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Book Review - Seeking Truth

Started by CBM Christian Book Marketing May 15, 2023.

Christian Book Reviews - Let Us Review Your Book

Started by CBM Christian Book Marketing Mar 23, 2022.

Learn from the pros how to sell your art successfully

Started by Martha Jette Sep 7, 2014.

Ancient Africa holds countless mysteries including UFOs

Started by Martha Jette Aug 18, 2014.

Author offers hilarious look at a new church in 2027

Started by Martha Jette Jul 5, 2014.

LIM-R-IDDLES Revisited offers hours of entertaining fun

Started by Martha Jette Jul 3, 2014.

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Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on August 19, 2017 at 9:41pm
Title: Restored in His Presence: Finding Peace and Joy at the Master’s Feet
By: Piely Paul
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Restored in His Presence: Finding Peace and Joy at the Master’s Feet by Piely Paul is designed as a yearly daily devotional that sheds light on God’s unfailing Word, His promises of protection, safety, peace and love that are available for each one of us. As a Devotional, the book begins on January 1 and ends on December 31st. The book is unique in that the author keeps to theme of restoring, peace, joy and hope. Each page begins with a scripture verse and ends with a concurrent scripture. Living daily in His presence is the main theme and the author encourages all of God’s goodness, God’s character and His ways to having peace and joy in life, helping readers develop a closer walk in their relationship to the Lord.
With hand-selected scripture verses, this book facilitates trust and leaning in on Jesus, just as the Apostle John did. Fresh insights bring renewed hope and life that help readers understand many different facets of redemption and Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. The book reveals Jesus in such a way as the Good Shepard and the Savior of our souls that it brings understanding and revelation to the reader. Short commentary enhance readers’ understanding of Old and New Testament insight, as the author has included a faith-filled look at some of our the patriarchs, such as Moses and David. With Biblically sound doctrine, the author has combined spiritual truths that add to the book, sharing the promises we have on Earth now, as well as for eternity.
Redemption, the joy of salvation, and restoration make this book, an excellent book for someone needing hope and encouragement. This daily devotional makes for an enjoyable read that helps bring Christian focus on Jesus and His Word and His promises that speak of joy, healing, hope, salvation and safety in Him. 
A highly recommended daily devotional!

