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Book Review - Seeking Truth

Started by CBM Christian Book Marketing May 15, 2023.

Christian Book Reviews - Let Us Review Your Book

Started by CBM Christian Book Marketing Mar 23, 2022.

Learn from the pros how to sell your art successfully

Started by Martha Jette Sep 7, 2014.

Ancient Africa holds countless mysteries including UFOs

Started by Martha Jette Aug 18, 2014.

Author offers hilarious look at a new church in 2027

Started by Martha Jette Jul 5, 2014.

LIM-R-IDDLES Revisited offers hours of entertaining fun

Started by Martha Jette Jul 3, 2014.

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Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on March 2, 2017 at 7:28pm
The Eyes of Leadership by experienced management consultant Keith Garner is a nonfiction leadership book written to help experienced leaders, developing leaders, and aspiring leaders lead their teams with experience and wisdom. 
The Eyes of Leadership helps leaders understand how to communicate effectively, inspire their teams, and create goals for team development with their team members. Aspiring leaders wondering, “What is leadership?” and established leaders wondering, “How do I become a better leader?” or “How do I develop leadership skills?” will find this leadership manual to be an indispensable resource written with authority and expertise. Leadership classes and groups studying leadership principles will be aided greatly by Keith Garner's informative introduction, The Eyes of Leadership. 
This encouraging and uplifting leadership manual will help business leaders, church leaders, professional leaders, and family leaders apply foundational leadership principles to their own lives.
  • Paperback 
  • Language: English 
  • ISBN-10: 1498492304 
  • ISBN-13: 978-1498492300
You may get your copy of The Eyes of Leadership at Amazon or at Barnes and Noble. Be sure to visit Kieth at K.D. Garner for further information and some great ministry.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on March 2, 2017 at 12:23pm

