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Author Bio

In a personal session with a medium in 2003, author Robert Schwartz was astonished to speak with nonphysical beings who knew everything about him - not just what he had done in life, but also what he had thought and felt. They told him that he had planned many of his most difficult experiences before he was… Continue

Added by Robert Schwartz on May 19, 2007 at 1:13pm — 1 Comment

The River and Whale Song: Hot Movie Ideas

Okay, I can smell fresh popped popcorn with extra melted butter...and a large ice tea to wash it down. There is nothing better than popcorn at the movies. Oh, wait! Yes there is! Eating popcorn at a movie...that is based on YOUR novel! At least, that is what I am imagining and have been for the past few years.

With three novels published and all three capturing the attention of the film industry, I think I may be on to something. Maybe all these years of visualizing my novels as…


Added by Cheryl Kaye Tardif on May 19, 2007 at 12:23am — No Comments

It’s Windy Out There

It is almost hurricane season once again here in the United States. This is a time of year when those people who live in hurricane prone areas have uneasy spirits. In a report gallop poll by USA Today most people said there families and local emergency agencies were ready to deal with a disaster but the federal…


Added by Darryl Williams on May 18, 2007 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Using Teleseminars to Create and Market Books

If you missed the live teleseminar, you can still listen in at:

On Wednesday evening, May 16th, I hosted a free teleseminar on how you can use teleseminars and webinars to create new content,

write new books, promote your books, and sell more books. The content and energy on the teleseminar was… Continue

Added by John Kremer on May 17, 2007 at 4:25pm — No Comments

Not There Yet

I just saw a report on work force discrimination that troubled my spirit greatly. The report which is put out by the U.N. in Geneva and is 128 pages long stated that The disabled, gays and lesbians, and people living with HIV/AIDS…


Added by Darryl Williams on May 17, 2007 at 3:37pm — No Comments

The Restless Natives Win

The natives are restless. Readers of the free serialized novel, Horizons Past ( ) are getting anxious as the novel approaches the midpoint of Act II. They want to keep the action going, rather than reading a chapter each week. The question, "How can we get a copy of the whole book" keeps cropping up.

For those unfamiliar with Horizons Past, here is a brief synopsis:

"Horizons Past examines the possibility of two…


Added by Bill Stephens on May 16, 2007 at 3:44pm — No Comments

Free One Page Fill-in-the-Blank Marketing Plan

Just thought I would share that our free Book Marketing Resource Kit includes instant online access to a one page fill-in-the-blank book marketing plan.

It is perfect for gathering your marketing ideas into one page that you can use to send to distributors or other book industry contacts who ask you for your marketing plan.

You can get it here:

Just request the Book Marketing Resource Kit… Continue

Added by Kim Dushinski on May 14, 2007 at 12:10pm — No Comments

Polygamy and Politics

I just read an article that spoke about republican presidential candidate Mit Romney. The article focused on the fact that he is a Mormon and his supporters are very concerned about the Mormons church views on polygamy. Romney expressed his opposition to the practice and that it was forbidden in the 1800’s. When I finished the article my spirit confirmed what I had known for quite some time. Our country is a very…


Added by Darryl Williams on May 14, 2007 at 4:59am — 1 Comment

Book Signing - The Orphan Boy, A Love Affair with Mining

I would like to let anyone who is going to be in the Ouray, Colorado vicinity that the Buckskin Bookstore in Ouray is going to have a signing for me on June 2, 2007. There will be a total of four local authors. It should be a lot of fun, so if you are in the area, please stop by.

505 Main Street, Ouray, CO - 970-325-4044


H. Court Young

Promoting awareness through the written word…


Added by H. Court Young on May 13, 2007 at 8:29pm — No Comments

Graduation at Virginia Tech.