Get your copy of Restored in His Presence: Finding Peace and Joy at the Master’s Fee... or in Kindle as a download.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on July 28, 2017 at 11:32am
Title: Demon Portals: 
A Psychic Medium’s Path to Deliverance
By: Timna Pilch
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Demon Portals: A Psychic Medium’s Path to Deliverance by Timna Pilch reveals the dangers of dabbling in the paranormal, psychic divination, and occult practices. As one who practiced divination, and had a wide-range of experience as a Psychic Medium, the paranormal, demons, visitations and hauntings, this book is an eye-opener.  Her knowledge in occultic practices will surprise many and leave many who read it in awe of the deception and ways that demonic entities infiltrate our lives. Her main purpose in writing this book is to shed light into God’sTruth from The Holy Bible of the absolute dangers and warnings that God gives to those who would continue to dabble in paganism and occultic practices. Revealing just how dangerous this is, her story unveils the supernatural realm, patterns of demons, and the reality of good versus evil that clears the confusion about the paranormal, ghosts, spirits, hauntings, demon possession and entanglement, that offers to readers hope in a future with Christ while simultaneously offering a keen understanding of the invisible world and the battle for our souls.
Beginning with an overview of her childhood, she starts with her birth. Seemingly born with a deep intuition and empathic abilities, her childhood reveals much suffering and trauma that only compounded her emotional state, also being surrounded by demonic entities from birth, that took her down a dark path in life. Explaining her gifts, as what she calls prescience and being an empath, also gave her a unique insight of the supernatural realm, in which most do not experience. Her experiences, pictures and choices only reveal a deeper understanding to readers of the deception and influence the demonic realm has upon our lives, thoughts and spirits through various means.
Her true story is fascinating and her book helps those who are deceived to find truth in the God’s Ways, His Word and the salvation and grace offered to them with a new life in Christ. Additionally, as a Vegan, her book offers further insight into the character of animals, their suffering and advocates “non-consumption” of animal meat and by-products, such as milk and cheese. Christians will be intrigued and find much Biblical foundation and insight into the demonic realm that will give them a better understanding of demons, and for those who are dabbling in witchcraft and the occult, they will understand that they are literally “opening up” demonic portals into their life. Her book gives advice on the only way to get free – Repentance, Redemption, water baptism, prayer and living God’s way of life.
What a wonderful read filled with hope with a future in Christ and His Truth! ~ Demon Portals: A Psychic Medium's Path to Deliverance at Amazon
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on July 19, 2017 at 4:36pm
Title: Responsive Readings for the Modern Church
By: David Rhodes
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Responsive Readings for the Modern Church by David Rhodes is: “A study in the relationships between Bible scriptures in a responsive reading format for use in corporate worship or personal study.” Using key words, this study is similar to a concordance, wherein a person can look up scriptures references. Gleaning from subjects pertinent to each book, the author has selected verses that impact faith, belief, and daily living that give a wide-range of subjects from such books such as: Psalms and Proverbs, with over a thousand footnotes that add to the versatility, incorporating the Old and New Testament books. This book fosters a time for study and meditation in God’s Word that will increase faith and nourishes the soul with the premise that God’s Word is alive and active.
To use this book, readers can simply look up a subject that interests them or perhaps a word like hope. Designed for reflective reading, this is an easy and vital way to study scripture verses that instill hope, encouragement and helps anchor the soul through Jesus Christ and the Word. In the eBook format readers are able to click directly on the footnotes link which will lead them to the WEB (World English Version) online for further study.
Such subjects as: angel, anger, apostle, believe, born, children, chosen, create, David, eternal, faith, forgive, free, God, great, Heaven, holy, hope, Jacob, Jesus, Joseph, joy, Kingdom, laugh, light, Lord, love, majesty, mercy, nothing, peace, power, pray, righteous, sacrifice, salvation, silence, sin, spirit, thanks, water, wisdom, word, work, worship, evil, fool, gold, good, man, the righteous and the  wicked, and so much more, provide a wide spectrum of the scripture verses that speak of Christian values, morals, choosing life and implores readers to live by the Word. As humans, we tend to forget- this book is a good reminder of God’s wisdom that is written onto the tablets of our hearts.
Developed for corporate study or personal reflection, this book is a quick way to ingest the Word and memorize scripture verses to be encouraged and inspired through the Word of God.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on July 10, 2017 at 3:16pm
The Unexpected Visitation by Stephen M. Grimble presents to readers an intriguing Christian fiction novel told from a Catholic viewpoint. Christmas Eve, 2032, meet Isabella. Surviving a horrific car crash where her husband, son and unborn child are all killed, this novel speaks the hope of the Gospel through an unbelievable tragedy. Bella, tenaciously choosing faith, this book draws readers into Bella’s world, as she receives an assignment from an unexpected visitation. She meets Jesus, face-to-face as He returns, visiting her church. Called to follow Him, become an apostle, and write the basic tenants of the Christian faith in a 12-step summarization, the author takes readers on a fascinating journey into faith and the Good News of the Gospel.
Set in a world of skepticism, sin and faithlessness, the author asks the question: “If Christ came again, would you believe or would you doubt or deny Him, as did so many people two millennia ago?” His book is written for believers and non-believers alike, and presents an adventure, a journey of faith into the heart of the Gospel of Christ, Jesus, the Son of God, His teachings and His status as the only One True God, prodding those who would not believe, and inviting all into taking a look into who Jesus is. Also, shedding light on lukewarm Christianity, giving faith a chance to flourish, as Bella brings revival, miracles at the direction of Jesus to 6 countries around the world.
This is a highly recommended Christian fiction novel craftily written that will help those who believe in Christ, yearn for apostleship, signs and wonders and for those who do not believe, a revival and miraculous awakening may occur.
Title: The Unexpected Visitation
By: Stephen M. Grimble
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Get your copy of The Unexpected Visitation at Amazon or as a download in Kindle.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on June 27, 2017 at 11:06pm
Hamilton Saves the Fourth of July by Tawney Anderson shares the adventures of Jenny and farm life, making a fun read for children (and adults alike), bringing animals, nature and humans together – As the third book of the series of The Jenny Adventures, Jenny lives on the farm with her parents, and a cast of unforgettable farm animals. Jenny has a unique bond with these animals as they have saved her family on many occasions and vice versa.
It’s almost the 4th of July and Jenny wants to help the animals understand why we have the 4th of July, and that even though the fireworks scare the animals because they are so loud, she explains from a book how the United States came to be. This story will keep children (and adults) captivated by the funny antics of the animals, the cast of characters around the farm, and the fun, adventure and trials along the way, as they discover a little hummingbird named Hamilton who saves the day!
Fun animal facts add to this funny, inspiring and heart-warming children’s book. This is one book you will want to keep in your library for generations to come. Entertaining and witty, the author teaches our little ones the importance of Christian values, adding to the book an inspiration to be all that God has called them to be. With colorful artwork, children learn to thank God and to pray to God, they learn a little about the Indians, the 13 colonies, the British and the Revolutionary War, in a simple way.
Pick up her first 2 books in the series to get a better understanding of all that Jenny and the farm animals have been through ~ A Nativity Christmas and The Easter Miracle.
This is a fun and instructive way to teach our children why we celebrate the Fourth of July, the importance of kindness to animals and to care for their environment, and that they too play an important part in our world today!
Hamilton Saves the Fourth of July 
(The Jenny Adventures Series 3)
By: Tawney Anderson
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Highly Recommended! Get your copy of Hamilton Saves the Fourth of July at Amazon or as a download in Kindle.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on May 23, 2017 at 1:21pm
Title: Just a Plain Poor Simple Shepherd
By: Rozlah Ridenoure
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Just a Plain Poor Simple Shepherd by Rozlah Ridenoure depicts Jesus as the Great Shepherd surrounded by the telling of His birth and the angels’ announcement that: “Unto them a King is born.” This children’s book speaks great things, one of glory, one of magnificence, one of angels in the highest, when the Father sent His son to Earth. Beautifully illustrated, the author captures the essence of that day, the culture, and focuses on the shepherds in the field who saw such an awesome sight.
Overcome in awe, they found the Son, the Son of Man, born to Mary and Joseph in a manger – Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. From the star above, Bethlehem shone in God’s brightness as the One True Shepherd, Jesus, as the True Shepherd of the flock. Sharing the stance, “I’m just a poor plain shepherd but I know my soul the Lord doth keep,” these Shepherds delight in the truth of the birth of Christ.
This children’s book is recommended to Christian parents and grandparents that would like to share the beauty of Christ in their homes through the telling of one of the most popular stories ever told! With discussion questions at the end, this book is also recommended for bringing salvation to those little ones that wonder who Jesus is. He is their Good Shepherd that keeps their souls.

