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Book Review - Seeking Truth

Started by CBM Christian Book Marketing May 15, 2023.

Christian Book Reviews - Let Us Review Your Book

Started by CBM Christian Book Marketing Mar 23, 2022.

Learn from the pros how to sell your art successfully

Started by Martha Jette Sep 7, 2014.

Ancient Africa holds countless mysteries including UFOs

Started by Martha Jette Aug 18, 2014.

Author offers hilarious look at a new church in 2027

Started by Martha Jette Jul 5, 2014.

LIM-R-IDDLES Revisited offers hours of entertaining fun

Started by Martha Jette Jul 3, 2014.

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Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on August 23, 2015 at 8:32pm

Title: The Foundation of Godliness and A Godly Life
By: Happiers Simbo
A CBM Book Review
9.9 out of 10.0 stars

The Foundation of Godliness and A Godly Life by Happiers Simbo gives readers an understanding of the blessings of the incarnate Christ and salvation. Presenting the Gospel of Christ, the author presents a firm biblical insight that offers readers a better understanding of what it means to be born again and to become a new creation. This book is written to present salvation, in hopes that readers’ eyes will be spiritually opened. The author then gives understanding on way to establish a relationship with Christ, proclaiming the eternal life through Christ, and continuing on how to live a truly godly life from the Word of God. Believers and un-believers alike will be encouraged to understand the many blessings and riches of His Kingdom. Some may think that there are many paths to Heaven, but there is only One who can offer the forgiveness of sins and offers eternal life-Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son.

This is fantastic read for all Christians, new believers and unbelievers alike, although not for those that wish to compromise the Word of God. Sharing the truth of the Gospel, the author begins with the fall of man to the crucifixion of Jesus, the author builds upon scripture that are sure to leave an imprint on one’s soul. Revealing truth, this is an amazing book giving clear understanding on what it means to be born again (born from above) with the spirit of wisdom and the spirit of revelation revealing truth in the Word, Jesus Christ and the new life Christ came to offer all who would believe.

A highly recommended read and inspiring, evangelistic guide to understanding the many blessings of Christ to bring about a better understanding of the Bible, repentance, and salvation that sheds light on many facets through the Bible about the crucifixion, the resurrection, the many testimonies surrounding the resurrection, the apostles, Pentacost, water baptism, the apostles, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, healing, the spiritual life, and so much more.

The Foundation of Godliness and A Godly Life available at Amazon, in Kindle and elsewhere at fine online bookstores online. You can meet the author at his site, Happiers Simbo.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on August 6, 2015 at 2:18pm
A CBM Christian Author Press Release
"An Exuberant Celebration of Art and Scripture"
Las Vegas, NV – Marcie Shepard releases The Holy Spirit in the New Testament ~ A 9 x 12 hardcover coffee table book revealing 269 scriptures depicting the nature, purpose and power of the Holy Spirit throughout the Church Age. With over 600 original paintings and images beautifully illustrated in this 412 page book, from 7 different versions of the New Testament, each page has something special to offer the reader: A scripture, a teaching and inspirational original artwork from over 83 artists from around the world.  Celebrate life, the authority of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit through this collection of artistry that make the Word of God come alive before your eyes.  
Read more at Author's Pressed ...
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on August 6, 2015 at 2:15pm
Title: Take Your Sandals Off: A Daily Walk in His Presence
By: Roberto Hernandez
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Take Your Sandals Off: A Daily Walk in His Presence by Roberto Hernandez reveals the mysteries of God, spiritual truths and God’s purpose for you and His creation through a series of simple conversations with a boy named Tommy. Tommy was a thirteen year-old boy who had no one to turn to for advice in helping him understand who was God was and why having a personal relationship with Him was important. To him church was religious and a waste of time. His parents were unable to teach him, as they did not agree. He was lost and had questions about God.
Read more at Author's Pressed or visit Christian Book Reviews for book review information.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on August 6, 2015 at 2:13pm
Title: The Narrow Way, Book 3
By: Karen Marie Schalk
ISBN #978-0-9825483-0-1
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
The Narrow Way, Book 3 by Karen Marie Schalk continues the series offering images from the “Gospel of Art” that captivate messages told in Scripture and the message of the Gospel. Developed for your spiritual enjoyment and enlightenment, the author shares her journeys with images captured of Christ. . . historical works of art that are precious in nature, that carry a holy message of the Son of God and His sacrifice.  The images are Biblical and wonderful for the eye to behold as they tell stories related in Scripture.
Such images, such majesty, discover the Scriptures in a unique and poetic way that will bring the story of salvation, Hosanna in the Highest to light. . .awe-inspiring, some may bring tears to your eyes.  As one ponders, and remembers, the King, Jesus, riding to Jerusalem on a colt of a donkey.   Art is powerful. Words are powerful.  Karen Marie captures both in this wonderful series of the Narrow Way. 
A highly recommended collection for gifts to someone special.  Adults and children alike will wonder at her work. 
Get your Christian Book Review by CBM.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on August 6, 2015 at 2:11pm

Know Him by Two Witnesses is the first book in the Revealed Series by two individuals seeking to know the Lord intimately. As readers who experience His presence, these witnesses testify and relate fresh revelation writings given by the Spirit of the Lord received through daily Bible study. Each day readers are introduced to a new scripture that reveal, without opinion or interpretation, only what the Spirit of God is speaking and conveying through scripture. One will find these writings by these two anonymous writers who pursued God with a desire to Know Him more intimately collectively speak of truths represented in Scripture. Created for each day of the year, one will also find keys for daily living, wisdom, and insight that will build up one’s life. Captivating and enriching, each daily devotional will lift up, encourage, inspire, but also exhort believers and non-believers to think of the things of above versus the things of this world.

