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Last night Annie Lawrence, a new "friend" from and I connected and did some masterminding. We are both coaches and authors. What a great session we had! I learned more in an hour with her than I have with many paid professionals. She's certainly done her work. Seems I've got some catching up to do as an author ~ one being, up-grading both my books so they'll be what I envisioned them to be AND getting going on another I have in mind.

My… Continue

Added by Revvell on July 30, 2007 at 8:47am — 2 Comments


I will have to make this very brief. I wish I was able to write more. However my health has been really going haywire, with my heart and lungs. I dont have the strength to sit everyday and write or even work on my own books. Iam planning before my health gets much worse it to put one book together of all my poems from the past 50 years. I also would like to get finished my three other novels that are halfway complete..

Please bare with me friends..Iam not ignoring any of you. Sometime…


Added by Barbara Williamson-Wood on July 30, 2007 at 4:13am — No Comments

Both traditionally and independently published?

I have been traditionally published (thrice over) by a mid-size publisher and have independently published one book (with two more before year's end).

For those of you that have done both, I am curious as to your reasoning for switching. I could most definitely get another book traditionally published. I decided I wanted more control and more money.

If you moved from traditional to independent, why?

If you moved from independent to traditional, why?

More a… Continue

Added by Thomas Nixon on July 29, 2007 at 11:26pm — No Comments

Bestselling Author Jane Green visits Muze's Musings

Come by Muze's Musings and find out about New York Times bestselling author Jane Green and her book - Second Chance. Find out how she juggles 4 young children and a successful writing career. Click here to learn more - …

Added by Nikki Leigh on July 29, 2007 at 6:52pm — No Comments

Braving a Quill Flogging

I boxed up my ego, my pride of accomplishment, my certainty that I am a good writer, my belief that anyone who feels otherwise simply is out of touch with reality, and submitted my first chapter of Vamonos!, my second novel, to Ray Rhamey’s blog “Flogging the Quill” – “Turn the Page” critique.…


Added by Bill Stephens on July 29, 2007 at 5:13pm — No Comments

The Visitor has arrived

In this blog I'd like to some of my thinking behind

(a) how I got into writing fiction

(b) My experiences in writing

(c) Lessons learned in going down the self publishing route.

I am committed to this becoming (at least in the early stages) a daily exercise, so I won't lay it all out on the table just yet.

Today, I thought I would give you a little background as to what brought me to this point in my life journey.

I was born a a very young age, the…


Added by Graham Hunt on July 29, 2007 at 5:25am — No Comments

Keep your THOUGHTS positive

Keep your THOUGHTS positive


your thoughts become

your WORDS

Keep your WORDS positive


your words become your ACTIONS

Keep your ACTIONS positive


your actions become


Keep your HABITS positive…


Added by Roland Gehweiler on July 29, 2007 at 12:34am — No Comments

Spinning My Wheels?

I can't decide what is next? Is this writing thing for real? I keep getting small blessings from God from people who have been touched by my book, but it's not enough. Ungrateful? Probably. But, I want to wrestle with God like Jacob. I want to say, "Okay, God. I've done what you have asked now--what?! Bring this to fruition for me. Show me where all of this fits into my life. Who am I? Who will I be? Is this my career?" Yet, even when I feel like quitting, something deep within my being won't… Continue

Added by Elisa Mayo on July 28, 2007 at 1:28pm — 2 Comments

Self-Publishing a Graphics-Intensive Book

Has anyone self-published a book with lots of graphics and photos? I self-published one of my books, but it had only a few graphics, and it was years ago before POD. The challenge I'm wondering about is the size of the files and getting them to the printer. My book would be about 100 pages, and it would have at least one or two graphics or photos on each page, and it would be in color. It seems extremely expensive. Any experience with this?

Added by Maria Peagler on July 28, 2007 at 12:29pm — 2 Comments

Check list FINISHED

The new website is up (check it out at . Podcasts, 2 of them up. Newsletter, up. Blog, up. 8 CD audio program on Insider's Guide To The Art of Persuasion, published. Book, Insider's Guide To The Art Of Persuasion, published. Webstore, up and running on my website.

Deals: 2 content deals signed and sealed.

