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For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

All Blog Posts (18,493)

Whale Song and Oprah

Today I sent off another email to my dear friend Oprah. Okay, I'll admit, she's not really my friend (yet!), since I've never met her and she doesn't know I exist. But I admire her and want to be her friend. I have renewed admiration for her after watching the show on the girls' school in Africa that she built. What an amazing, awe-inspiring gift she has given. She shared a powerful message with me through that show. I want to donate my books, visit the school and share my dream of… Continue

Added by Cheryl Kaye Tardif on May 6, 2007 at 6:48pm — No Comments

Stero Typical Words

If you have not been under a rock in recent weeks then I am sure that you have heard about a growing controversy in this country that have come to the forefront do to the comments of Dona Amus. The controversy involves mostly people of African decent who have been very vocal about their opposition and come out very strongly on the use of words that usually have a negative and stereo…


Added by Darryl Williams on May 6, 2007 at 1:56pm — No Comments

Book Excerpt From My Upcoming Book: Winning The Game of Business: The Entreprenuer's Quest For Ultimate Success


This book began long before I actually sat down to write. It began the morning I decided to change the direction of my life. I call this my defining moment.

Back then; I was 22 years old and going nowhere fast. I had no money, no place to live, no car, and no job. I had alienated my family and friends. My dad was a successful businessman, but I had spent years separating myself from him. He did not know how to emotionally connect with many people, especially me,… Continue

Added by WinningTheGameOfBusiness on May 4, 2007 at 10:55pm — No Comments

A Group Writing Effort

Our writing group, Daedalus, has undertaken an interesting project. This group of five women college/high school professors plus me, meets monthly to critique each other's work. We are the distillate of probably three-dozen former members who came and went over the last twelve years. Our membership stabilized about five years ago and seems destined to continue into the…


Added by Bill Stephens on May 4, 2007 at 2:58pm — No Comments

Free Teleseminar: Recording Now Available

I just completed a 2-hour plus free teleseminar where I talked about why you would want to become a New York Times bestselling author. I then answered questions from the listeners. Great teleseminar. Worth listening to. Go here to listen to it: It's free to listen to it. Anytime within the next few weeks.

Added by John Kremer on May 3, 2007 at 9:46pm — No Comments

Print-on-Demand companies, Comparison, recommendations?

I will be using a Print on Demand service for most of the books we'll publish...

I was considering using BookSurge, because it is the one most closely associated with Amazon...but I ordered a few books that use BookSurge, and was not impressed with the quality of the look and feel of the books.

Have you used/compared the different print-on-demand options?

Any recommendations, based on the quality of the final…


Added by molly armstrong vargas on May 2, 2007 at 6:03pm — 9 Comments

To click or not to click

I am sure all of you have heard recently in the news about the car crash that involved the New Jersey Governor John Corizine. Corizine was badly injured and required multiple surgeries to treat his multiple injuries and was on a respirator for a while. Corizine’s injuries were a result of riding in the back seat of an SUV and he was…


Added by Darryl Williams on May 2, 2007 at 5:52pm — No Comments

May Day

It is that time of year that marks the anniversary of the protest, marches, and demonstrations in this county. These events that are in primarily Hispanics communities are used to show unity and support for Hispanic culture and issues. It is also used for many immigrants in the community to show their opposition to the state and federal laws that they consider to be unfair. Most of these…


Added by Darryl Williams on May 1, 2007 at 6:22pm — No Comments


John---Thanks for the succinct list of book publishing options in your current newsletter (05-01-07). I can offer one variant to the list: Starting your own publishing company, but letting a POD publisher, who will allow you to use your own imprint (and ISBN, if you want) but do the distribution, obtain ISBN & Bar Code, file for copyright, fulfillment and some marketing for you. To me, this seems a good option because it allows an individual presence while being efficient of time. I plan to… Continue

Added by T. R. Catanzarite on May 1, 2007 at 9:34am — 2 Comments

Marketing Ideas for Kids books (with a niche)?

My "jefe" and I are starting up a small publishing company for children's books, focusing on books with a distinctly Latin flavor for Hispanics in the US (we are working from Monterrey, Mexico).

Our first book (about Halloween/Day of the Dead) will be coming out this late summer.

But for marketing ideas...we're at square zero.

