness on April 1, 2007 at 10:55am — 3 Comments

How to get Mr. President to write a letter for your book?

Hi all,

I send a copy of my book to the President of The Republic of Singapore. I didn't expect anything in return but I recieved a personal letter from him instead.

Here is the letter writen for me.

Can I conclude that this is a celebrity's endorsement?

Yours Sincerely



Added by Sean Toh on April 1, 2007 at 1:51am — 1 Comment

172 and Counting ... Invite More Friends!

I'm back from the CIPA Conference. A great weekend. Lots of good people. I've invited them to join the network. We'll see who joins in the next week.

I am enjoying this network and adding lots of new friends. Please take time to add a blog post at some point and add some content to your personal page so we can get to know each other. I've been going around to different people's pages and seeing what they are doing. It's really nice to see all the pictures and finally put…

Added by John Kremer on March 31, 2007 at 3:26am — 5 Comments

Radio Cafe closes

In our daily newspaper here, the Tennessean, we have local neighborhood sections. I wrote this in tribute to a local hang closing its doors. The Tennessean.

Added by Rachel on March 30, 2007 at 4:00pm — 1 Comment

Are You Podcasting Yet?

If you are great! If you aren't, what are you waiting for?

Authors have so many ways to promote their books these days. There are websites, blogs, traditional advertising, and now networking, but many authors overlook the power of podcasting. With this newest medium of communication, authors can have instant access to their readers. Podcasting is useful for developing relationships with readers, giving them an opportunity to get…


Added by Samantha Gregory on March 29, 2007 at 12:26pm — 4 Comments

In case you don't already know it . . .

There are a lot of great people here, some of whom I know and many I hope to get to know better, however, there are two people on this group, who are among the most knowledgeable people around when it comes to book marketing and selling books.

Of course, founder John Kremer is one, and in case you have not had the pleasure of meeting him, Rick Frishman is the other.

I've had the pleasure to meet and get to know them both and even interviewed them for a publishing audio… Continue

Added by Jim Donovan on March 29, 2007 at 8:53am — 3 Comments

Another Season

This doesn't have anything to do with either writing or marketing, not directly, but I'm happy to share the simple news. I finished doing the taxes.

My husband is from Southeast Asia. He always contends that because this is my country, I should be the one responsible for figuring out our income tax. Of course, he's been in this country for more than thirty years so I'm not sure about the validity of that argument.

I have struggled with this task every year. I'm not a…


Added by Linda K. Jitmoud on March 28, 2007 at 10:32pm — No Comments

It's no SECRET that viral marketing works!

I am fairly convinced that the power of viral marketing has catapulted The Secret to some wonderful heights. My only question is this: How do I expose Blessings in the Mire to the contagion?

Added by J Deelstra on March 28, 2007 at 4:40pm — 1 Comment

Upcoming Amazon Campaign

Hi Folks (or FLOFS if you've been on pub lists before)

If you'd like to participate in my upcoming Amazon promotion for "This is Your Life, Not a Dress Rehearsal" I'd welcome you.

What I'm looking for is:

1. Good quality bonus products that would be of interest to people who read personal development, success, or small business books.

2. Help in getting the word out to your list on specific days.

What you get:

1. My undying… Continue

Added by Jim Donovan on March 28, 2007 at 3:43pm — 2 Comments

Hello world... they say on WordPress.

So what am I doing at the moment? Well, today I got paid (yay!) for my contribution to a Syngress book on botnets, and I'm in the process of editing another book for Syngress written by members of AVIEN and AVIEWS. In fact, I have to finish a chapter for that in the next two days, so I guess I'll have to come back to this later.

Watch this space.

(But remember to breathe occasionally.)

Added by David Harley on March 28, 2007 at 12:41pm — No Comments

why blackdog?

Each of us responds better to accountability and judgment when it comes from our peers.

When a person is at a point in their lives where their ability to cope and deal rationally with their problems is gone, they as well

as we need someone that can bring them peace.

Someone is the key in healing. Institutions, originations, well meaning companies all can not provide the most important…


Added by Rick Francis on March 28, 2007 at 9:40am — No Comments

Adding Friends in the Book Marketing Network

If you ad friends in this network -- and they accept your invitation -- their Ning contact info will be included in your Address Book (which you can access by clicking on the small envelope in the upper left corner of any page.

Then it is easier for you to send a direct message to any of your friends via the network (again accessible to them via their little envelope in the upper left corner of any page). Via that envelope icon, you can click on it and access any messages others in the… Continue

Added by John Kremer on March 26, 2007 at 11:08pm — No Comments

The Wilderness Experience

Where you look is where you go!,

In August, I spent an amazing ten days hiking in the Saw Tooth Mountains of Idaho where I had the opportunity to travel down the rapids of the upper middle fork of the Salmon River. It was all part of an incredible seminar, titled “The Wilderness Experience.”,

The seminar is designed to help participants step outside their personal comfort zones so they can get familiar with what that feels like and learn to take personal leadership in their… Continue

Added by WinningTheGameOfBusiness on March 25, 2007 at 9:14pm — No Comments

Maintaining Your Control When Working With A Design Firm

LIKE ANYTHING ELSE, you hire a designer for their expertise and their insight. If your car didn't run, you wouldn't tell your mechanic how to fix it. Your mechanic knows the best way to make your car go. A

good designer will help make your business "go," and if you are willing to trust in their expertise, they will likely lead your project in a direction that will benefit you. In most cases, your role in the process of working with a designer should be one of information delivery and… Continue

Added by Judi Lake on March 25, 2007 at 7:48pm — 6 Comments

I Like It But Don't Love It

If You or anyone you know has ever gotten the inane "ILIBDLI" response from an agent or editor, you might enjoy the post "I Like It But Don't Love" post on

Added by Bill Stephens on March 25, 2007 at 2:50pm — 3 Comments

Getting Spartacus on MySpace...

This is pretty cool, so I thought that I would share...hope that everyone has had a great weekend!

Since I wrote MySpace For Dummies, the company that I work for, MediaSauce, has been getting many requests to create MySpace pages for all different types of people, organizations and events.

One of…


Added by Hup on March 25, 2007 at 11:55am — 3 Comments

Sending a copy of my book to established authors

Hi all, It's me, Sean Toh from Singapore.

Last week, I had this idea of sending my books to some established authors. I told myself that I had nothing to lose but the printing cost of the book and the postage cost needed to send the book to the destination address. Hence, I started writing a few thank you notes and send my books to my targeted authors.

Within the next few day, I recieved a few thank you letters and notes from some of them. This idea from John Kremer's book is a…


Added by Sean Toh on March 25, 2007 at 2:22am — 3 Comments

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