Book Review

Miracles: Your Impossible is Possible!
Gary and LeeAnne Dyck
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Miracles: Your Impossible is Possible! By Gary and LeeAnne Dyck give their accounts of God doing the miraculous in their lives and in the lives of others. From a returned earring to multiplied food, from angels transporting lost items back to the authors, to real-life accounts of Heaven, this book reveals realms, miracles and that God is in the business of doing miracles. First beginning with a little background on their upbringing, both husband and wife share how God has intervened, revealing that He cares about the little things, the big things and everything in between. The point of writing such a book is so that others would understand that they can believe God for miracles. Even the impossible!
This truly is an amazing book, to hear of such unbelievable miraculous things happening in the everyday life of two believers (and that of other believers and churches), not only stirs great faith, but shows how good our Heavenly Father is. These true accounts all come from the eye-witness accounts of the authors. As the book continues to reveal, there are many, even in the Church, that just don’t believe in the miracles after they happen. After reading this book, one just might consider that those “kinds” of miracles only happen to select people. As readers will learn, God gives to all. They include at then end of chapters a quick prayer, simple and to the point. They insist there is no “magic” formula. It is God who does the miracles!
A highly recommended read for those that want to believe God for more, for the impossible and I guarantee you will read this through in one night!  
Get your copy of Miracles: Your Impossible is Possible! at Amazon or as a Kindle download. Be sure to visit Gary and LeeAnne Dyck at Your Impossible Is Possible for further information and some great ministry.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on February 21, 2017 at 11:51am
Christian Author Kathy M. Warden releases The Bridge from OneDayBow.
Highly recommended for young teens to increase faith, to encourage them to put on the Armor of God and to reveal the Truth of God’s Words. 
The Bridge from OneDayBow is a fictional and modern-day parable of the Gospel. Written with the use of rhyme and poetry, the author offers an interesting “twist” that brings an understanding of the Kingdom of God versus what the world advocates.
Captivating, yet eye-opening, four characters are portrayed – Truth and Life versus Lies and Death that parallel Scripture, and present insight to life’s purpose. The author’s message is simple, and conveys the truth of eternity coupled with God’s absolute authority as the King of kings and Lord of lords; and His Word, that presents an opportunity to believe in the Good News.  Her hopes are to bring others to the Truth of the Word of God and to salvation in Jesus Christ alone. This is a fantastic book for young and old alike, and although fictional, depicts the battle for your soul and life’s meaningless destiny without knowing your Maker, God Himself.
Intertwined with scripture, Tim, the main character, knows there has just got to be more meaning to life other than collecting bobbles. He embarks on a journey of discovery to find Truth and discovers that there is much deception in his world, depending on who one listens to. He finds that there is a way that brings life, joy and much peace into one’s heart and soul (his nooma) and that this peace is not found in worldly bobbles and collecting, but journeying beyond the HereandNow. A mysterious Bridge, leads the way to finding answers. Tim discovers God’s armor as mentioned in Ephesians 6 and that he has all he needs to win the victory!
This book is a wonderful allegory of the salvation of the cross that is possible through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the bridge to salvation and in hopes of leading others to discover their own salvation, the author has penned an incredible adventure that reveals the truth of God’s Word.  ~ A triumphant literal accomplishment giving new life to the genre of Pilgrim’s Progress. 
You can get your copy of The Bridge from OneDayBow at Amazon, in Kindle and at other fine online bookstores.
The Bridge from OneDayBow: 
The Complete Trilogy
By: Kathy M. Warden
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on January 31, 2017 at 5:04pm
One: Unfolding God’s Eternal Purpose from House to House
By: Henry Hon
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
 One: Unfolding God’s Eternal Purpose from House to House by Henry Hon stems from his experience as a Christian within house assemblies in the Body of Christ and the scripture verse as stated in John 17:23 (NKJV) as Jesus prayed to His Father, “. . . that they be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.” By presenting God’s eternal plan and purpose the author helps readers to embrace the truth of life in Jesus Christ. This is a cumulative read that exhorts believers to come back to the beginning and to consider the Bible with “fresh eyes without the distorted lens of historical Christianity.” One is specifically written for the building up the Body of Christ in such a way without dismantling churches as they function today.
Written from a Biblical foundation that is inspired by the Word of God and the Book of Acts, this book offers an invitation to the Body of Christ that will, usher in another revival. In a step-by-step practical instruction and teaching, this book sheds light and brings a better understanding of what it means to live out the Christian life and to love each other as ourselves.
What you will find within this book brings about spiritual growth, encouraging unity in the Spirit from deep scriptural truths that convey the command of Jesus in word and deed. Key fundamentals such as: prayer, the developing of the fruits of the Spirit, growing and maturing in godliness, how to live the Word and drink Christ, living in Christ’s resurrection power, living with the mind of Christ, being led by the Spirit, persecutions believers may experience, who Jesus is, grace, righteousness through the blood of Christ, salvation, Satan’s division and strategies among mankind, offer clarity and guidance, to include beginning a home fellowship.
This is what true Christianity (and the true Church as one Body) is supposed to look like! READ THIS BOOK and find out what you have been missing that will bring revival in your city, towns, families, neighborhoods and beyond. This is a fantastic book and a highly recommended read that will bring God’s eternal purposes for His Church and strengthen the Body from home to home, inspiring believers to be one in Him, just as Jesus is one in the Father.
For more information, some great ministry and to order One: Unfolding God’s Eternal Purpose from House to House visit One Body Life. You may also get your copy at Amazon.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on January 27, 2017 at 7:04pm

Overcoming life struggles.

B.J. Bassett in her novella sheds light on love, acceptance, rejection, overcoming life struggles and redemption in Jesus  through the telling of Gillian’s Heart
A sweet beach novel, Gillian is taken in by her grandmother at a young age.  Gillian is all too familiar with the pain of rejection, as she was abandoned by her alcoholic parents. Gillian grew up with her grandmother overlooking the Pacific Ocean in a beautiful beach house. Many years have passed, as Gillian’s grandmother has passed as well. Gillian, who now lives in the large house, realizes that it is in need of repair. Hiring Dusty, Gillian takes charge.
The author takes readers down a road of facing fears, finding love and deliverance in Jesus, in the midst of overcoming many of life’s many battles. With delicacy, intrigue and suspense, B.J. Bassett intertwines the finding of new found hope in a touching love story of redemption.
Recommended for young girls looking to find their way, this romance helps readers face and overcome anxiety, anorexia and helps them to find identity as a child of God.
As a multi-published author and writing professor at Umpqua Community College in Oregon, B.J. Bassett loves the power of books to transform and instruct others in living a life dedicated to God. Her goal as an author is to inspire, encourage and help instruct the Body of Christ to mature in their faith and to find their God-given purpose. With accomplished titles such as: Lily, iUniverse – a historical novel, A Touch of Grace – The G.R.A.C.E. Ministries Story, and is co-authoring My Time with God, Focus on the Family, Heritage Builders (with over  55,000 copies sold), B.J. Bassett delivers well told stories that present the grace of Jesus Christ.
Currently residing in Roseburg, Oregon with her husband for over 57 years, B.J. Bassett enjoys reading, jigsaw puzzles, knitting, warm scones with melted butter and strawberry jam, and sipping Earl Gray Tea. Having faced her issues with rejection and acceptance in her life, to include rejection of her writings, B.J. Bassett has written this novella to encourage young adults that there is love and redemption in finding faith and overcoming life struggles.

