shirley dicks

83, Female

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:

I moved to Tn when my oldest son was wrongly convicted and sent to death row. I started writing at this time and wrote our story and then went on to write other books. My life story was the third one published after Death Row, and Victims. Then I wrote From Vietnam To Hell, Congregation of the Condemned, Young Blood, Road Angels, Long Journey Home, The Choice Is Yours and A Mothers Torment.

I wrote articles that were published in magazines and was on Geraldo, Maury, Sally, Jerry Springer, Rolonda and The Shirley SHow in Canada. The BBC then did a documentary on my life that was play ed overseas.

My youngest son and I spoke out on the Journey of Hope each year in a different state. That's two weeks of speaking out against the death penalty and more violence, creating more victims. Sister Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking also speaks out on the Journey as does Sam Shepperd who is the son of Dr Sam Shepherd convicted of killing his mother and sentenced to die. Sam has spent his whole life trying to prove his innocence. The movie, THe Fugitive is based on his story.

I also went on TN death row and five of the guys came out to do a DVD called The Choice Is Yours where they talk to the kids about the dangers of doing drugs, alcohol and hanging in gangs, and wiht the wrong kind of people. The video I take to schools and speak to the kids to try and stop them before they end up in prison, or death row.

When my oldest son was killed in 99, I started the Jeff Dicks Coalition, to save prisoners from medical neglect, and to stop the murdering of these prisoners by being denied their medication.

Last year I lost my youngest and only son left, and since then I haven't been able to speak out. I will be sending out my book to see about getting it made into a movie. I never knew which company took out the option so will just have to send it out blind....

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  • Helen Wisocki

    My co-author/fiance is a guy over 50 with a good attitude about life. I'll ask him if he'd be interested in helping you with your new book on men. Also another fun guy comes to mind who's an author and over 50. Let me know how you go about interviewing them, and I might be able to help you find a couple subjects for your next book.
  • Lutishia Lovely

  • Kenneth McGhee

    I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Walk by faith, fulfill your God given purpose and reach your destiny.
    Kenneth McGhee – Author
    Teamwork – Moving Beyond Teambuilding Exercises
  • Steven Clark Bradley

    Hi Shirley!
    Iam happy to be your new friend here. You look really busy in your writing. That a really hard and exciting thing. I hope you will take a look at my video trailer, Nimrod Rising - In Depth. Blessings to you and I look forward to hearing from you.

    Steven Clark Bradley
  • Theresa Chaze

    Thanks for the add. I look forward to not only getting to know you and your work, but also working with you to make our publishing advertures successful.
  • Venus Perez

    Thank you for your invite . I'm working hard to make changes happen in 2008 and I could use all the help I can get. Thank you for adding me as a friend and helping me make a difference.
  • Mary Zalmanek

    Hi Shirley,

    Thanks for the invite. It looks like you've written some ineresting books.

  • Roy Sannella

    My prayers are with you. What a tradgy you have suffered. Bless you.
  • Rosalie Skinner

    Amazing story. Good luck to you. Thanks for the invite I.
    Take care and keep up your wonderful work.
  • Christiane Bosanquet

    Thank God for strong women (mothers) like you. Good luck in all your endeavours.
    Take care,
  • Demita Crawford

    Hi Shirley,
    Please continue to turn tragedy into triumph. You have endured an unbelievable amount of adversity, and your determination and strength is an inspiration that brings light to the darkness of this world. Thank you for that--never give up.

  • Bet Dotson

    Hi Shirley,

    Thank you for adding me as a friend and you have some very interesting reads.

    Peace, love & light to you and yours.

  • Virginia Terry

    Thanks for adding me Shirley - You sound like an awesome woman I'd like to meet someday. Bless you for sharing your experiences, that is what it is all about caring and sharing to help others on this sometimes strange journey through life.
  • Camille Marchetta

    Thanks for adding me to your list, Shirley.

    Your strength and courage are an inspiration.

    My good wishes go with you,

  • Pamela June Kimmell

    Hi's a pleasure to accept your invitation to be a sounds like you have a wide range of written material out there. I agree with Camille's statement that your strength and courage are an inspiration.
  • Linore Rose Burkard

    I wish you all the best of success with your books, Shirley! I actually found myself at a motorcyclist's group meeting (though I don't ride) doing research for a contemporary book I was working on, and all the people there were kind and helpful. Start looking up these meetings and maybe sell your books at them?
    What woman rider wouldn't want to read the story of another? Especially because it's not the kind of book you'll find just anywhere.
    Blessings and Grace,
    Thanks for the invite,
    Spirited Regency Romance for
    the Inspirational Soul
  • Deborah Woehr

    Best wishes for your books' success, especially The Choice is Yours. You're doing a great service to your community, Shirley.
  • NV Torres

    Thanks for the invite!
    Take care...