Any help out there?

Added by molly armstrong vargas on May 1, 2007 at 1:28am — 2 Comments

Selling Books on the New York City Subway

The following post is excerpted from Fred Gleeck's ezine, Fred Gleeck Insights. Fred is a great marketer. He tells a great story here:

I love New York! One of the days when I was running around like a chicken

with it's head cut off on the subway I saw this guy hawking something

further down the subway car. In my typical NYer style I averted my

gaze, hoping not be accosted to give him money.

Lucky I couldn't do it. I squinted…

Added by John Kremer on April 30, 2007 at 10:57pm — 1 Comment

Publishing Blues

My artist wife wrote a book for artists - Passion and Paint in Creating "Great Art". We did our own layout work using Microsoft Office Publisher, and a computer we had built especially for graphics work. I am printing the books on a Xerox laser printer and binding them with equipment from the Maping Co. in Finland. This has been an enjoyable process, and the finished product is quite satisfying. Marketing, to date, is neither enjoyable nor satisfying.

We "put together" a…


Added by John Dahlsten on April 30, 2007 at 10:38pm — No Comments

Looking for a distributor/need advice

Hello Everyone,

I am looking for a distributor. I do have the names of several, but it seems that most of the authors I speak to are not happy with the distributor they have. I have heard stories of books being sent back at the author's expense and not much of a profit being made.

Right now my book is only at and on my website, but I have had people email me telling me that they looked for it in Barnes and Noble and couldn't find it, so I guess now would be a good…


Added by Christina Rowe on April 30, 2007 at 5:57pm — 4 Comments

TLC for Parents of Seriously Ill Children Offers Hope to Cope

Author, Rita Gray, has “been there and felt that” as the mother of a seriously ill child. The terms “seriously ill child” and “emotional roller coaster” are synonymous. On September 25, 1996, she buckled her emotional roller coaster seat belt. “At times," she says, "the unforeseeable twists and turns of childhood cancer seemed to catapult me out of my seat. Eight words accurately describe this…


Added by Rita Gray on April 30, 2007 at 9:48am — No Comments

Death of Boris Yelsun

It is interesting to see the public reaction in Russia to the death of Boris Yelsun. If memory serves me correctly it was not long ago when the citizens of Russia did not have the privilege to many of the rights that they have access to today.…


Added by Darryl Williams on April 30, 2007 at 7:00am — No Comments


On a dreary Sunday afternoon, I have an idea. Morgan Mandell invited me to join her social network, and I did. Judi Lake and starinrose are committed to social networks. There a great many other such networks involving books and publishing in all facets. Most of us, or at least the authors, are trying to get into the elitist world of commercial publication by the major publishers. If we organized and told the commercial publishers that we would not buy any more of their books until they dealth… Continue

Added by T. R. Catanzarite on April 29, 2007 at 4:04pm — 2 Comments


Just when I thought that I could relax the muscles in my face that held my eyebrows in a permanent raised position do to the torrid details of the sexual abuse and sex scandals that has plagued the church especially the Catholic Church here in the our country over the past few years. I see that the morally upstanding good old boys of our religious institutions are in the news again. Over…


Added by Darryl Williams on April 29, 2007 at 6:30am — No Comments

Not only winning but sustainable winning

Sustainable Winning

Cause winning effects and you will double your thrivings

Lately, after releasing a book about learning and winning I have given a lot of thought to…


Added by Cristina Andersson on April 28, 2007 at 8:25am — No Comments


Now I am sure all of you are like me and have an opinion one way or the other about the fall out of the whole MSNBC and the firing of you know who for his comments “Nappy headed Hoes”. I just think that we all need to stay focus on the fundamental issue here. Individuals that are on the airways that are on public airways that are funded by the public can not say what they want. There is a…


Added by Darryl Williams on April 28, 2007 at 6:50am — No Comments

Book review request

I'm looking for some fellow authors or book industry experts to review my book.

I am looking to use the reviews on my website and in my marketing so if you have written a book too I'd be more than happy to include some info on your book next to your name. Could be good for your marketing too!

If you are interested, email me at and I can organise a free download version for you.

I look forward to hearing your comments!


Added by Rebecca Kepple on April 26, 2007 at 3:47pm — 2 Comments

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