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on December 31, 2016 at 3:49pm
Bob Palumbo writes Unlocking Creation: God’s True Nature Revealed. Ever wondered about how the world came to be? About gravity? About science? Who God is and what it all means to you?
The author invites readers to discover with him through a journey of key Biblical insights that reveal scriptural truths, presenting God as the Creator of Heaven and Earth.
Shedding light on Creation, the Cosmos, our humanity, our will, and our emotions, thus revealing the majestic nature of God and His plan, the author looks at Genesis to Revelation. Stating that God is the Grand Designer and Divine Creator, the author offers scripture verses proclaiming that all of Creation speaks boldly. Explaining this, God’s Divine order and balance of the Universe is presented throughout as the author offers a Biblical view of history and important Biblical figures.
Intertwined as chapter titles are songs that bring deeper meaning and an enjoyable read. Eye-opening, this book gives answers through the exploration of Who God is and His nature thus revealing Truth and the truth of God’s Word. As the author states, The goal is to help us learn what to look for and where to find these clues that our Creator has revealed about Himself and His character for those who diligently seek Him.
Beginning with witty analogies by the author from the infamous movie, The Wizard of Oz, gives readers clues as the author speaks that there is someone Who is behind the curtain. Although, He is not a fraud, but is the Truth of all that we are and all that we see in Creation. Divided into four parts: In the Beginning, In His Own Image, In His Infinite Wisdom, and In the End, the book relates the will, humanity, the importance of making the right choices, and God’s divine plan for salvation, noting that we are all created in His image and were meant to be Christ-like.
Song titles that enhance each chapter are: Here Comes the Sun, Starry Starry Night, Beautiful Noise, Cold As Ice, I Wanna Be Like You, Love is in the Air, Let’s Stay Together, Cat’s In Cradle, Keeper of the Stars, If You Want Me To, Gotta Serve Somebody, Born to Fly, Angels Among Us, and Love Can Build a Bridgerelate our story and God’s desire to be in Holy communion with us. Concluding with Afterthoughts: Sunset, the author lovingly ends the book with an invitation to salvation and offers hope with a warm imagery of a sunset. The book brings great understanding as to who we were created for, who God is, and encourages all readers that we all have purpose and meaning in this thing called life. And last, but not least, that all is well with the soul when God is in the midst. 10.0 stars ~ CBM 
Available at AmazonKindle or visit Unlocking Creation.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on December 29, 2016 at 3:35pm
Title: Mantis Force – Fiero One
By: R. J. Amezcua
ISBN #978-0-9980748-0-1
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Mantis Force: Fiero One by R.J. Amezcua is Book One of a 3-part Sci-Fi action thriller series called the Fiero Series. Taking readers on a fantastic exploration into the past, present and future ages and galaxies of Quintástraya, a group of 5 galactic systems, the book begins in “The year of our Lord 2068”.
The rise and fall of good versus evil catapult readers into an exciting futuristic space thriller as the end of the Second Age of the Quintástraya draws near. The Guardian victories have come to an end and a new age is dawning, but not before an ancient prophecy begins to unfold. One that comes from the deep recesses of space known as the Dead Zone. Dark forces and lawlessness are at work, and threatening this hostile take over is Captain Asafa and his crew of the Osparatta that are destined to hold back the darkness until reinforcements arrive.
Majestic characters, good and bad, noble and evil, intertwine this galactic journey into the deep recess of space filled with battles, sub-plots and intrigue that lead readers into climatic journeys across the ages of time.  Filled with creative imagery, dark forces of the spiritual realms, visible and invisible, sorcery, intrigue, Biblical overtones, suspense and a plethora of new vocabulary encompass this read.
As the depleted resources of Captain Asafa’s ship and crew, additionally weathering many weary battles, Captain Asafa remains steadfast. Along the way, the author takes the readers to exploits, galaxies and planets. Abba El is introduced as the all-loving Father. Reflecting Biblical figures and parallels embodied in the Bible, this is a Sci-Fi thriller has many unique characters and inspiring scenes that depict a multi-dimensional existence that draws readers into an epic battle for as good that is surely colliding with evil forces that threatens the life of every inhabitant and “every single human and alien race in the Quintástraya.”  
Highly recommended page turner for science fiction lovers. This read would make a fantastic movie.
Order your copy of Mantis Force – Fiero One at Amazon, in Kindle and at other fine online bookstores. Be sure to visit R. J. Amezcua at Mantis Force.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on December 28, 2016 at 10:00am