A simple and highly recommended read to remember our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Perfect for a holiday gift this season. Get your copy of Just a Plain Poor Simple Shepherd at Amazon, in Kindle or at Barnes and Noble.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on May 22, 2017 at 12:18pm
In My Mind: A Faith Journey Through Rough Seas by Paul G. Tremewan is a touching collection of poems, short stories of his teaching experiences and prayers that he wrote from his sickbed, as he suffered the devastating effects of terminal ALS. ALS is called Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis also as “Lou Gehrig’s Disease” – a progressive degenerative diseases affecting the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. 
Written from a place of weakness during the last two years of his life, Paul G. Tremewan reflects on life, and gives readers hope and insight through his many prayers, poems and his good sense of humor. . .
Readers will get to know Paul through testimony from his son, but mostly from his writings. Consumed with ALS, all he could do was write – and write he did! The prayers are deeply moving – there will be something each reader will take away from the prayers, as he struggles to cope with his disease, never giving up. His encouraging demeanor comes through in his humorous reflection on his many years as a teacher in a junior high school. Some of his stories give insight into his caring compassionate side, as he protected and invested in students that came his way.
Inspiring, this book helps others to count their blessings in life and to be thankful. Coming from a dying man, all would be wise to heed his advice, which was to focus on the present, and that is all we can do. We don’t know the future and the past is gone. Inevitably readers will be touched in small and big ways through his openness, genuineness, caring and fun-loving personality. Those who are suffering will find solace, as the reader directs them to look up to a God, our Father. 
His dream that he had in his last week on Earth was especially impactful, as Jesus, reassured the author that he would be taken care of. Reading this book is a blessing and inspires all to never give up, knowing that we all are in God’s good hands despite our circumstances.
*Additionally, his widow’s “Epilogue” encourages all to look how to be a blessing to others. Truly, a great word to live by!
Title: In My Mind: A Faith Journey Through Rough Seas
By: Paul G. Tremewan
A CBM Book Review
10.0 stars out of 10.0 stars
Thank you, Paul G. Tremewan, for leaving us your legacy, stories and inspiring faith. Get your copy of In My Mind: A Faith Journey Through Rough Seas at Amazon or in Kindle.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on May 3, 2017 at 10:03pm
Receive: The Steps of the Prayer of Faith
By Margie Fleurant
As children of God, we are made to receive. God our loving Father wants to give us all we need even more than we want to receive it. If that were not true, He would not have sent Jesus to die on the cross and free us from the curse.
Yet for many of us, it is not how we have experienced life. We have had needs go unmet, prayers go unanswered, desires go unfulfilled. And in our hearts we wonder, Why didn't it work for me? What went wrong?
Often, the answer to this question eludes us. We do not always know why certain things do or do not happen. In this book, we will examine the prayer of faith and the steps involved in receiving what we ask for.
Order your copy of Receive The Steps of the Prayer of Faith or as a download in Kindle. You can find other books by Margie Fleurant at Margie Fleurant's Amazon page.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on May 1, 2017 at 5:13pm
Title: I’m Sorry, Oliver
By: Alison M. Tomlinson
A CBM Book Review
10.0 stars out of 10.0 stars
I’m Sorry, Oliver by Alison M. Tomlinson is based on the true-life events of the author. Offering insight into the spiritual realm, the author writes an amazingly unique Christian fiction filled with insight into the spiritual realm as she depicts the Scripture based on John 10:10 (NIV), “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”  Depicting the suffering she faced through her battle to good health, the birth and death of her handicapped son and Heaven’s intervention upon her behalf, faith, miracles, angels and the demonic realm reveal to readers a story that is not only heartbreaking, infuriating, and intriguing, but gives hope as Sylvie finds new life in revived health and a deep resolute faith in God as her Healer and Savior.
Born premature, Oliver, is sickly from birth. After several weeks, it is discovered that Oliver has severe physical and mental handicaps that cut his life short at the age of 10. Sylvie and her husband, Neil, are devastated when they discover that an asthma drug given to Sylvie during pregnancy could have caused Oliver’s condition.
Through fiction, Alison presents her years of struggle with her own health and that of her severely handicapped son, Timothy.Capturing a mother’s loving heart and complete devotion to her son, the author sheds light into deception into the medical industry, unveiling that it is not the “cure-all” that people believe it to be. 
From a nutritional perspective the author learns her sensitivity to gluten, and that the human body is designed to heal itself – with the right nutrients. This is a moving and compassionate story, offering readers elements of surprise, intrigue, suspense, real-life drama, the Big Pharma industry, and deception within the medical community that make for a surprising, yet unforgettable drama that is thought-provoking and challenging, yet transformational and inspiring, leading people to the truth of Jesus, the Bible and God’s healing power and wisdom. ~ A highly recommended read for Christians and non-believers alike! 
You may get your copy of I’m Sorry, Oliver at Amazon  or in Kindle.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on April 18, 2017 at 1:50pm
God of the Big Bang: How Modern Science Affirms the Creator by Leslie Wickman, Ph.D., writes an awe-inspiring work that connects modern science and the Christian faith. As a Scientist, Astronomy Professor, Corporate Test Astronaut, Rocket Scientist, Hubble Space Telescope Engineer, the author is well-qualified to present the scientific breakthroughs and data that confirm that the Christian faith actually coincides with scientific exploration and discoveries.
Tackling many difficult questions, such as: Can science and God co-exist? What is our purpose on Earth? Does God really exist? And so much more, this book helps people reconcile science alongside their faith. This is an easy-to-read book that is intriguing, encouraging and inspires readers to learn and understand, with wonder and awe, our great universe, giving answers as to why creation and science bow to only One Creator ~ God Almighty.