In the works:

Next book project, in motion. (Proposal almost complete)

Playbook for Insider's Guide To The Art Of Persuasion, in motion, half done. Just need to… Continue

Added by Rick Kirschner on July 28, 2007 at 9:23am — No Comments

I'm Signing at Hanover Book Festival in Virginia August 4th

I'll be one of over 100 authors signing at the Hanover Book Festival,"Open A Book - Take A Journey". This event will be held on Saturday, August 4, 2007 from 10:00 AM until 2:30 PM at the VFW Post 9808, 7168 Flag Lane, Mechanicsville, VA 23111. It is being sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary of VFW Post 9808, the Hanover Writers Club, Hanover County Parks & Recreation, and the Virginia Writers Club. The event is free to those coming to see the authors and there'll be doorprizes,…

Added by Pamela K. Kinney/Sapphire Phelan on July 28, 2007 at 8:52am — No Comments


just discovered this very cool collaborative working environment this week

thanks to Michelle Ulrich of The

Virtual Nation
. Now that you've got your virtual team in place, how do

you make sure everyone is on the same page? can…


Added by Donna Gunter on July 27, 2007 at 8:32am — No Comments

How to Hire Some Help and Give Yourself a Raise

"There's no way I can hire anyone to do what I do. No one can do it as well as I can."

Do you resemble that remark? If so, you've got much in common with most other

business owners in the world. We never think that anyone else will give

something the time, attention, and dedication that we will. And, you're right,

to some degree. No one cares as much about your business as you do. However, if

you don't choose to delegate those…


Added by Donna Gunter on July 27, 2007 at 8:31am — 1 Comment

Thanks for helping in my survey last week!

Thanks for the great feedback I got from those of you who participated in the survey last week. The winners of the Women's Writing Summit passes were:

  • Lisa Brady
  • Julie Pianto
  • Melinda Anderson
  • Christine Frank
  • Tina…

Added by Donna Gunter on July 27, 2007 at 8:30am — No Comments

O'Reilly Conference Plots Pathways through the Digital Frontier for Publishers and Authors

I was pleased to cover the scintillating O'Reilly Tools of Change for Publishing

conference that was held last week in San Jose for eContent magazine.

It was a worthy conference filled with leading edge thinking (at least


My executive summary-style coverage is here:… Continue

Added by jleland on July 27, 2007 at 8:00am — No Comments

The Last Harry Potter: An Ethicist's Perspective (I won't spoil the surprise)

Both as a long-time fan of the series and as someone who writes regularly about ethics both <a href="">in my blog</a> and in my award-winning sixth book, <a href="">Principled Profit: Marketing That Puts People First</a>, I want to talk for a minute about <em>Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows</em>.

There's so much I could say about this latest (and final) Harry Potter… Continue

Added by Shel Horowitz on July 26, 2007 at 10:39am — No Comments

Hot Off The Press

Hi all,

I am so excited to announce that my latest (4th) book is hot off the press, entitled How To Kick Your Customer Service Up A Notch: 101 Insider Tips.

Here's the best of my press release.

Customer Service Expert Gives Out the Secrets for Customer Service Success that Most Companies Don’t Know Including…


Added by HumanTech on July 26, 2007 at 9:08am — No Comments

Exhaustion suffocates creativity...

Today was hot and horrid, as days go. Nothing particularly bad happened, just one of those days that beats you to a pulp and leaves you struggling for air.

When I got up this morning I had many things on my todolist for today. I figured I'd whip them off one by one and be done by noon, when I needed to start playing taxi driver for the kids, but that didn't happen. About an hour into my list the phone began to ring, life began to get in my way, and I suddenly realized God had a…


Added by Jan Verhoeff on July 26, 2007 at 3:40am — No Comments


August 18, 2007

If you happen to be in or around Lamar, Colorado -

there's a day long seminar for writers

at Shore Arts Center

$25.00 per person if pre-registered

$35.00 at the door

Speakers N.T. Betz, Dianne E. Butts, and Gayle Gresham will be speaking on the craft of writing, publication, and overcoming the obstacles of getting your book published.

For $5.00 you can have a table all day to sell your books and be part of the sales…


Added by Jan Verhoeff on July 26, 2007 at 3:38am — No Comments

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