Book Review

Momma, Momma, Who Made the Stars? by Rosa Purcell shares an endearing story of a young field mouse named Stella. One night Stella looked up at the stars and she wondered to herself, who made all the beautiful and bright shiny stars? Her mother answers her young daughter with wisdom and kindness in a rhythmic poetry throughout the book that will keep little one’s attention. She explains that God made all the stars in the sky and that He created everything – all of Creation. This book is a great way to teach little one’s about God, Creation and to encourage little one’s that it is wonderful to “wonder” about God.
Written for the age bracket of 3 to 11, little children will come to understand that God made our world and everything we see. With colorful illustrations, little one’s will love Stella the field mouse who has many questions for her mother. Just the right length before bedtime, everyone will enjoy Stella’s pure innocence and natural born curiosity.
You may get your copy of Momma, Momma, Who Made the Stars? at Amazon and in Kindle. Visit the author at Rosa Purcell.~ A highly recommended read 
Momma, Momma, Who Made the Stars?
By: Rosa Purcell
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on December 19, 2016 at 7:15pm
Walking with Angels & Dragons: The Midwife’s Heritage (Book 1) offers insight into the heavenly realms, the Father’s heart for all, and focuses on the Intercessor’s role as a Midwife. With true-life experiences of those who have experienced the supernatural realm, including those who have had encounters with the angelic and the demonic,
Savata Chapman, highlights individuals whom have seen Heaven or Hell or had visions of these future destinations. Written with the truth of God’s Word, the author brings readers an eloquently depicted book that describes one’s heritage as a child of God and encourages those warriors of faith (Intercessors) to understand the dimensions of prayer, declaration, and faith that brings transformation to those in need.
Additionally by incorporating Kingdom principles of Divine inheritance of the Midwife, this book is recommended for mature vessels in Christ to assist, educate and reveal the multi-dimensional of the spiritual realm intervening into the natural world. As an Intercessor, one has the ability to birth the supernatural into the natural and to bring God’s Kingdom down to Earth. What an amazing reality! This is a wonderful calling and heritage for anyone that is motivated within their spirit to experience the Kingdom of God in ways they never thought possible. Also, providing insight into dreams, visions and how the Kingdom functions, the author offers deep Scriptural truths that increase faith and teach Biblical principles that will only enhance one’s journey in the prophetic and intercessory role. 
You may get your copy of Walking with Angels & Dragons at Amazon.
Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on December 18, 2016 at 11:30pm

A must have, must read,

The Gospel According to Job by Jerry McRaven takes a deeper look into the book of Job to help readers understand and enjoy the book of Job. The message contained in this book originally came from a sermon-series the author has preached called, “How the System Works,” and was a “download” received from God over a decade ago. As one of the oldest books in the Bible, typically Job is the least liked of all the books because of the events that take place. Job loses all of his wealth, his children and eventually his health. 
Readers who are familiar with the Bible understand that God allowed Satan to touch Job in these areas. Without too much theology, the author systematically presents a focused look into chapter one of Job encompassing and detailing the hidden gospel within Job’s journey. Readers get a front row seat as the author unfolds the mystery of Job chapter one, while the author explains, “How the System Works.” God has a system and so does Satan. Sin must be covered. 
However, Satan must work within God’s system. With keen insight into the Scripture, the author reveals the inner-workings of the Gospel, conversations between Job and Satan and highlights such teachings on faith, devotion, sacrifice, sin, and spiritual warfare that will rouse curiosity, uncover Biblical truths, giving new insight into Job’s plight like you have never heard it preached or taught before. 
Readers will be encouraged, gain knowledge and faith through a stirring within their spirit that occurs from reading such a book. With a firm Biblical foundation and perspective, the author teaches the absolute significance of the Blood. Additionally stating, “I believed that the keys to salvation, healing, and deliverance were in evidence right there on the pages of Job chapter one.” This subject will be revolutionary to some, in that the book presents something that is not readily preached, yet has been taught about by the author many times. A highly recommended read!

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