With such chapters as: Family Star Parties: A Plan and a Purpose, Is God Real? Evidence of His Existence, Approach with Caution: Using the Scientific Method, A Reasonable Faith: Using Logic and Sound Arguments, The Bible’s Message: A Valid Approach to Interpreting the Text, Genesis & Origins: A Spectrum of Views, The Goldilocks Principle: Just-Right for life, Environmental Stewardship: This is My Father’sWorld, The Universe: Are We Alone? and the Conclusion: Our Future and the Future of Science gives readers evidence and science to make an intelligent, logical conclusion.

Such lingering questions might include: Is there life on other planets? Why is our universe orderly, beautiful and seemingly designed by an Intelligent Designer? How does science intersect with faith? 
Delving into Genesis, the Big Bang Theory, from a plethora of scientists, philosophers, theologians and the Bible, the book gives logical answers. Additionally, the book gives a great deal of researched material, teachings and instruction that affirm God as Creator of the Universe.
This is a highly recommended read for those that have questions, real questions about our Universe and wonder how the puzzle all fits together. This book is for children (of reasonable age) and adults alike that can be used as a study guide for personal use or within a group setting. This truly is an amazing book that fosters great discussions and answers some really “Big” questions about God and our Universe, Jesus and our Creator, God Almighty. A CBM Book Review ~10.0 out of 10.0 Stars
Also available as a download in Kindle.

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