The students, their families, faculty, and alumni at Virginia Tec will celebrate graduation today. As I think about all the things that are associated with graduate from college my thoughts fall upon the over all spirit of the graduation. The spirits of most graduates are filled with happy thoughts about completing a major milestone in…


Added by Darryl Williams on May 12, 2007 at 4:30am — No Comments

The 10 Common Traits of An Entrepreneur

1. Driven by an internal value or meaning - Example: my # 1 value that I want and need most in my life is freedom. Freedom of choice, freedom of expression, freedom to explore, for others it may be creativity they must express their creativity and can only do so in their own unique way. Others have a real value around making a contribution or to make a difference in the world.

I never see money as the #1 priority or driving force.

2. Natural Leaders - They are people who… Continue

Added by WinningTheGameOfBusiness on May 11, 2007 at 11:48am — No Comments

Spiritual Harmony and the Land

I don’t know about all of you but the forest fires that are going on in this nation are making my spirit ponder a couple of things. The first thing that troubles my spirit is the frequency of the forest fires that have been occurring in our nation over the last few years. When I see the increasing news coverage of the forest fires that are ravaging…


Added by Darryl Williams on May 11, 2007 at 6:30am — No Comments

Free Serialized Novels are Really In

The Good Book says, "Be sure to cast your bread on the water, and it will return to you." The publishing industry seems to be hueingto this philosophy more every week.…


Added by Bill Stephens on May 10, 2007 at 4:13pm — No Comments

Web sites and links

Hi to all,

I have made it! At long last, my website is in cyberspace. It was a long learning curve that has not finished yet, but one that

gave me a lot of knowledge in a field I never thought I will even think of

tackling…and who said life is boring?…

Well, you can click on one of the following links to go on it, and I am sure you’ll enjoy it.…


Added by Renate on May 10, 2007 at 3:34pm — 2 Comments

Best-Seller/Launch Campaign for How to Write Your First Book

I am doing a best-seller/launch campaign for my new ebook How to Write Your First Book - Book Writing System at on May 17th and 18th. I want to invite everyone to join in. Please contact me at I would love to have as many people as possible email their lists, family and friends to… Continue

Added by Jess Kennedy Williams on May 10, 2007 at 10:34am — No Comments

Finding Your Spiritual Muse

One of my personal missions as a published author, is to help other writers and authors in any way I can, when I can. So when a friend asked me to help her promote a course that she is teaching, I was very happy to. Catherine Kuehne is a member of the Professional Writers Association of Canada (PWAC). I have seen her at a number of events lately, always supporting authors, including my own book launch for Whale Song. Now it's my turn to support her.…


Added by Cheryl Kaye Tardif on May 10, 2007 at 10:34am — No Comments

Losing Ground

As I have stated before the war in Iraq and many things associated with it has troubled my spirit for a long time. Recently many of presidents bushes strongest republican supporters have made it very clear that they will be with drawing there support of the war because of there growing displeasure about the…


Added by Darryl Williams on May 10, 2007 at 6:51am — 1 Comment

Patience Really Is A Virtue

Anyone who has ever worked with me can attest that there is usually a method to my madness. As in painting, I study the composition and take in everything. Starting from the outside in, I get to know the author and their work so I can add the ‘heartbeat’ to their work. Sound strange? It isn’t but it creates an awful problem for me… authors are not patient clients.

I have heard it all and it always ends with: ‘… but I am so impatient’.

Well, think of this: it is very… Continue

Added by Judi Lake on May 9, 2007 at 10:41pm — No Comments I am!

After months of researching, writing, editing, design, layout and proofing...Great Dates Orlando is finally ready for release on May 18th!

With production behind me, my main focus is marketing. I'm creating my press kit, networking, and looking for creative ways to get my book out there.

I took a thought from Jach Cranfields "Success Principles" and that is to use the LAW OF 5....Every day I must do 5 things to promote myself and my book. This his how Jack made Chicken Soup for…


Added by Kristen Manieri on May 9, 2007 at 6:38pm — No Comments

The N Word

My aunt who is at least twenty years my senior recently asked me a question that took me by surprise. It was a question that immediately touched and ignited my spirit. Her question to me was what is the difference between a white person using the N word and black person using the N word ? My answer to them was that there is a very big difference and I took the time out to explain to them…


Added by Darryl Williams on May 9, 2007 at 3:00pm — No Comments

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