    N.V. Torres
  • Linda A Lavid

    Thanks for the invite. I belong to a similar author group in Buffalo, The Author's Guild of Western New York. We too donate for any charity who sponsors a book signing.
    Take care,
  • Suzannah Safi Romance Author

    Thanks for the invite. Have a wonderful day.
  • Harley Sachs

    It's high time the United States abolished the death penalty. We're one of a very few industrial countries that still have it, China being our "partner" is death. It costs more to execute a prisoner than it does to keep him or her in prison for life, and there's always that risk of executing an innocent person. I've been in contact with prisoners from time to time mainly when they claim to be Jewish and want prayer paraphernalia. Wardens, of course, forbit their having philacteries which have potentially lethal leather thongs. Our system of sentencing certainly needs to be reformed. Possession of marijuana, for instance, is a two year felony in Michigan and if you have an auto accident and accidentally kill someone, thsat's a two year felony, also.
    Good luck with your books! You have endured much sorrow.
    Visit my web site for fun and free stuff or the Zumaya site where my blog is posted.
  • Gary Val Tenuta

    Hey Shirley - thanks for adding me to your friends list. You've had quite a life. Here's wishing for all good things to come your way.
  • Strephon Kaplan-Williams

    The video is quite moving, nicely done. It's a strong story, a true story? I would have to investigate more. We are plagued these days with false memoirs.

    My website is

    So be sure you address the issue of truth or fiction and give evidence.

    Also, confusion of themes.

    -is this a story about injustice?
    -is this a story about heroic mother?
    -is this a story about loss?
    -is this a story about crime unsolved?

    From the video it is said at the end the son is executed, I believe. This should not be left to the end in terms of viewer emotions.

    All stories must be problem-solved!

    Start with the failure, the son's death, and build into the battle, the battle to save his life, and then the crisis, and climax in his loss, and then the redemption in what the mother and family gained, how they changed for the better, ending with the plan for the future, to redeem the son's life through presenting the truth about him.

    Sorry about it all. I give only first impressions. My expertize is in writing craft, as well as psychology.

  • Luree Vanderpool

    Thanks for the invite Shirley. I wish you the best.

  • Diane Craver

    Hi Shirley,

    Great stuff on your page.

    Thanks for adding me.

  • Malinda Mitchell

    Hi Shirley,

    Thanks for adding me as a friend. I wish you the very best that life has to offer.

  • Ginger Marks

    I love this new social media! Your book trailer rocks, big time!
  • Wendi McNeill

    Hi Shirley,

    Awesome book video…and kudos to you – it looks great! I wish you the best in your book marketing and know your video will serve as an excellent marketing tool for you!

    Use your book video anywhere and everywhere and you will be amazed at the results!

    Wishing you the very best of happiness and success~


    Charli Jane Speaker Services
  • Dr. Joe Capista

    Great book trailer. Very intense and gripping.

    Dr. Joe
  • Malcolm R. Campbell

    Very effective book trailer. Let's hope it helps you sell more books.

  • Brian L Porter


    What a wonderful, poignant and moving video! I was almost moved to tears and that's without reading the book. I watched it on your page but will now go to You Tube and give it a 5 star rating. Please check out the video for my latest novel, based on the Jack the Ripper murders at

    Best regards and congratualtions on a great job.

  • Dr Bernie Unrau DDS

    I have arranged my first book signing at Cahpters in AShawnessy Village in Calgary on Apr 2th. Get a chance to ramble on all day about all 22 titles, maybe unheard of rather than pitching one book, hopefully keep everyone spellbound. Like a horse racr see which book(s) take off then perahps promote begin to distribute that one!
    They look excellent in my med libray at home. Still can't believe I penned all 22 each summer over the years. Now to let everyone know! The printers did an excellent job in the USA.
  • Dan Bessie

    Congratulations on your work, Shirley. And especially for opposing the death penalty. A barbaric punishment that most civilized countries have now outlawed (except ours and a couple of others). My own stepfather was executed in 1941, so I know the torment families go through. Best of good fortune to you, Dan Bessie
  • DeadlyDeb

    The video is very moving and compelling, as is your story. I hope the book sells well.