Recommended for those that desire to know the Lord more intimately, this devotional is recommended to follow along with Bible in hand as a way to let the Spirit of God speak to them personally. Readers will find this book a quick and new way to ingest the Word of God through a different style of daily devotional Bible study. One will appreciate the revelation writings that have been recorded as they were received by the authors. Recommended for daily Bible study for the individual or within a very small group setting.

You may get your copy of Know Him by Two Witnesses in Kindle Edition.

Christian Book Reviews by CBM.

Comment by Martha Jette on January 10, 2015 at 10:24am
Hi Blake: Sorry, I haven't been here for a while. Is Obtuse a paranormal-type book?
Comment by Blake Schaefer on September 28, 2014 at 11:33am

Hello to all. As the fall season approaches and the air becomes a little bit crisp, I begin to think about apple cider, pumpkins, ghost and goblins and all things macabre. Here is your chance to get the newly re-released edition of Obtuse. As of September 25th you can get it in eBook format for $1.00 U.S. Dollar. Order today at Smashwords, ibooks, Barnes and Noble, Oyster or Kobo formats. Obtuse is also being made into an indie film from Polydactyl Films. So pre-order today and spread the word.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on September 26, 2014 at 8:42pm
What Did Jesus Say
Reverend Terry Allan Christian
A Christain Book Review
10.0 stars out of 10.0 stars

What Did Jesus Say? by Rev. Terry Allan Christian reveals the Seven Messages from the Master.  Instructed by the Holy Spirit, this book is unique.  Never before has a book been compiled, giving the words of Jesus as He spoke in the Bible. 

Taking from the New King James Version, Rev. Terry Allan Christian has composed a book holding the power of the teachings of Jesus that are only printed in red.  After reading this book, one will have read over 500 passages spoken by Jesus Christ.  This is an amazing book that offers truth and light through the words of Jesus.  The author has written this book as inspired by the Holy Spirit to encourage, instruct and teach the Body of Christ what the Master has to say.  Come and discover peace and truth through this uplifting, Holy Spirit inspired book that speaks Jesus' words only.  

Presented as a full color and beautifully illustrated 170 page e-book, audio CD or paperback version with large, easy to read text, this book makes a perfect gift for anyone wanting to know Jesus and what He said.  Beginning with the poem "Footprints in the Sand" by Mary Stevenson that is re-written by the author, the author proceeds to take the reader down a walk on the beach with Jesus.  The book is nothing short of phenomenal and will impact your life as you become more like Jesus.  

Rev. Terry Allan Christian has 30 years experience as a student of the Bible and of God Himself.  He currently is a minister and teacher for God, teaching Christian principles.  He is a retired personal and motivational speaker that has taught over 2500 seminars as a corporate trainer to companies throughout America and Canada.  As a young teen, he gave his life to God.  Due to growing up in a very dysfunctional household, he developed a severe stuttering problem.  It was then the age of 23 that God gave Him a vision and the Holy Spirit told him one day he would be a teacher of Christian principles.  He was miraculously healed and today, 30 years later, he is a minister and has written this book dedicated to the teachings of the Master Teacher.  Learn the secrets of life through the Master Teacher – Jesus. 
For more information be sure to visit What Did Jesus Say. You may get your copy of What Did Jesus Say at Amazon, in Kindle Edition and at other fine online bookstores. You may also visit the author at What Did Jesus Really Say Blogspot.
Comment by Martha Jette on November 27, 2013 at 11:12am

Hi Everyone:

I just got two new ebooks up on One is a short ebook entitled Phenomenal Paul: An Incredible Tale of Insect-like Beings and UFOs. The other is a large work entitled Terror In The Night - Alien Abduction Exposed!

If anyone is willing to review either of these, please let me know.

Comment by Ann B. Keller on November 10, 2013 at 8:23am

Healthy Family Meals

By American Heart Association

4 Stars

Inspired and Beneficial


Most of us know that we should consume more fruits and vegetables each week, include fish and lean meats in our diet and whole grains, while cutting back on sodium and cholesterol.  Yet, at the end of each day, practice just doesn’t come into the picture.  Well, here are over one hundred tasty and tempting recipes that won’t strain your budget or lead to exhaustion!  Many dishes can be made ahead and simply served when the family has assembled for a meal.


It’s Greek to Me Chicken, Citrus Tilapia, Easy Stuffed Chicken and Meat Loaf Mud Pies can all be prepared in under thirty minutes.  Blueberry-Apple Slushes, Chill-Out Sundae Pie, Asian Vegetable Soup and Ginger-Beef Stir Fry are a colorful feast for the eyes and Chicken Parmesan and Shrimp Tacos give dinner real pizzazz.


Each recipe is carefully detailed with caloric intake and a breakout of trans fat, sodium, cholesterol, carbs and protein included with each selection.  There are also helpful hints on additional items that can be added to make each tasty dish a full meal.  Stunning photographs round out this excellent cookbook.  I found quite a few ideas in here myself and cannot wait to have my family try some of these recipes.


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