  • Judy H. Wright

    Hello from Montana:

    I will forward this site to my son, who is studying the death penalty in an ethics class in college.

    Judy H. Wright aka Auntie Artichoke, the storytelling trainer for a free eBook on verbal and nonverbal communication that enhances positive action
  • Helen Wisocki

    The trailer is gripping! Great job on putting it together. Such a tragic story. Best of luck in getting your book out there! The trailer will surely help. It's very well done.

  • Theresa E. Grant

    This country is beginning to look like third world countries. Unjust things happen to your children and love ones and you can't protest without being persecuted. Your story is very moving. I am going to buy the book.
  • R. C. BECKOM

    I like your trailer a lot, ,,, it shows me a lot of potential .... I thank you for making me aware it . and I will be looking into it.
  • John Fielder

    Hi Shirley,
    Thank you for inviting me to join you. Your own experience in life appears to be a sad one indeed, and my heart goes out to you. May you find much blessing through the good work that you do and the wrting of your books.

  • Linton Robinson

    Hi Shirley

    It looks like you might be able to either profit by or contribute to my new Self Publishing group here on BMN.
    Please take a look, we're trying to build it into a resource for writers who prefer to be their own publisher.
  • Harley Sachs

    I suggest you see if there are internet support groups for prisoners' families. There's everything else! You can be of great help and support for them.
    And be sure to post free classified ads in newspapers around the country. If public speaking is your thing, you can make many aoppearances in opposition to the death penalty. Start with The Stranger in Seattle, Washington and you should find links to others. Spread the word! where you can find ffree stuff and fun.
  • Sabriena Williams

    Thank you for joining Sister with a Positive Word to Spread . Hope to see more of you ..................
  • Lynda Davis

    Hi Shirley, glad to have another friend. I am 59 writing my first book, so can't offer you a lot of advice on how to do anything, but wanted to give you encouragement to keep telling the people what is happening in our judicial system.
  • Deborah Rummelhart

    Hi Shirley:

    I am happy to be your friend and so sorry to hear about what has happened to your family. I admire that you are taking what happened and doing something so positive. I have a couple of book marketing recommendations. The first is a book about marketing on the internet called "Plug Your Book" by Steve Weber. This is the best thing I have found, and I imagine you could find it used on internet booksites. His website is I hope this helps. Also, I was successful in getting my book reviewed at Bella You might try them. This is a large website for women and has a number of topics with a web editor on each topic. Perhaps there is a topic relevant to your book. Please let me know if I can be of further help.

    Best wishes,

    Deborah Rummelhart
  • Beverly VanBuren

    Shirley, the name of one of the dearest angels I ever met, a protector of children that were not her own. Now, I am invited to meet another, older, wiser friend of those unjustly accused and punished. My story has never been published but it begs to be told though it is complex and unbelievable. Truth is always stranger. I believe there is a reason why. People will not face it and welcome it because it is dangerous. So is a little knowledge...I DARE to speak for myself.
  • Deborah Rummelhart

    Hi Shirley: One of the ways I have been successful at getting reviews was to look at the list of top reviewers on, and use the friend's inquiry on to ask if they were interested in reviewing my book. I only contacted reviewers who had in the past done reviews on the topic of my book. I sent out about 30 requests and got 4 reviews. Hope this helps.

    Best wishes,

    Deborah Rummelhart
  • Beverly VanBuren

    Please excuse me for not leaving my name. Please call me Bev. I know you do not want or need my sympathy for your trials; perhaps we can help each other find a way to give you some satisfaction concerning injustice. I know how frustrating and powerless it can make you feel. Bev
  • Petyamarina

    Hi Shirley,

    Good News! I just found an amazing free training program that guides you step-by-step through the basics of Social Network Marketing (yes, for free). Please click the following link and grow your lists while building your niche.

    Hope you´ll enjoy it as much as I do!!
  • D Tyler Brown

    I really enjoyed your book trailer and I plan to develop a video for my new book release also. Minister D Tyler Brown,
  • Bert Martinez

    Hello, I'm Bert Martinez, I'm looking to network with success minded authors. If you would like my free report 30 Strategies for Selling More Books just fill out the form below. I look forward to networking with you and if there is anything that I can help you with please do not hesitate to contact me.

    You Were Created to Succeed!

    Bert Martinez

    For Email Marketing you can trust